Figure 5: Illustration of bus lines 24, 26 and 30 in Zilina.
Selected edges for installing overhead charging wires are
marked as red.
would be enough for deployment and operation of
such battery-assisted trolleybuses.
Performed computational tests demonstrate the
suboptimal approach on how to solve this problem
for selected vehicle schedules. According to the first
benchmark, we can see, that performed condition ad-
justment in the model can be beneficial for solving
similar problems. The presented solutions show that
around 20% coverage was needed for the operation
of such vehicles. We can see, that selected segments
were mostly in the centre of the city. This is caused
by the fact that most of the bus lines connect the city
centre with other areas.
We will try to improve our approach to future re-
search. Vehicle SOC needs to be preserved from the
end of a route to start of next one. After that, we will
be able to find optimal solutions for vehicle schedules.
Lastly, the route’s nodes number can have a seri-
ous impact on the solvability of the problem. There-
fore, in future research, we will try to combine nearby
route segments or simplify the peripheral edges (Gry-
gar and Kohani, 2019b). We will also investigate
other methods of creating a more efficient model.
Heuristic approach options may need to be considered
for large scale tasks as well.
The authors would like to thank VEGA 1/0689/19
”Optimal design and economically efficient charging
infrastructure deployment for electric buses in pub-
lic transportation of smart cities” and APVV-15-0179
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with uncertain functionality of critical elements.
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