In this paper, we addressed the problem of coali-
tion formation with constraints, where self-interested
agents have individual alternative sets to reach dif-
ferent goals.We introduced a new coalition forma-
tion mechanism enriched with several principles to
deal with the constraints of the agents and a Nested
Monte-Carlo based search algorithm. Thus, each
agent may have several possible solutions represented
in the form of sequential interdependent coalitions.
Our mechanism aims to allow each agent to take into
account the dependencies among its tasks, which lead
to inter-dependencies among possible coalitions, and
to keep an overall view of all of its possible solu-
tions throughout the coalition formation process. We
have detailed how the constraints are modeled as a
graph and how this graph is explored using the Nested
Monte-Carlo search. From the graph of constraints,
each agent gets its most preferred path of constraints
and constructs a coalition graph that is used to gener-
ate the coalitions to negotiate. We have detailed some
proprieties that the graphs satisfy. Then we have pre-
sented an empirical evaluation of the proposed mech-
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ICAART 2020 - 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence