Real-time Sign Detection and Recognition for Self-driving Mini Rovers
based on Template Matching and Hierarchical Decision Structure
Quang Nhat Nguyen Le, Abir Bhattacharyya, Mamen Thomas Chembakasseril and Ronny Hartanto
Faculty of Technology and Bionics, Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences, Kleve, Germany
Real-time Traffic Sign Detection and Recognition, Computer Vision, Autonomous Systems, Mini-rovers.
Sign detection and recognition play vital roles in the field of self-driving vehicles. The aim of this paper is to
introduce a real-time methodology that can be implemented on affordable single-board computers to classify
varied traffic signs from the camera feed. The approach is to detect and recognise the colour and shape of
the signs at first, then use the acquired information to access a hierarchy structure of the database in order
to extract features of pre-existing templates. Finally, the template matching algorithm is applied to compare
those features with potential Region Of Interest (ROI) based on a threshold value. We installed our system on a
mini rover and tested it on a control urban traffic scenario. The measurements showed processing time ranging
from 230ms to 800ms and 480ms to 1900ms on Jetson Nano and Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ respectively.
Two of the most essential skills for drivers who com-
mute on the roads are traffic signs detection and
recognition. Traffic signs provide information regard-
ing the state of the road (city road, urban road, pri-
ority road, etc.) or indicate the proper behaviours to
drivers and pedestrians (drive slowly, give way, stop,
yield, etc.). While human drivers can perform consid-
erably well those tasks, the accuracy of their decisions
can be affected by many subjective/objective factors
such as physical condition (e.g. tired, drug effect, bad
mood, etc.), environment conditions (snow, rain, ex-
treme illumination, etc.) (Fletcher et al., 2003). In
addition, self-driving vehicles have generated signif-
icant research interest in the last few years as a solu-
tion to resolve traffic congestion, traffic emission as
well as enhance safety and efficiency in daily com-
mute and logistic(Dobrev et al., 2017). Nevertheless,
few researchers have addressed the problem of traf-
fic sign detection and recognition in self-driving vehi-
cles and the analysis of adapting those methods in the
dynamic of physical vehicles. Therefore, the require-
ment of a real-time and reliable tool for sign detection
and recognition is critically crucial.
The motivation of this paper is to develop an au-
tonomous self-driving mini rover for the autonomous
vehicle traffic competition – JRC AUTOTRAC 2020:
How the future road transport will look like? (Catta-
neo, 2019). In this competition, there would be an
urban simulation scenario in which the rover must
follow the instruction of traffic signs but still main-
tain the correct paths and avoid crashes with other
rovers. The rover should not exceed the dimension
of 150x200x200mm and weight of 2kg. (Fig. 1).
Several approaches regarding traffic sign detec-
tion and recognition were illustrated in the last decade
such as Support Vector Machine (SVM) (Maldonado-
Bascon et al., 2007) (Greenhalgh and Mirmehdi,
2012), Neural Networks (NNs) (Chiung-Yao Fang
et al., 2003), You Only Look Once (YOLO) (Zhang
et al., 2017), Template matching base on priori knowl-
edge(Piccioli et al., 1996). State of the art meth-
ods including Machine Learning (SVM, NNs, YOLO,
etc.) have demonstrated their outstanding perfor-
mance, however, they either require a bulky stationery
processing unit or might be problematic in real-time
application (Chen et al., 2014). Due to the fact that
our robot - Hammy is a small mobile rover which
travels in scale model of control urban environment,
plus there are a limited number of traffic signs need
to be classified in the competition, we developed a
system which did not demand excessive computation
and was able to perform adequately on common em-
bedded systems such as Jetson Nano and Raspberry
Pi 3 Model B+.
In this paper, a system for traffic sign detection
and recognition based mainly on template matching
and other techniques of Computer Vision is intro-
duced. Later, experiments of this system on Hammy
Le, Q., Bhattacharyya, A., Chembakasseril, M. and Hartanto, R.
Real-time Sign Detection and Recognition for Self-driving Mini Rovers based on Template Matching and Hierarchical Decision Structure.
DOI: 10.5220/0008969702080215
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2020) - Volume 1, pages 208-215
ISBN: 978-989-758-395-7; ISSN: 2184-433X
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved