Deep Learning Approach to Diabetic Retinopathy Detection
Borys Tymchenko
1 a
, Philip Marchenko
2 b
and Dmitry Spodarets
3 c
Institute of Computer Systems, Odessa National Polytechnic University, Shevchenko av. 1, Odessa, Ukraine
Department of Optimal Control and Economical Cybernetics, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Information
Technology, Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University, Dvoryanskaya str. 2, Odessa, Ukraine
VITech Lab, Rishelevska St, 33, Odessa, Ukraine
Deep Learning, Diabetic Retinopathy, Deep Convolutional Neural Network, Multi-target Learning, Ordinal
Regression, Classification, SHAP, Kaggle, APTOS.
Diabetic retinopathy is one of the most threatening complications of diabetes that leads to permanent blindness
if left untreated. One of the essential challenges is early detection, which is very important for treatment
success. Unfortunately, the exact identification of the diabetic retinopathy stage is notoriously tricky and
requires expert human interpretation of fundus images. Simplification of the detection step is crucial and
can help millions of people. Convolutional neural networks (CNN) have been successfully applied in many
adjacent subjects, and for diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy itself. However, the high cost of big labeled
datasets, as well as inconsistency between different doctors, impede the performance of these methods. In
this paper, we propose an automatic deep-learning-based method for stage detection of diabetic retinopathy
by single photography of the human fundus. Additionally, we propose the multistage approach to transfer
learning, which makes use of similar datasets with different labeling. The presented method can be used
as a screening method for early detection of diabetic retinopathy with sensitivity and specificity of 0.99 and
is ranked 54 of 2943 competing methods (quadratic weighted kappa score of 0.925466) on APTOS 2019
Blindness Detection Dataset (13000 images).
Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is one of the most threat-
ening complications of diabetes in which damage oc-
curs to the retina and causes blindness. It damages the
blood vessels within the retinal tissue, causing them
to leak fluid and distort vision. Along with diseases
leading to blindness, such as cataracts and glaucoma,
DR is one of the most frequent ailments, according to
the US, UK, and Singapore statistics (NCHS, 2019;
NCBI, 2018; SNEC, 2019).
DR progresses with four stages:
Mild non-proliferative retinopathy, the earliest
stage, where only microaneurysms can occur;
Moderate non-proliferative retinopathy, a stage
which can be described by losing the blood ves-
sels’ ability of blood transportation due to their
distortion and swelling with the progress of the
Severe non-proliferative retinopathy results in de-
prived blood supply to the retina due to the in-
creased blockage of more blood vessels, hence
signaling the retina for the growing of fresh blood
Proliferative diabetic retinopathy is the advanced
stage, where the growth features secreted by the
retina activate proliferation of the new blood ves-
sels, growing along inside covering of retina in
some vitreous gel, filling the eye.
Each stage has its characteristics and particular
properties, so doctors possibly could not take some
of them into account, and thus make an incorrect di-
agnosis. So this leads to the idea of creation of an
automatic solution for DR detection.
At least 56% of new cases of this disease could be
reduced with proper and timely treatment and mon-
itoring of the eyes (Rohan T, 1989). However, the
initial stage of this ailment has no warning signs, and
it becomes a real challenge to detect it on the early
start. Moreover, well-trained clinicians sometimes
Tymchenko, B., Marchenko, P. and Spodarets, D.
Deep Learning Approach to Diabetic Retinopathy Detection.
DOI: 10.5220/0008970805010509
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2020), pages 501-509
ISBN: 978-989-758-397-1; ISSN: 2184-4313
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
could not manually examine and evaluate the stage
from diagnostic images of a patient’s fundus (accord-
ing to Google’s research (Krause et al., 2017), see
Figure 1). At the same time, doctors will most of-
ten agree when lesions are apparent. Furthermore,
existing ways of diagnosing are quite inefficient due
to their duration time, and the number of ophthalmol-
ogists included in patient’s problem solution. Such
sources of disagreement cause wrong diagnoses and
unstable ground-truth for automatic solutions, which
were provided to help in the research stage.
Figure 1: Google showed that ophtalmologists’ diagnoses
differ for same fundus image. Best viewed in color.
Thus, algorithms for DR detection began to ap-
pear. The first algorithms were based on different
classical algorithms from computer vision and set-
ting thresholds (Michael D. Abrmoff and Quellec,
2010; Christopher E.Hann, 2009; Nathan Silberman
and Subramanian, 2010). Nevertheless, in the past
few years, deep learning approaches have proved their
superiority over other algorithms in tasks of classifi-
cation and object detection (Harry Pratt, 2016). In
particular, convolutional neural networks (CNN) have
been successfully applied in many adjacent subjects
and for diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy itself (Shao-
hua Wan, 2018; Harry Pratt, 2016).
In 2019, APTOS (Asia Pacific Tele-
Ophthalmology Society) and competition ML
platform Kaggle challenged ML and DL researchers
to develop a five-class DR automatic diagnosing solu-
tion (APTOS 2019 Blindness Detection Dataset). In
this paper, we propose the transfer learning approach
and an automatic method for detection of the stage
of diabetic retinopathy by single photography of the
human fundus. This approach is able to learn useful
features even from a noisy and small dataset and
could be used as a DR stages screening method in
automatic solutions. Also, this method was ranked 54
of 2943 different methods on APTOS 2019 Blindness
Detection Competition and achieved the quadratic
weighted kappa score of 0.92546.
Many research efforts have been devoted to the prob-
lem of early diabetic retinopathy detection. First of
all, researchers were trying to use classical methods
of computer vision and machine learning to provide
a suitable solution to this problem. For instance,
Priya et al. (Priya and Aruna, 2012) proposed a
computer-vision-based approach for the detection of
diabetic retinopathy stages using color fundus images.
They tried to extract features from the raw image, us-
ing the image processing techniques, and fed them
to the SVM for binary classification and achieved a
sensitivity of 98%, specificity 96%, and accuracy of
97.6% on a testing set of 250 images. Also, other re-
searchers tried to fit other models for multiclass clas-
sification, e.g., applying PCA to images and fitting
decision trees, naive Bayes, or k-NN (Conde et al.,
2012) with best results 73.4% of accuracy, and 68.4%
for F-measure while using a dataset of 151 images
with different resolutions.
With the growing popularity of deep learning-
based approaches, several methods that apply CNNs
to this problem appeared. Pratt et al. (Harry Pratt,
2016) developed a network with CNN architecture
and data augmentation, which can identify the intri-
cate features involved in the classification task such
as micro-aneurysms, exudate, and hemorrhages in the
retina and consequently provide a diagnosis automat-
ically and without user input. They achieved a sen-
sitivity of 95% and an accuracy of 75% on 5,000
validation images. Also, there are other works on
CNNs from other researchers (Carson Lam and Lind-
sey, 2018; Yung-Hui Li and Chung, 2019). It is use-
ful to note that Asiri et al. reviewed a significant
amount of methods and datasets available, highlight-
ing their pros and cons (Asiri et al., 2018). Besides,
they pointed out the challenges to be addressed in de-
signing and learning about efficient and robust deep-
learning algorithms for various problems in DR diag-
nosis and drew attention to directions for future re-
Other researchers also tried to make transfer learn-
ing with CNN architectures. Hagos et al. (Hagos
and Kant, 2019) tried to train InceptionNet V3 for 5-
class classification with pretrain on ImageNet dataset
and achieved accuracy of 90.9%. Sarki et al. (Ru-
bina Sarki, 2019) tried to train ResNet50, Xception
Nets, DenseNets and VGG with ImageNet pretrain
and achieved best accuracy of 81.3%. Both teams
of researchers used datasets, which were provided by
APTOS and Kaggle.
ICPRAM 2020 - 9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
3.1 Datasets
The image data used in this research was taken from
several datasets. We used an open dataset from Kag-
gle Diabetic Retinopathy Detection Challenge 2015
(EyePACs, 2015) for pretraining our CNNs. This
dataset is the largest available publicly. It consists
of 35126 fundus photographs for left and right eyes
of American citizens labeled with stages of diabetic
No diabetic retinopathy (label 0)
Mild diabetic retinopathy (label 1)
Moderate diabetic retinopathy (label 2)
Severe diabetic retinopathy (label 3)
Proliferative diabetic retinopathy (label 4)
In addition, we used other smaller datasets: In-
dian Diabetic Retinopathy Image Dataset (IDRiD)
(Sahasrabuddhe and Meriaudeau, 2018), from which
we used 413 photographs of the fundus, and MES-
SIDOR (Methods to Evaluate Segmentation and In-
dexing Techniques in the field of Retinal Ophthal-
mology) (Decencire et al., 2014) dataset, from which
we used 1200 fundus photographs. As the origi-
nal MESSIDOR dataset has different grading from
other datasets, we used the version that was relabeled
to standard grading by a panel of ophthalmologists
(Google Brain, 2018).
As the evaluation was performed on Kaggle AP-
TOS 2019 Blindness Detection (APTOS2019) dataset
(APTOS, 2019), we had access only to the training
part of it. The full dataset consists of 18590 fundus
photographs, which are divided into 3662 training,
1928 validation, and 13000 testing images by organiz-
ers of Kaggle competition. All datasets have similar
distributions of classes; distribution for APTOS2019
is shown in Figure 2.
As different datasets have a similar distribution,
we considered it as a fundamental property of this
type of data. We did no modifications to the dataset
distribution (undersampling, oversampling, etc.).
The smallest native size among all of the datasets
is 640x480. Sample image from APTOS2019 is
shown in Figure 3.
3.2 Evaluation Metric
In this research, we used quadratic weighted Co-
hen’s kappa score as our main metric. Kappa score
measures the agreement between two ratings. The
quadratic weighted kappa is calculated between the
Figure 2: Classes distribution in APTOS2019 dataset.
Figure 3: Sample of fundus photo from the dataset.
scores assigned by the human rater and the predicted
scores. This metric varies from -1 (complete disagree-
ment between raters) to 1 (complete agreement be-
tween raters). The definition of κ is:
κ = 1
i j
i j
i j
i j
, (1)
where k is the number of categories, o
i j
, and e
i j
are elements in the observed, and expected matrices
respectively. w
i j
is calculated as following:
i j
(i j)
(k 1)
, (2)
Due to Cohens Kappa properties, researchers must
carefully interpret this ratio. For instance, if we con-
sider two pairs of raters with the same percentage of
an agreement, but different proportions of ratings, we
should know, that it will drastically affect the Kappa
Another problem is the number of codes: as the
number of codes grows, Kappa becomes higher. Also,
Kappa may be low even though there are high levels
of agreement, and even though individual ratings are
accurate. All things mentioned above make Kappa a
volatile ratio to analyze.
Deep Learning Approach to Diabetic Retinopathy Detection
The main reason to use the Kappa ratio is that
we do not have access to labels of validation and test
datasets. Kappa value for these datasets is obtained by
submitting our model and runner’s code to the check-
ing system on the Kaggle site. Moreover, we do not
have explicit access to images from the test dataset.
Along with the Kappa score, we calculate macro
F1- score, accuracy, sensitivity, specificity on holdout
dataset of 736 images taken from APTOS2019 train-
ing data.
The diabetic retinopathy detection problem can be
viewed from several angles: as a classification prob-
lem, as a regression problem, and as an ordinal regres-
sion problem (Ananth and Kleinbaum, 1997). This is
possible because stages of the disease come sequen-
4.1 Preprocessing
Model training and validation were performed with
preprocessed versions of the original images. The
preprocessing consisted of image cropping followed
by resizing.
Due to the way APTOS2019 was collected, there
are spurious correlations between the disease stage
and several image meta-features, e.g., resolution, crop
type, zoom level, or overall brightness. Correlation
matrix is shown in Figure 4.
To make CNN be able not to overfit to these fea-
tures and to reduce correlations between image con-
tent and its meta-features, we used a high amount of
augmentations. Additionally, as we do not have ac-
cess to the test dataset both in the competition and in
real life, we decided to show as much data variance as
possible to models.
4.2 Data Augmentation
We used online augmentations, at least one augmenta-
tion was applied to the training image before inputting
to the CNN. We used following augmentations from
Albumentations (A. Buslaev and Kalinin, 2018) li-
brary: optical distortion, grid distortion, piecewise
affine transform, horizontal flip, vertical flip, ran-
dom rotation, random shift, random scale, a shift of
RGB values, random brightness and contrast, additive
Gaussian noise, blur, sharpening, embossing, random
gamma, and cutout (Devries and Taylor, 2017).
Figure 4: Spurious correlations between meta-features and
4.3 Network Architecture
We aim to classify each fundus photograph accu-
rately. We build our neural networks using conven-
tional deep CNN architecture, which has a feature ex-
tractor and smaller decoder for a specific task (head).
However, training the encoder from scratch is dif-
ficult, especially given the small amount of training
data. Thus, we use an Imagenet-pretrained CNNs
as initialization for encoder (Iglovikov and Shvets,
We propose the multi-task learning approach to
detect diabetic retinopathy. We use three decoders.
Each is trained to solve its task based on features ex-
tracted with CNN backbone:
classification head,
regression head,
ordinal regression head.
Here, classification head outputs a one-hot en-
coded vector, where the presence of each stage is rep-
resented as 1. Regression head outputs real number
in the range [0, 4.5), which is then rounded to an in-
teger that represents the disease stage. For the ordi-
nal regression head, we use the approach described in
(Cheng, 2007). Briefly, if the data point falls into cat-
egory k, it automatically falls into all categories from
0 to k 1. So, this head aims to predict all categories
up to the target. The final prediction is obtained by
fitting a linear regression model to outputs of three
heads. Neural network structure is shown in Figure 5.
We train all heads and the feature extractor jointly
in order to reduce training time. We keep the linear
regression model frozen until the post-training stage.
ICPRAM 2020 - 9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Figure 5: Three-head CNN structure.
4.4 Training Process
We use a multi-stage training process with different
settings and datasets in every stage.
4.4.1 Pretraining
We found out that labeling schemes are inconsistent
between datasets, so we decided to use the largest
one (2015 data) to pretrain our CNNs. Using trans-
fer learning is possible because the natural features of
the diabetic retinopathy are consistent between differ-
ent people and do not depend on the dataset.
In addition, different datasets are collected on dif-
ferent equipment. Incorporation of this knowledge
into the model increases its ability to generalize and
elevates the importance of natural features by reduc-
ing sensitivity to instrument noise.
We initialize feature extractor with weights from
Imagenet-pretrained CNN. Heads are initialized with
random weights (He et al., 2015). We train a model
for 20 epochs on 2015 data with minibatch-SGD and
cosine-annealing learning rate schedule (Loshchilov
and Hutter, 2016).
Every head is minimizing its loss function: cross-
entropy for classification head, binary cross-entropy
for ordinal regression head, and mean absolute error
for regression head.
After pretraining, we use encoder weights as ini-
tialization for subsequent stages. In our experiments,
we observed the consistent improvement of metrics
when we substituted weights of heads with random
initialization before the main training, so we discard
trained heads.
4.4.2 Main Training
The main training is performed on 2019 data, IDRID,
and MESSIDOR combined. Starting with weights ob-
tained in the pretraining stage, we performed 5-fold
cross-validation and evaluated models on the holdout
At this stage, we change loss functions for heads:
Focal Loss (Lin et al., 2017) for classification head,
binary Focal Loss (Lin et al., 2017) for ordinal re-
gression head and mean-squared error for regression
We trained each fold for 75 epochs using Recti-
fied Adam optimizer (Liyuan Liu, 2019), with cosine
annealing learning rate schedule. To save pretrained
weights while new heads are in a random state, we
disabled training (froze) of the encoder for ve epochs
while training heads only.
During the main training, we monitor separability
in feature space generated by the encoder. We gener-
ate 2-dimensional embeddings with T-SNE (van der
Maaten and Hinton, 2008) and visualize them in the
validation phase for manual control of training perfor-
mance. Figure 6 shows T-SNE of embeddings labeled
with ground truth data and predicted classes. From
the picture, it can be seen that images with no signs
of DR are separable with a large margin from other
images that have any sign of DR. Additionally, stages
of DR come sequentially in embedding space, which
corresponds to semantics in real diagnoses.
4.4.3 Post-training
In the post-training stage, we only fit the linear regres-
sion model to outputs of different heads.
We found it essential to keep it from updating dur-
ing previous stages because otherwise, it converges
to the suboptimal local minima with weights of two
heads close to zero. These coefficients prevent gra-
Deep Learning Approach to Diabetic Retinopathy Detection
Figure 6: Feature embeddings with T-SNE. Ground truth
(top) and predicted (bottom) classes. Best viewed in color.
dients of updating corresponding heads’ weights and
further discourage network of converging.
Initial weights for every head were set to 1/3 and
then trained for ve epochs to minimize mean squared
error function.
Difference between prediction distributions of re-
gression head and linear regression outputs is show
on Figure 7.
4.4.4 Regularization
At training time, we regularize our models for bet-
ter robustness. We use conventional methods, e.g.,
weight decay (Krogh and Hertz, 1992) and dropout.
Also, we penalize the network for overconfident pre-
dictions by using label smoothing (Szegedy et al.,
Additionally to label smoothing for classifica-
Figure 7: Output distributions for regression head and com-
bination of heads.
tion and ordinal regression heads, we propose label
smoothing scheme for linear regression head. It can
be used if it is known that underlying targets are dis-
crete. We add random uniform noise to discrete tar-
= T +
Where T
is smoothed target label, T is the orig-
inal label, and U is the uniform distribution. In this
case, a = b =
and T
are neighbouring
discrete target labels.
Applying this smoothing scheme, we could reduce
the importance of wrong labeling.
4.4.5 Ensembling
For final scoring, we ensembled models with 3
encoder architectures at different resolution that
scored best on the holdout dataset : EfficientNet-B4
(380x380), EfficientNet-B5 (456x456) (Tan and Le,
2019), SE-ResNeXt50 (380x380 and 512x512) (Hu
et al., 2017).
Our best performing solution is an ensemble of 20
models (4 architectures x 5 folds) with test-time aug-
mentations (horizontal flip, vertical flip, transpose,
rotate, zoom). Overall, this scheme generated 200
predictions per one fundus image. These predictions
were averaged with a 0.25-trimmed mean to eliminate
ICPRAM 2020 - 9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
outliers from possibly overfitted models. A trimmed
mean is used to filter out outliers to reduce variance.
We used Catalyst framework (Kolesnikov, 2018)
based on PyTorch (Paszke et al., 2017) with GPU
support. Evaluation of the whole ensemble was per-
formed on Nvidia P100 GPU in 9 hours, processing
2.5 seconds per image.
As experimental results, we provide two tables with
metrics, which were mentioned in the Evaluation
paragraph. The first table is about results that we have
got from local validation without TTA (Table 1), and
the second is with TTA (Table 2).
Our test stage was split into two parts: local test-
ing and Kaggle testing. As we found locally, the en-
sembling method is the best one, and we evaluated it
on Kaggle validation and test datasets.
On a local dataset of 736 images, ensembling
with TTA performed slightly worse than without it.
Ensemble with TTA performed better on the testing
dataset of 13000 images as it has a better ability to
generalize on unseen images.
Ensembles scored 0.818462/0.924746 valida-
tion/test QWK score for a trimmed mean ensemble
without TTA and 0.826567/0.925466 QWK score for
trimmed mean ensemble with TTA.
Additionally, we evaluated binary classification
(DR/No DR) to check the best model’s quality as a
screening method (see Tables 1 and 2, last row)
The ensemble with TTA showed its stability in the
final scoring, keeping consistent rank (58 and 54 of
2943) on validation and testing datasets, respectively.
In medical applications, it is important to be able to
interpret models’ predictions. As a good performance
of the validation dataset can be a measure to select the
best-trained model for production, it is insufficient for
real-life use of this model.
By using SHAP (Shapley Additive exPlanations)
(Lundberg and Lee, 2017), it is possible to visualize
features that contribute to the assessment of the dis-
ease stage. SHAP unites several previous methods
and represents the only possible consistent and locally
accurate additive feature attribution method based.
Using SHAP allows ensuring that the model learns
useful features during training, as well as uses correct
features at inference time. Furthermore, in uncertain
cases, visualization of salient features can assist the
physician to focus on regions of interest where fea-
tures are the most noticeable.
In Figure 8, we show an example visualization of
SHAP values for one of the models from the ensem-
ble. Red color denotes features that increase the out-
put value for a given class, and blue color denotes fea-
tures that decrease the output value for a given class.
Overall intensity of the features denotes the saliency
of the given region for the classification process.
Figure 8: Shap analysis of sample images. Best viewed in
Deep Learning Approach to Diabetic Retinopathy Detection
Table 1: Results of experiments and metrics tracked, without using TTA.
Model QWK Macro F1 Accuracy Sensitivity Specificity
EfficientNet-B4 0.965 0.811 0.903 0.812 0.976
EfficientNet-B5 0.963 0.815 0.907 0.807 0.977
SE-ResNeXt50 (512x512) 0.969 0.854 0.924 0.871 0.982
SE-ResNeXt50 (380x380) 0.960 0.788 0.892 0.785 0.974
Ensemble (mean) 0.968 0.840 0.921 0.8448 0.981
Ensemble (trimmed mean) 0.971 0.862 0.929 0.860 0.983
Ensemble (trimmed mean, binary classification) 0.981 0.989 0.986 0.991 0.991
Table 2: Results of experiments and metrics tracked, with using TTA.
Model QWK Macro F1 Accuracy Sensitivity Specificity
EfficientNet-B4 0.966 0.806 0.902 0.809 0.977
EfficientNet-B5 0.963 0.812 0.902 0.807 0.976
SE-ResNeXt50 (512x512) 0.971 0.853 0.928 0.868 0.983
SE-ResNeXt50 (380x380) 0.962 0.799 0.899 0.798 0.976
Ensemble (mean) 0.968 0.827 0.917 0.828 0.980
Ensemble (trimmed mean) 0.969 0.840 0.919 0.840 0.981
Ensemble (trimmed mean, binary classification) 0.986 0.993 0.993 0.993 0.993
In this paper, we proposed the multistage transfer
learning approach and an automatic method for de-
tection of the stage of diabetic retinopathy by single
photography of the human fundus. We have used an
ensemble of 3 CNN architectures (EfficientNet-B4,
EfficientNet-B5, SE- ResNeXt50) and made transfer
learning for our final solution. The experimental re-
sults show that the proposed method achieves high
and stable results even with unstable metric. The main
advantage of this method is that it increases general-
ization and reduces variance by using an ensemble of
the networks, pretrained on a large dataset, and fine-
tuned on the target dataset. The future work can ex-
tend this method with the calculation of SHAP for
the whole ensemble, not only for a particular net-
work, and with more accurate hyperparameter opti-
mization. Besides, we can do experiments using pre-
trained encoders on other connected to eye ailments
tasks. Also, it is possible to investigate meta-learning
(Nichol et al., 2018) with these models, but realized
that it requires the separate in-depth research.
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