module is presented. Adding OAuth 2.0 security fea-
ture was one of the major steps taken to improve the
existing security module. However, the requirements,
the core design decisions, and the code structure are
conceived to be generally applicable to other systems,
providing a solid foundation for a further abstraction
and generality of the used approach.
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ken (JWT) in the O-MI reference implementation to
achieve good performance and portability. With JWT,
there is no session to manage as the security informa-
tion is digitally signed and self-contained in the token,
which makes the system stateless. Further, the work
will be extended to reduce network round trip time by
sharing user ID between OAuth 2.0 and Access Con-
trol module, instead of retrieving the ID from autho-
rization module.
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An OAuth-based Authentication Mechanism for Open Messaging Interface Standard