On Analyzing Third-party Tracking via Machine Learning
Alfonso Guarino, Delfina Malandrino, Rocco Zaccagnino, Federico Cozza and Antonio Rapuano
Department of Computer Science, University of Salerno, Via Giovanni Paolo II, 84084 Fisciano (SA), Italy
Privacy, Third Party Tracking, Machine Learning.
Nowadays, websites rely on services provided by third party sites to track users and offer personalized expe-
riences. However, this practice threatens the privacy of individuals through the use of valuable information to
create a digital personal profile. The existing client-side countermeasures to protect privacy, exhibit perfor-
mance issues, mainly due to the use of blacklisting mechanisms (list of resources to be filtered out).
In this paper, we study the use of machine learning methods to classify the thirdy-party privacy intrusive re-
sources (trackers). To this end, we first downloaded (browsing Alexa’s Top 10 websites for each category like
sports, shopping etc.) a dataset of 1000 web resources split into functional and tracking, and then we identified
suitable metrics to distinguish between the two classes. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed
metrics we have compared the performances of several machine learning models based on supervised learning
among the most used in literature. As a result, we obtained that the Random Forest can classify functional and
tracking resources with an accuracy of 91%.
One of the main goal of websites is to provide on-
line personalized experiences. To this end, a com-
mon practice is to rely on services provided by third
party companies to monitor daily activities of In-
ternet users. Any interaction enabled and mediated
by ICT, is recorded and stored by third party com-
panies (3rd-party, from now on) to create a finger-
print of our digital identity: social network activities,
Google searches, credit card purchases, Netflix pref-
erences, health-related information, or searches on
online shops. Specifically, 3rd-party companies (e.g.,
aggregators, analytics, marketing companies, com-
mercial data brokers etc.) monitor Web users in sev-
eral ways: advertisements, analytics functionalities,
social widgets, Web bug, standard HTTP headers,
etc (Malandrino and Scarano, 2013). Such monitor-
ing is enabled by stealth 3rd-party trackers embedded
in the web pages, for purposes such as targeted adver-
tising (Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB), 2019),
predicting trends, generating enormous benefits at the
expense of users’ privacy (Binns et al., 2018).
Nowadays, privacy violation caused by 3rd-party
tracking has become a pervasive problem (Krishna-
murthy and Wills, 2010), and a huge effort has been
made to protect users’ privacy against online track-
ing. Among these, anti-tracking technology based
on blacklists is most effective (Mayer and Mitchell,
2012). Many commercial privacy preserving tools
, DoNotTrackMe
, Ghostery
) are based
on blacklists. They generate blacklists offline and
block requests to the URLs if it is included in the
blacklist. The main disadvantage of such a technique
is the maintainance and performance (D’Ambrosio
et al., 2017). In fact, this method highly depends on
the records in the blacklist. which needs to be updated
regularly because a tracking company can adopt new
domains to track users (Pan et al., 2015).
In this paper, we propose the use of machine learn-
ing methods to classify trackers on the Web. Machine
learning is based on methods that can learn from data
without relying on rules-based programming
. As ex-
plained in (Domingos, 2012), “it can figure out how
to perform important tasks by generalizing from ex-
amples in a dataset”. In this work we focus on the
classification of every type of 3rd-party tracking re-
source. To this end, we first dowloaded a set of Web
resources by browsing Alexa’s Top 10 websites
each category (shopping, sports, etc.), second we en-
ginnered a set of metrics suitable to distinguish be-
Guarino, A., Malandrino, D., Zaccagnino, R., Cozza, F. and Rapuano, A.
On Analyzing Third-party Tracking via Machine Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0008972005320539
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2020), pages 532-539
ISBN: 978-989-758-399-5; ISSN: 2184-4356
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
tween functional and tracking resources; those met-
rics are based on HTTP traffic. In order to evalu-
ate the effectiveness of the proposed metrics, as pro-
posed in (Rzecki et al., 2017a; Cosimato et al., 2019;
Deeba et al., 2016), we have compared the perfor-
mance of several machine learning models based on
supervised learning among the most used in litera-
ture, i.e., Naive Bayes (Maron, 1961), Random For-
est (Breiman, 2001), MultiLayer Perceptron (Rumel-
hart et al., 1988), C4.5 (Quinlan, 2014), and Support
Vector Machine (Wang, 2005). As best result, the
Random Forest can classify functional and tracking
resources with an accuracy of 91%.
The paper is structured as follows: Section 2 pro-
vides the background of the paper, Section 3 is about
related work in the field of Web privacy, Section 4 de-
tails our approach to classify 3rd-party trackers, Sec-
tion 5 includes final remarks and future steps of this
Machine Learning. In the last decade, machine
learning (Bishop, 2006) joined a number of emerg-
ing studies (Rzecki et al., 2017a; Rahwan et al., 2019;
Butler et al., 2018; Camacho et al., 2018) in differ-
ent science areas, ranging from chemistry (Wu et al.,
2018) to law science (Hanke and Thiesse, 2017), to
music (Cosimato et al., 2019).
One of the main techniques to use machine learn-
ing requires to train the model through a supervised
learning. A supervised learning algorithm analyzes
the training data and produces an inferred function,
which can be used for mapping new samples. The
classification (our problem in the following) is the
task of approximating a mapping function ( f ) from
input variables (X) to discrete output variables (y).
The output variables are often called labels or classes.
In our analysis, the mapping function that has to pre-
dict the label or class for a given observation, i.e.,
whether a Web resource can be classified as “track-
ing” or “functional”.
Several machine learning models have been used
for classification problems. We briefly describe the
ones that we use in this paper. For further details
about machine learning we refer the reader to (Hall
et al., 2009). The models we use are implemented in
Weka library (Hall et al., 2009): NaiveBayes classi-
fier, Random Forest, Support Vector Machines, Mul-
tiLayer Perceptron, and J48 classifier.
NaiveBayes (NB): a simple probabilistic classifier
based on applying Bayes’ theorem with strong
(naive) independence assumptions between the
features (Maron, 1961).
Random Forest (RF): is a supervised classification
algorithm which consists of an ensemble of meth-
ods based on bagging (Breiman, 2001).
Support Vector Machines (SVM): is a supervised
learning model with associated learning algo-
rithms (Wang, 2005).
MultiLayer Perceptron (MLP): is a feedforward
artificial neural network that exploits a super-
vised learning technique called backpropaga-
tion (Rumelhart et al., 1988) for training.
J48: it is the Weka implementation (Quinlan,
2014) of the more famous C4.5 classifier (Quin-
lan, 2014).
There exist several metrics for evaluating scores
of machine learning models. In this work we used the
accuracy (Swets, 1988; Hossin and Sulaiman, 2015)
like in (Cosimato et al., 2019; Rzecki et al., 2017b;
acs et al., 2016; Shaw et al., 2020). Informally,
accuracy is the fraction of classifications our model
got right; formally it is defined as
accuracy =
(t p + tn)
(t p + tn + f p + f n)
where t p, f n, f p, and tn are the number of true
positives, false negatives, false positives and true neg-
atives, respectively.
Web Tracking and HTTP Header. A typical
webpage consists of several Web-components, e.g.,
JavaScript programs, Flash-content, images, CSS,
etc. When a user opens a website in a Web browser,
the fetched webpage always generates several other
HTTP(S) connections to download additional com-
ponents of the webpage. These components can be
downloaded from the website visited by the user or
downloaded from other 3rd-party domains. Here, we
focus on one type of Web-component which is loaded
from 3rd-party domains through the previously men-
tioned HTTP requests.
HTTP header fields are components of the header
section of request and response messages in the Hy-
pertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). They define the op-
erating parameters of an HTTP transaction. A few
fields can contain also comments (i.e., in User-Agent,
Server, Via fields), which can be ignored by soft-
. Many field values may contain a key-value
pair separated by equals sign. HTTP headers con-
tain different fields that can be used to track users’
On Analyzing Third-party Tracking via Machine Learning
identity. For instance: (i) Referer: indicates what re-
source requested an element of the Web page (Ma-
landrino and Scarano, 2013); (ii) From: used when
the requested resource has to confirm the identity of
an account, it can contain user’s email; (iii) User-
Agent: it contains information about the user’s ma-
chine, browser, and language; (iv) Cookie: indicates
the value of cookies previously set in order to store
user’s information such as browsing habits.
Existing Privacy Mechanisms. Although Web track-
ing has garnered much attention, no effective defense
system has been proposed. In (Roesner et al., 2012)
authors proposed a tool called ShareMeNot, but it can
only protect users against social media button track-
ing, a small subset of threats. Disabling script execu-
provides protection at the cost of pages failing to
open or render properly (Krishnamurthy et al., 2011).
The Do Not Track (DNT) header requires tracker
compliance and cannot effectively protect users from
tracking in reality (Gervais et al., 2017). The most
effective method to defend against 3rd-party track-
ing is based on blacklists, and most commercial anti-
tracking tools Ghostery, and AdBlock are based on
Existing Machine Learning-based Privacy Mecha-
nisms. Recently, a number of works focused mainly
on advertisement content (Kushmerick, 1999; Orr
et al., 2012; Bhagavatula et al., 2014) or more in
depth on tailoring the advertisement on the Web (Had-
dadi et al., 2010; Toubiana et al., 2010; Guha et al.,
2011; Liu and Simpson, 2016; Parra-Arnau et al.,
2017; Parra-Arnau, 2017). Specifically, in (Kushm-
erick, 1999) authors, for the first time, employed ma-
chine learning techniques to block online advertise-
ments, using the C4.5 classification scheme. In (Orr
et al., 2012) authors trained a classifier for detect-
ing advertisements being loaded via JavaScript code.
In this study, they manually labeled advertisement-
related JavaScript code. Authors in (Bhagavatula
et al., 2014) presented a technique for detecting ad-
vertisement resources exploiting the k-nearest neigh-
bors classification (Peterson, 2009) leveraging on the
EasyList (blacklist used by AdBlock). More recently,
authors in (Parra-Arnau et al., 2017) proposed a Web-
browser extension, which enables users to configure
their own access policies to enforce a smart blocking
over advertising platforms. Authors evolved the Web-
browser extension in (Parra-Arnau, 2017) by adding a
functionality that blocks or allows advertisements de-
pending on the economic compensation provided by
the adverting platforms to the users.
The main difference with previous studies in lit-
erature is that we focus on classifying tracking be-
haviours from functional behaviours independently
from the resource (analytic, tracking, advertisement).
Other works have focused, like us, on classifying
via machine learning not only advertising content but
JavaScript programs and other kind of resources. For
instance, from one hand, in (Ikram et al., 2017) au-
thors propose a One-Class SVM classifier to distin-
guish between functional and tracking JavaScript pro-
grams. The classifier is feed with semantic represen-
tation of the JavaScript programs, i.e., the semantic
information associated with the abstract sintax tree
of the JavaScript code, and is capable to provide up
to 97% accuracy in the classification task. The main
difference with this work is that we aim to develop
our solution in a client-side browser extension, thus
we need to reduce at minimum the computation time,
while in (Ikram et al., 2017) the main aim was to de-
velop the best possibile classifier, without accounting
the performance in the real usage. Our features are
easier to compute than the ones computed in (Ikram
et al., 2017). From the other hand, in (Iqbal et al.,
2020), authors proposed a novel Chromium patch to
face every kind of trackers and advertisement content
in the Web. The tool shows good performances also in
real usage with 2.3% crashes and 5.9% major issues.
The main difference with this work is that we aim to
provide a browser extension for the most used Web
browsers, i.e., Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox in-
stead of creating a novel one by modifying the source
code of Chromium. So, in a future perspective, we
expect a larger audience of customers.
In this section, we describe a novel machine learning
approach to automatically detect 3rd-party tracking
activities while browsing the Web. We remark that
such a approach can be used to overcome the prob-
lems of having to manually update blacklist. Our clas-
sification problem is a binary classification problem
on Web resources where positive samples are tracking
requests and negative samples are functional ones. In
the following, we describe in details the three main
ICISSP 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
steps of our approach (see Figure 1):
Data collection: by means of automatic browsing
sessions we navigate a number of Web pages from
Alexa’s Top 10, meanwhile we trace the HTTP
traffic (Section 4.1).
Features extraction and labeling: (1) a set of
suitable features has been defined and engineered
from the data collected, in order to build the
dataset used for the training and testing of the ma-
chine learning models, (2) the dataset has been
manually labeled (Section 4.2).
Validation and testing: the dataset has been split
into a train set and a test set; a k-fold cross-
validation has been performed on the train set
to validate several well-known machine learning
models previously described; once validated, ma-
chine learnign models have been tested on the test
set (Section 4.3).
4.1 Data Collection
By using Selenium webdriver (Avasarala, 2014) we
automatically browse Alexa’s Top 10 Web pages for
each of the Alexa’s categories
, i.e., adult, arts,
business, computers, games, reference, regional, sci-
ence, shopping, society, health, home, kids and teens,
news, recreation, sports and world. We then employ
Fiddler (Lawrence, 2012) and Wireshark (Orebaugh
et al., 2006) to monitor and capture HTTP traffic
while browsing such websites. Moreover, each cap-
tured resource has been downloaded. Specifically, in
this phase we collected 1000 Web resources.
4.2 Features Extraction and Labeling
In this section, we provide details about the features
engineered from the data collected (Section 4.1) and
we explain how samples have been labeled.
Features. The choice of the set of features is one
of the most significant step during the definition of
a machine learning system because features must de-
scribe, in the best possibile way, the input samples. In
our case, given we resource, the set of features has to
describe the information about the HTTP traffic asso-
ciated with. Features engineered are:
1. Number of Set-Cookie included in the HTTP re-
quest associated to a single resource: a huge num-
ber of Set-Cookie is used to send different infor-
mation to more tracking domains (see Figure 2).
2. Number of Cookies sent by a resource at the mo-
ment of the request: tracking, analytics or adver-
tisement resources usually send more cookies to
send different user’s information (see Figure 3 for
an example).
3. Length of Sent Cookies: the 80% of tracking cook-
ies contains more than 35 characters (Li et al.,
2015), unlike the ones provided by functional re-
sources. This behaviour is justified by the quantity
of information trasmitted to tracking domains.
4. Cookie Duration: in order to learn more and more
user’s preferences, a tracker has to observe users
habits for a long time. In (Li et al., 2015) authors
showed that the 90% of cases tracking cookies
lasted more than 6 months.
5. URL Length: information can also be sent through
HTTP GET method, instead of cookies. In this
case, data are sent as parameters in the URL, in-
creasing consequently its length.
6. Number of Parameters in HTTP GET Request:
this feature is related to the URL lenght, indeed
tracking, analytics or advertisement resources
tend to send more data, thus parameters to share
different user’s information.
7. Sent/Received Bytes Ratio: in HTML pages,
trackers insert some invisible resources, i.e., im-
ages or iFrames with a dimension of 0x0, 0x1,
768x0, etc. named Web bugs (Malandrino and
Scarano, 2013). Such content does not have a
functional aim for the webpage, it is actually used
just to track the user’s habit on the page. The Web
bugs still send an HTTP request from the client to
the server. Then the server takes the information
about the user, embedded in the HTTP (cookie,
referer, user-agent, and so on), and reply to the
client with an empty frame or image. This result
in a difference between sent bytes (information
about the user) and the received bytes.
Labels. Samples have been manually labeled.
Specifically, as proposed in (Lai, 2019), we asked to
three experts in the privacy field to independently la-
bel the resources as functional (with label 0) or track-
ing (with label 1). We assigned the label according to
the majority voting. Samples are evenly balanced be-
tween tracking and functional ones i.e., 500 has label
functional while the latter 500 has tracking.
4.3 Validation and Testing
In this section we detail the validation and testing
phase conducted by means of Weka (Hall et al., 2009).
On Analyzing Third-party Tracking via Machine Learning
Figure 1: Steps of the approach for classifying Web resources.
Figure 2: An example of tracking request which set dif-
ferent cookies from demdex domain, specifically from both
dpm.demdex.net and demdex.net.
Figure 3: An example of several cookies set at request time
by a tracker. A unique user id has been set (c user) togheter
with other information associated with him, like datr used
to understand if the user access by multiple devices.
We split (with a stratified approach) the dataset
into: (1) the train set, obtained including the 80% of
the samples (randomly chosen), and (2) the test set,
obtained including the remaining 20% of the samples.
Thus, the train set contains 800 samples (400 func-
tional and 400 tracking), while the test set contains
200 samples (100 functional and 100 tracking).
We used a scaler to normalize the data according
to the min-max technique,i.e.,
max(x) min(x)
where x
is the true feature value for i-th sample, z
is the normalized value, and min() and max() com-
pute minimum and maximum value respectively for
the feature x.
Then, we first validate the RF, J48, NB, MLP,
SVM models (see Section 2) in a k-fold cross-
validation phase on the train set, second we perform
the testing phase on the test set (i.e., unseen sam-
ples). k-fold cross-validation is a resampling proce-
dure employed to evaluate machine learning models
on a limited samples. The function has a single pa-
rameter called k that specifies the number of groups
that a given dataset (train set in our case) has to be
split into. We set k = 5 and k = 10. Informally, the
function takes the first of the k groups as validation
set and the remaining k-1 as train set (James et al.,
Experiments have been conducted using default
parameters in Weka for each model on a machine with
16 GB 2133 MHz LPDDR3 memory, and Intel 2,8
GHz Intel Core i7 quad-core processor. Results
of these experiments can be found in Table 1. As
we can see, oveall all the models except the Naive-
Bayes classifier showed good performance (more than
85% accuracy in both validation and testing phases).
Specifically, Random Forest model stands out with a
91% accuracy in the testing phase, and up to 92% av-
erage accuracy in the validation phase. In Figure 4
we show the confusion matrix for the Random Forest.
The confusion matrix shows predicted labels (by RF)
against true labels (in the test set), i.e., the number of
t p, tn, f p, f n (see Section 2). Thus, the Random For-
est classifier shows a precision, computed as
(t p)
(t p+ f p)
of about 88,8%, while a recall, computed as
(t p)
(t p+ f n)
of 95,2%. We observe that some functional resources
(15) have been classified as tracking. The reason is
that those resources were from Content Delivery Net-
works and exibits similar HTTP traffic as for tracking
ones because at the same time provides functionali-
ties and analytics to the website (Falahrastegar et al.,
Privacy on the Web is a significative problem today,
and as more technologies join the Internet as more
threats to the users’ rights researchers will have to
ICISSP 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Table 1: Average (avg.) accuracy achieved by the machine learining models in the 10-fold (5-fold) cross-validation phase
(Validation), and accuracy achieved in the testing phase on the test set (Testing). In bold the best result.
Validation k=10 Validation k=5 Testing
Avg. accuracy Std. Error Avg. accuracy Std. Error Accuracy
NB 0,77 0,03 0,76 0,05 0,79
RF 0,92 0,01 0,92 0,01 0,91
MLP 0,89 0,02 0,88 0,02 0,87
SVM 0,88 0,02 0,87 0,03 0,86
J48 0,89 0,01 0,90 0,01 0,87
Figure 4: Confusion matrix for Random Forest model.
face (Hassan and De Filippi, 2017; De Filippi and
Hassan, 2018; Larsson, 2018): not only privacy vi-
olation issues, for instance the ones related to the use
of mobile technologies (Razaghpanah et al., 2018)
or Internet of Things (Lin and Bergmann, 2016), but
also issues related to the job protection (Lettieri et al.,
2019), for instance the concerns about Uber (Berger
et al., 2018) or Amazon Mechanical Turk (McInnis
et al., 2016), child protection (Kumar and Sachdeva,
2019), and so on. In this paper we studied a part of
those threats, in particular the 3rd-party tracking to
derive whether it is possible to distinguish between
functional and tracking resources to provide privacy
against threats online. Existing privacy tools mainly
rely on blacklisting mechanisms which are limited be-
cause such lists must be manually updated and main-
tained. The experiments with machine learning to
classify Web resources based on HTTP traffic fea-
tures showed positive results, with the Random For-
est classifier able to classify functional and tracking
resources with an accuracy of 91%. Our result shows
therefore a new perspective in embedding the use of
machine learning in a privacy tool such as AdBlock
or Ghostery, i.e., a client-side application. The idea
is to develop a browser extension powered by ma-
chine learning which is capable to filter out tracking
resources, and fill a customized blacklist accordingly.
The blacklist will be customized because each user
has its own browsing habit, therefore its blacklist will
include only the threats the user is exposed to. In
this way, we reduce the time needed for the machine
learning computation for each Web resource that has
already been processed by the tool. Such privacy tool
can include also visual analytics techniques (Guar-
ino et al., 2019; Lettieri et al., 2018; Keim et al.,
2008; Wang, 2018) to give the user the right level
of awareness while browsing, for instance by show-
ing the graph of the HTTP requests performed (and
blocked) during the browsing session.
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On Analyzing Third-party Tracking via Machine Learning