Other intelligent trading agents have been devel-
oped to maximise profits in experimental markets that
follow Smith’s framework. Most notably, these in-
clude: GD, named after its inventors, Gjerstad and
Dickhaut (1997); and Adaptive-Aggressive (AA), de-
veloped by Vytelingum (2006). GD selects a quote
price by maximising a ‘belief’ function of the likely
profit for each possible quote, formed using histori-
cal quotes and transaction prices in the market. Over
time, the original GD algorithm has been successively
refined: first by Das et al. (2001) and Tesauro and
Das (2001) (named Modified GD, or MGD) to en-
able trading using an order book (see example in
Figure 2), and to reduce belief function volatility;
and then by Tesauro and Bredin (2002), who used
dynamic programming to optimise cumulative long-
term discounted profitability rather than immediate
profit (GD eXtended, or GDX). In contrast, AA in-
corporates a combination of short-term and long-term
learning to update an internal profit margin, µ. In the
short-term, µ is updated using rules similar to ZIP.
Over the long-term, AA calculates a moving average
of historical transaction prices to estimate the market
equilibrium value, P
, and current price volatility cal-
culated as root mean square deviation of transaction
prices around the estimate P
. If the AA trader es-
timates that it is extra-marginal (and will therefore
find it difficult to trade profitably: see Figure 1) it
trades more aggressively (by reducing µ), if it is intra-
marginal (and will therefore find it easier to profit) it
trades more passively (by increasing µ).
For a summary of trading strategies, see Table 1.
2.2 The Battle for Trading Dominance
For the last two decades, a research theme has
emerged: to develop the best trading agent that can
successfully beat human participants and other trad-
ing agents in Smith-style experiments (see Snashall
and Cliff (2020) for a detailed historical account).
It was first demonstrated that trading agents, specif-
ically ZIP and MGD, outperform humans when di-
rectly competing in human-agent markets (Das et al.,
2001): “. . . the successful demonstration of machine
superiority in the CDA and other common auctions
could have a much more direct and powerful finan-
cial impact—one that might be measured in billions
of dollars annually”. This announcement quickly
generated global media coverage and significant in-
dustry interest. Shortly afterwards, Tesauro and
Bredin (2002) suggested that GDX “may offer the
best performance of any published CDA bidding strat-
egy”. Subsequently, after it’s introduction in 2006
Volume Price Price Volume
1 0.97 0.99 2
2 0.96 1.01 1
1 0.94 1.03 3
1 0.90 1.04 1
Figure 2: A Limit Order Book (LOB), presenting the cur-
rent market state. Bids (orders to buy) are presented on
the left hand side, ordered by price descending. Asks (or-
ders to sell) are presented on the right hand side, ordered
by price ascending. Volume indicates the quantity avail-
able at each price. The top line presents the Best Bid
(BB = 0.97) and Best Ask (BA = 0.99) prices in the mar-
ket, and the difference between these prices is called the
spread = BA − BB = 0.02. The midprice of the book is
(BB + BA)/2 = 0.98; the microprice is volume weighted
midprice, calculated as: (2/3)0.97 + (1/3)0.99 = 0.977.
Orders can be submitted at any price, subject to a mini-
mum resolution, or tick size (tick = 0.01). Aggressive or-
ders that cross the spread (i.e., an ask with price p
≤ 0.97,
or a bid with price p
≥ 0.99) will immediately execute at
the price presented in the LOB (i.e., the ask will transact at
price BB = 0.97; the bid will transact at price BA = 0.99).
Passive orders that do not cross the spread will rest in the
LOB, with position determined by price.
(Vytelingum, 2006), AA was shown to dominate ZIP
and GDX (Vytelingum et al., 2008) and also humans
(De Luca and Cliff, 2011): “we therefore claim that
AA may offer the best performance of any published
strategy”. And so, for several years, AA held the
undisputed algo-trading crown.
However, more recently, doubt about the domi-
nance of AA has emerged. In particular, for markets
containing AA, GDX, and ZIP strategies, the mix-
ture (i.e., the proportion) of strategies in the market
has been shown to affect AA performance. In par-
ticular, AA only dominates when there is a signifi-
cant proportion of other AA agents in the market; in
other cases, it is regularly beaten by GDX and ZIP
(Vach, 2015). This finding was supported by Cliff
(2019), through exhaustive testing of markets contain-
ing mixtures of MAA (a slightly modified version of
AA which utilises microprice of the orderbook; re-
fer to Figure 2), ZIC, ZIP, and SHVR (a simple non-
adaptive strategy that quotes prices one tick inside the
current best price on the order book). Further, Cliff
(2019) found that introducing more realistic mar-
ket dynamics—continuous replenishment of assign-
ments, rather than periodic replenishments at regu-
lar intervals; and also a continuously moving equilib-
rium, P
, which was set to follow real world historical
trade price data—MAA did not dominate, and when
considering profitability, MAA was significantly out-
performed by ZIP and SHVR. A related study by
Snashall and Cliff (2020) also showed that GDX
dominates MAA, ZIP, ZIC, and ASAD (Assignment-
Adaptive, developed by Stotter et al. (2013)) in these
ICAART 2020 - 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence