before in the literature related to the assessment of
XACML based systems: during the test suite execu-
tion, there is the possibility that different sets of dis-
tinct Mutated PDPs can be executed by different test
strategies. Ignoring such data evidence and compar-
ing the test strategies just in terms of effectiveness or
APFD could really produce invalid conclusions and
therefore wrong test strategy selection. By leveraging
XMF and the data collected during the experiment ex-
ecution, the mitigation of such a risk was possible and
a correct evaluation provided.
Concerning the validity of the experiment, i.e., the
amount of confidence in the results, the important key
factors are Subjects, Object and Parameters of the ex-
periment. Here below the strategies used to minimize
the threats to validity are described.
With respect to confidence in the results, the con-
trolled experiment used data and measurements that
satisfy the principles of independence, homogeneity
and normality.
With respect to internal validity the crucial points
are: the policy used, the PDP engine selected and the
tool integrated for the generation of the mutants set.
Concerning the Subject of the experiment, the poli-
cies included in the XMF framework are a good rep-
resentative of real world XACML Policies, because
they contain most of the constructs and functionalities
actually used in the practice. However different poli-
cies, like for instance those of XACML conformance
test suite, may produce different results. The Object
of the experiment, i.e., the Sun PDP implementation
integrated in the XMF framework, is one of the most
adopted in access control systems and therefore its
quality and performance are well established. How-
ever, different XACML-based implementations could
be considered. Finally, considering the Parameter of
the experiment, i.e., the tool integrated for the deriva-
tion of the mutants set, we included the already ex-
isting µJava tool because it is one of the most widely
used in object oriented environment. Previous works
guarantee that its performance can be comparable to
others available, however it could be possible that
other mutation tools may produce different results.
With respect to external validity, we compared
two test strategies: Multiple Combinatorial test strat-
egy, provided by X-CREATE, which is one of the
most referred in the context of access control systems,
and an innovative one, the XACMET test strategy,
so as to have elements of comparable performance.
Other strategies could have been considered and dif-
ferent results provided, but the purpose was only to
show the use of controlled experiment for test strat-
egy comparison and not to select the best one.
For future work, we plan to generalize our con-
trolled experiment by considering different subjects,
for instance the conformance test suite, different ob-
jects, i.e., different PDPs, and extend the set of con-
sidered dependent variables. Moreover, we plan to
define and perform further controlled experiments in
the context of access control for evaluating other test-
ing techniques, for mutation generation or test suites
reduction or prioritization.
This work is partially supported by CyberSec4Europe
Grant agreement ID: 830929.
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Assessing Testing Strategies for Access Control Systems: A Controlled Experiment