DynaQUEST: A New Approach to the Dynamic Multi-satellite
Scheduling Problem
J. Berger
1 a
, N. Lo
, M. Noel
and L. Noutegne
Defence Research Development Canada - Valcartier, 2459 Pie-XI Blvd. North, Qu
ebec, PQ, Canada
SATWII Solutions, Qu
ebec, PQ, Canada
e Laval 1025, Avenue des Sciences-Humaines Qu
ebec, PQ, Canada
Multi-satellite Scheduling, Dynamic Planning, Mixed-integer Quadratic Programming.
Reported dynamic multi-satellite scheduling approaches for Earth observations show many limitations when
operating in time-varying uncertain environment. They largely run over predetermined time periods and often
offline, assume negligible execution time, improperly account for the passage of time during planning, remain
myopic or fail to show “anytime” behavior. A novel approach to solving the dynamic multi-satellite scheduling
problem is proposed. The open-loop with feedback DynaQUEST approach includes an event-driven controller
monitoring dynamic situation evolution while supervising a co-evolving episodic scheduling problem solver.
Reactive to real-time and delayed information feedback, the controller timely enables the problem-solver to
stay responsive, interruptible and adaptive, taking advantage of emerging opportunities to timely improve so-
lution quality. The problem-solver continually solves a new static problem shaped by dynamic changes and
constrained by current resource commitments to adaptively expand the emergent solution. Problem model
formulation is based on network flow optimization using mathematical programming. Departing from main-
stream approaches widely promoting an exact objective function coupled with a heuristic problem-solving
method, the proposed approach alternatively combines an approximate objective function and an exact algo-
rithm. The approach embraces an extended time horizon relaxing myopic planning. Computational results
prove the approach to be cost-effective and to outperform alternate baseline heuristics.
Dynamic space-based collection tasking to support
time-critical mission is pervasive in many application
domains such as military Intelligence, Surveillance
and Reconnaissance, environment monitoring and
disaster/emergency management. Adaptive and effi-
cient multi-satellite collection scheduling is crucial to
maintaining persistent situational awareness in time-
varying uncertain environment. A satellite image ac-
quisition schedule may be very sensitive to uncer-
tainty, stochastic task demand, emergency task surge,
resource capacity fluctuations, dynamic constraints,
plan execution failures, decision cycle latency, com-
putational and/or communication resources available,
changing weather conditions or unexpected exoge-
nous events. As a result, a dynamic collection task-
ing solution approach to be embedded in a decision
support system must be fast, responsive, opportunis-
tic and demonstrates graceful adaptation.
Recent research contributions on the dynamic
multi-satellite collection scheduling problem are nu-
merous. (Pemberton and Greenwald, 2002) first in-
troduced the dynamic problem, considering contin-
gency conditions. In (Verfaillie and Schiex, 1994),
the authors exploit a dynamic constraint satisfaction
approach to locally search the solution space modi-
fying decision variables. (Kramer and Smith, 2003)
propose a repair-based technique to handle the over-
subscribed scheduling problem. A rule based heuris-
tic algorithm is used by (Wang et al., 2007) to balance
solution performance and solution adjustment. (Dis-
han et al., 2013) promote an integer programming-
based decision model over a receding horizon com-
bined with a flexible approach to schedule dynamic
tasks, but overlook anytime problem-solving consid-
erations while planning. In another respect, (Wang
et al., 2013), (Wang et al., 2015) propose a multi-
objective dynamic scheduling model for emergency
tasks coupled to a dynamic task merging algorithm in
order to revisit tasks and meet real-time constraints.
Berger, J., Lo, N., Noel, M. and Noutegne, L.
DynaQUEST: A New Approach to the Dynamic Multi-satellite Scheduling Problem.
DOI: 10.5220/0008975701940201
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (ICORES 2020), pages 194-201
ISBN: 978-989-758-396-4; ISSN: 2184-4372
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
In (Zhai et al., 2015), (Niu et al., 2015), the authors
combine a hybrid genetic algorithm to build an ini-
tial solution and, heuristic variants to adjust and in-
sert dynamically new tasks resorting to task execution
duration to handle both performance and robustness.
Assuming on-board reactive planning, and monitor-
ing capability to detect imaging precondition viola-
tions, (Maillard et al., 2015) use local plan adapta-
tion to accommodate more suitable tasks to meet data
imaging contingencies. This is achieved minimizing
changes to the plan shared with the ground segment.
In counterpart, (Wang et al., 2016) relies on sequential
decision-making to solve dynamic scheduling. But
they introduce many additional parameters; ad hoc
imaging rewards which are misaligned with the global
objective pursued; and overlook real-time decision-
making contingencies. Concurrently, (Valicka et al.,
2016) promote a three-level stochastic programming
approach with recourse, but use a state aggregation
strategy to significantly reduce or bias problem com-
plexity. Recently, (Chu et al., 2017) propose an any-
time branch and bound algorithm for satellite on-
board scheduling, but the algorithm is designed for a
bi-satellite cluster and remains limited to a small time
horizon problem. Alternatively, (Song et al., 2018)
introduce fast and refined emergency tasks greedy in-
sertion algorithms to dynamically revisit a schedule,
exploiting new task demand priority, task dominance
and density to adjust and improve solution quality. In
(Wang et al., 2018b), an approach integrating obser-
vation and downlink scheduling is proposed. It uses
linear programming optimization and a problem de-
composition problem-solving technique (column gen-
eration), but real-time feasibility and run-time perfor-
mances for medium or large size problems remain un-
clear. Finally, (Cui and Zhang, 2019) solve multi-
satellite dynamic mission scheduling using priority.
The objective is to maximize the observation mis-
sion priority and revenues, and minimize the waiting
time. A hybrid genetic tabu search algorithm is used
to compute the initial satellite scheduling plan, and
a dynamic scheduling heuristic is employed to repair
the solution and insert new tasks. Most of the recent
approaches described above mainly rely on a variety
of related exact, heuristic and meta-heuristic problem-
solving methods and variants ranging from operations
research, to artificial and computational intelligence
Despite a large body of research, reported real-
time dynamic scheduling approaches are often my-
opic, uninterruptible or are performed offline, oc-
cur on arbitrarily predetermined time periods, assume
negligible run time or improperly account for the pas-
sage of time during planning, coming short to demon-
strate anytime behavior. Proposed work contributions
generally assume that world state remains unchanged
while constructing the solution schedule/plan. This
particularly prevails for two-stage myopic approaches
relying on initial plan/schedule generation and dy-
namic repair. As a result, possible computational op-
portunities and events that may impact solution qual-
ity/feasibility or key real-time requirements such as
responsiveness, timeliness and graceful adaptation are
In this work, a new dynamic multi-satellite
scheduling framework is proposed. The open-loop
with feedback DynaQUEST approach involves an
event-driven controller monitoring dynamic situation
development while controlling an episodic multi-
satellite scheduling problem solver evolving concur-
rently. It can be modeled through an event-driven
outer thread, the controller, interacting with an inner
thread, the episodic multi-satellite scheduling prob-
lem solver, running in parallel. Computational re-
sults reporting comparative performance clearly show
the value of the advocated approach. DynaQUEST
proves to be cost-effective and outperforms alternate
baseline heuristics. It demonstrates measurable col-
lection and run-time gains.
The remainder of the paper is structured as fol-
lows. Section 2 first introduces the centralized dy-
namic multi-satellite scheduling problem. A descrip-
tion of the proposed open-loop with feedback ap-
proach is then given in Section 3. The basic solu-
tion design and the detailed dynamic framework inte-
grating a static model are presented. Computational
results reporting comparative performance with alter-
nate baseline methods are presented and discussed in
Section 4. A summary of the findings is finally given
in Section 5.
Given a set of information requests (areas of inter-
est to be observed) properly translated into weighted
tasks, the basic multi-satellite scheduling problem
supporting information collection consists of allocat-
ing collection assets (satellites) to observation tasks
(imaging opportunities) to maximize overall expected
collection value, subject to a variety of constraints
over a predetermined time horizon. Constraints may
relate to mission, task and related dependencies, op-
erational, collector, supporting resource, communica-
tion, on-board resource capacity, temporal, itinerary
(e.g. duty cycle) and cost considerations respec-
tively. Image acquisition is characterized by a prob-
DynaQUEST: A New Approach to the Dynamic Multi-satellite Scheduling Problem
ability of successful observation to reflect outcome
uncertainty. Image downlinks to and command up-
links from the ground segment are finally ensured
through communication assets (e.g. ground stations).
The current dynamic problem setting assumes cen-
tralized image acquisition and downlink scheduling,
achieved by a ground (mission control center, ground
station antennas) segment, and distributed plan exe-
cution realized by the space (spacecraft components)
segment. Satellite on-board processing capability and
scheduling adaptations are assumed to be very lim-
ited. Dynamic scheduling problem characteristics in-
clude: Near real-time task demand, an uncertain envi-
ronment with imperfect sensors, stochastic resource
capacity level and exogenous events (e.g. observa-
tion outcomes, new task), bounded rationality (com-
putational resources) and reactivity of the ground
scheduler. These stringent problem features impose
the ground segment to be fast, adaptive, responsive,
opportunistic (timely actions) to support “anytime”
scheduling and re-tasking.
3.1 General Description
A centralized open-loop with feedback scheduling de-
cision model over a rolling time horizon is proposed
in order to reduce computational complexity and
maintain the ground segment responsive. Open-loop
planning assumes a single episode (static model) dis-
regarding explicit any intermediate information feed-
back. Feedback information such as observation out-
comes resulting from plan execution is alternatively
handled through repeated episodic re-optimization
driven by communication opportunities as shown in
Figure 1.
Figure 1: Open-loop with feedback multi-satellite schedul-
ing optimization.
Episodic re-optimization consists to dynamically
compute a solution by solving a new static schedul-
ing problem model given information feedback such
as new tasks, or recent observation outcomes (image
downlink) from the latest episode. Event-driven re-
optimization is achieved over a receding time hori-
zon subject to committed action plans or ongoing re-
source commitments, revisited target/task value, up-
dated constraints and current world state.
3.2 Solution Design
The open-loop with feedback approach called Dy-
naQUEST, involves an event-driven controller mon-
itoring situation evolution and interacting with a
time-varying uncertain environment, supervising an
episodic multi-satellite scheduling problem solver
running continually as shown in Figure 2. It manages
incoming events taking into account the passage of
time capturing world state evolution while planning.
3.2.1 Controller
The outer thread controller timely reacts to, and
processes incoming information feedback (e.g.,
observation outcomes, new tasks) guiding in-
ner thread problem-solving and making it “any-
time”/interruptible. It properly accounts for the pas-
sage of time during solution planning, as situation un-
folds, deciding on timely algorithm activation and/or
interruption over and during communication opportu-
nities (contact periods) with single or multiple satel-
lites. As a wrapper, it is designed to handle world
state transition while constructing the solution. The
outer thread controller enables the problem-solver to
stay responsive, timely and adaptive, benefiting from
emerging opportunities (e.g. incoming new tasks, re-
maining communication time) to further enhance so-
lution quality and timely execution.
3.2.2 Problem-solver
The problem-solver continually solves new static
problems dictated by dynamic changes and con-
strained by current resource commitments to adap-
tively expand or improve the emergent solution at
hand. Problem model formulation is based on net-
work flow optimization using mathematical program-
ming. The proposed problem modeling/-solving ap-
proach is called QUEST in reference to its QUadrat-
ically constrained program Solver Technology solu-
tion implementation, exploiting best state-of-the-art
commercial optimization problem-solving machinery
(Berger et al., 2020). The QUEST model embraces a
larger time horizon relaxing myopic planning, while
providing fast problem-solving. QUEST is a new
static problem solver using a mathematical quadratic
programming approach exploiting problem structure
ICORES 2020 - 9th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
reflected in collection graph and prior domain knowl-
edge (bounding visits to a task) to compute an effi-
cient solution. Based upon the non-linear objective
function proposed by (Wang et al., 2018a), QUEST
relies on an approximate objective function combined
with the utilization of commercially available exact
problem-solving techniques. The QUEST problem
model concurrently captures coverage approximation
and collection uncertainty captured through imaging
probability of success.
3.3 DynaQUEST Cycle
New upcoming events such as communication down-
links (environment state, observation outcomes, on-
board satellite resource state: energy level, mem-
ory usage, orbital cumulative observation time), new
tasks and command uplinks mediated by the con-
troller. During respective intermittent contact periods
and based on best current computed solution so far,
the controller first handles new information. It then
updates collection value alluding to the latest serviced
targets, interrupts the QUEST solver and revisits the
problem model to re-initiate open-loop optimization
by directing the problem solver toward a new decision
cycle. Kept informed of the latest best computed solu-
tion update, the controller then timely uplinks relevant
revisited satellite collection plans before triggering a
new re-optimization cycle again.
The following description of a simple Dy-
naQUEST cycle and its associated timeline is illus-
trated in Figure 3 over a single contact period. Here,
Figure 2: DynaQUEST framework.
Figure 3: DynaQUEST cycle over a contact/communication period.
DynaQUEST: A New Approach to the Dynamic Multi-satellite Scheduling Problem
we assume that a satellite can image and downlink
On a new satellite contact beginning at time
comm min
, the ground segment, based on latest best so-
lution, sends a command uplink, informing the satel-
lite of its new updated local plan from now on, while
stored images and resource state update are down-
linked. Based on latest downlinked information and
assuming sufficient communication time, the ground
segment quickly refines during a brief period δT,
amounting to a few seconds, its best current solution
to possibly re-synchronize with the satellite if the lo-
cal plan has changed. Plan revision is repeated as re-
quired based on new incoming information emerging
from any sources over the entire communication time
window [t
comm min
, t
comm max
] defining the contact pe-
riod. Such information may include latest observa-
tion outcomes from other satellites, new tasks, revised
constraints, time-varying environmental/weather con-
ditions or any unexpected exogenous events impact-
ing other satellite plan commitments. Reiterated com-
munication may not even take place during that time
interval if short-term satellite plan remains unchanged
until the next communication contact. Mediated by
the controller, an updated local plan is finally up-
linked to the satellite if required, by a predetermined
deadline t
before the end of the contact pe-
riod t
comm max
. Satellite-ground synchronization is en-
sured by the controller. Should communication time
be insufficient to complete the downlinks, the satellite
would proceed according to its latest new plan subject
to local resource constraint whereas the ground seg-
ment would pursue its planning activity with partial
information and its current distorted beliefs. Satellite
downlink completion and plan adjustment would then
be delayed to the next communication cycle. Com-
munication is assumed to occur if sufficient time is
minimally available to uplink a new precomputed lo-
cal plan from the ground. Respective activity timeline
for ground and satellite segments is displayed at the
bottom of Figure 3.
3.3.1 Ground Segment Re-planning
A new re-optimization cycle is triggered by the event-
driven controller as described above in Section 3.3 re-
activating the problem-solver. The re-planning prob-
lem is conditional to the computed solution partially
implemented in the previous episode and defined over
the remaining mission time horizon. The new prob-
lem model is provided with new/pending tasks, task
value adjustments based on past collections, commit-
ted imaging actions and current satellite intents, re-
fined environmental conditions, and, revised resource
capacity constraints respectively. The latter include
bounding on-board satellite memory storage until the
next communication period. Problem-solving using
the open-loop QUEST solver is then initiated.
3.3.2 Space Segment
At the satellite platform level, image acquisition is as-
sumed to take place over a given time interval while
image/resource state status (energy budget, available
memory storage, duty cycle, failure) downlink are
predictably scheduled at the beginning of a new con-
tact period to benefit the problem solver (planner)
from fresh information update. Assuming limited on-
board processing and planning capability, a satellite
is nonetheless presumed able to validate task service-
ability preconditions before imaging. In that case, un-
feasible tasks due to temporal delays, poor weather,
on-board resource shortages or exogenous events are
simply ignored and planned image acquisitions sim-
ply dropped from the local plan. Relaxing such as-
sessment ability would simply lead to spoiled images
under adverse circumstances.
A computational experiment has been conducted to
assess the value of the proposed approach. Com-
parative performance results with baseline problem-
solving heuristics are reported and discussed.
4.1 Experimental Setting and Scenarios
Performance comparison is based on expected collec-
tion value (CV) successfully obtained over the en-
tire mission time horizon. The measure of perfor-
mance combines cumulative gathered collection value
as well as expected collection value associated with
acquisition tasks planned to be ongoing or incomplete
by the end of the time horizon. A negative observa-
tion outcome conveys no collection contribution for
the related task. The average CV random variable can
be estimated through Monte Carlo simulation over a
set of dynamic scenarios characterized by a degree
of dynamism, stochastic task demand and observa-
tion outcomes. The experiment has been conducted
for a 3-satellite constellation daily mission involving
a total of 45 orbits (3 satellites x 15 orbits/satellite),
subject to 35 re-planning episodes/ground commu-
nication time windows with a maximum of 3 con-
tact periods per satellite orbit, responding to a dy-
namic task demand. Dynamic demand is captured
through two stochastic scenarios/datasets presenting
a medium (60%) and a high (93%) dynamism level,
ICORES 2020 - 9th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
respectively. The dynamism level reflects the propor-
tion of initially unknown tasks on average composing
total demand. Correspondingly, the scenarios include
on average 420 (1000) tasks generated dynamically
against 250 (75) tasks assumed to be known initially.
Tasks are randomly created using a uniform distribu-
tion over [409, 429] and [800, 1200] for respective
datasets. Simulation parameters such as space-time
episodic task demand, imaging time windows, task
value ranging over [0.1, 0.9], probability of success-
ful observation running into [0.25, 1] and, commu-
nication time window duration spanning across [0, 4]
minutes are all randomly selected using a uniform dis-
tribution. Other satellite resource capacity parameters
introduced in the QUEST decision model are indi-
cated in (Berger et al., 2020). A sample of 30 sim-
ulation runs has been considered to estimate average
collection value for each dataset.
4.2 Problem-solving Algorithms
Comparative performance investigation has been per-
formed by substituting the QUEST problem-solver of
the two-thread DynaQUEST framework by respective
baseline heuristic methods for the two dynamic sce-
narios. These include MY PICC (Berger et al., 2018),
a simple myopic technique, and GATHER (Berger
et al., 2018), a competitive best state-of-the-art heuris-
tic. All scheduling algorithms were implemented in
Java on an Intel - Core i7-7700 3.6GHz Quad-Core
Processor 64 GB RAM memory.
4.2.1 MY PICC
The MY PICC Planning-based Image acquisition
heuristic (MY PICC) (Berger et al., 2018) is a my-
opic heuristic naively mimicking a human-like strat-
egy. The myopic heuristic consists in moving along
orbital collection graphs in parallel, and to construc-
tively schedule the next image acquisition, awarding
the collection presenting the highest payoff rate (per
time units) within the vicinity of the latest observa-
tion of a current path solution. The payoff rate refers
to the ratio of expected collection gain over combined
delays imposed by satellite travel, feasible transition
and imaging durations respectively. Earliest start time
occurrence breaks ties.
4.2.2 GATHER
The Genetic Algorithm-based collecTion scHedulER
(GATHER) (Berger et al., 2018) evolves a mixed
population of feasible/unfeasible solution individuals
based on natural selection to maximize expected col-
lection value. The advocated hybrid genetic algorithm
explicitly takes advantage of collection graphs reflect-
ing problem structure in representing feasible imag-
ing opportunity transitions, to better manage tempo-
ral constraint handling during crossover and mutation
operations. A low-cost task scheduling heuristic em-
bedded in genetic operators, further provides directed
search and speed-up, generating feasible high-quality
4.2.3 QUEST
QUEST implementation is mainly relying on La-
grangian relaxation (decision variable integrality re-
laxation) and a variety of efficient built-in problem-
solving search methods to find an integer solution.
4.3 Results
Computational results are reported in Figures 4-5
for respective scenarios. DynaQUEST is compared
with two dynamic baseline heuristics named Dy-
naMY PICC and DynaGATHER, in terms of per-
formance gap with respect to expected collection
value, and computational run-time performances. The
smaller the expected collection value (CV) gap, the
better the solution quality.
Performance gap is computed as (CV
CV ) /
where CV
is the estimated expected collec-
tion value for DynaQUEST.
Average collection value estimators for respective
methods are also summarized in Table 1 over both
medium (60%) and high (93%) dynamism level sce-
narios, assuming a 30 simulation sample and a 95%
confidence interval. Average cumulative planning
run-time and related standard deviation are also re-
Figure 4: Medium dynamism level scenario relative perfor-
mance gap to DynaQUEST against problem instances.
Overall computational results show DynaQUEST
to outperform other baseline methods, indicating a
DynaQUEST: A New Approach to the Dynamic Multi-satellite Scheduling Problem
Table 1: Average performance.
Medium dynamism level - 60% High dynamism level - 93%
run-time (s)
over mission
time horizon
run-time (s)
over mission
time horizon
DynaQUEST 286.17± 1.84 59.4±20.67 313.47±8.23 12.40±1.7
DynaGATHER 233.56±1.22 51.54±1.42 248.96±8.14 60.81±6.49
DynaMY PICC 186.29±1.41 5.77±0.17 186.97±7.35 5.16±0.70
Figure 5: High dynamism level scenario relative perfor-
mance gap to DynaOUEST against problem instances.
relative performance gap of nearly 20% and 35% in
comparison to DynaGATHER and DynaMY PICC,
respectively. Differential estimated average collec-
tion value for the medium and high dynamism level
scenarios convincingly proves the same outstanding
domination as well as shown in Table 1.These re-
sults also implicitly suggest relative DynaQUEST su-
periority for even smaller dynamism level or task de-
mand surge, as the approach further promotes longer
term planning. In another respect, one can note from
Figures 4-5 a small positive correlation between dy-
namism and relative CV performance gap. Perfor-
mance gap is slightly larger for higher dynamism.
This is due to a performance degradation expected for
myopic methods when uncertainty on task demand in-
Cumulative planning run-time performance re-
ported in Table 1 expectedly indicates QUEST to be
5 times faster than DynaGATHER and only twice
slower than the myopic DynaMY PICC when the ini-
tial number of tasks is small. Conversely, relative
planning run-time slightly degrades when initial task
demand is large. Open-loop optimization using ex-
act method (QUEST) and conditional to previous ac-
tion commitments is very fast, given episodic small
task demand. It appears that episodic re-planning
run-time for DynaQUEST is on the order of few sec-
onds ( 2s), typically an order of magnitude under the
minute timescale, making it very fast by any near real-
time Earth observations standards and virtually “any-
time” in steady-state condition. Additional run-time
gains could be further expected should a faster com-
puter be used.
A novel open-loop with feedback approach to solv-
ing the centralized dynamic multi-satellite schedul-
ing problem has been proposed. The two-thread
DynaQUEST framework couples a responsive event-
driven controller monitoring situation evolution to the
new efficient non-myopic open-loop problem-solver
QUEST responsible for episodic re-planning. In re-
sponse to incoming events, the problem-solver adapts
and expands the solution schedule by solving a new
constrained static problem instance subject to on-
going resource commitments. Combining an ap-
proximate objective function and an exact algorithm,
QUEST departs from traditional myopic planning,
while providing fast problem-solving. These features
confer to the approach suitable real-time properties
such as timeliness, responsiveness, speed and grace-
ful adaptation and anytime behavior. A computational
experiment has demonstrated DynaQUEST to outper-
form alternate baseline heuristics.
Future work aims at exploring non-myopic on-
board plan adaptations assuming sufficient processing
capability. The challenge consists in efficiently com-
bining an evolving open-loop with feedback ground
segment solution and, a closed-loop re-planning space
segment more responsive to local event contingencies
to better handle uncertainty. This would pave the
way toward progressively examining multi-satellite
distributed scheduling. Another direction is to look
at potential implications of full network connectivity
that can be provided by communication satellite net-
works, on dynamic planning solution quality.
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