same reference OP, high |S
| tolerates a higher
ICXT level above about 2.3 dB than low |S
independently of the extinction ratio. Regarding the
extinction ratio, r = 0 requires a lower ICXT level
of about 1.4 dB than r = 0.1, for the same reference
OP. Comparing to PAM2 transmission in the tested
core, a much lower ICXT level of about 8.9 dB and
7.6 dB, for high and low |S
|, respectively, is
required to achieve the same OP in the PAM4 sys-
tem. Hence, we have shown that short-haul links with
direct-detection, typical of intra-datacenter connec-
tions, with PAM4 transmission are much less tolerant
to the ICXT impairment than PAM2 systems.
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funds under the project UIDB/EEA/50008/2020 and
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PHOTOPTICS 2020 - 8th International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology