port the architect in focusing on only the layers of
the system under development: Additional to the
layers, also their communication with each other
is of interest and can be described similarly like
for modules in Figure 6. One difference is, that
each LayerCommunication always uses exactly one
Interface, since the communication of layers is al-
lowed only using interfaces. Again a chain of opera-
tors can be configured to describe the transformation
of the SUM(M) into the LayersOnly view(point), si-
milar to the chain of operators for the ModulesOnly
viewpoint shown in Figure 5. Most operators used for
the ModulesOnly viewpoint are reused for the Layer-
sOnly viewpoint, but with a slightly different config-
uration. In the end, the ModulesOnly viewpoint and
the LayersOnly viewpoint complement each other by
focusing on different levels of granularity.
Summarizing, this paper contributes a new approach
to define new viewpoints and views by using oper-
ators. Since the operators split the whole transfor-
mation between SUM(M) and view(point) into parts,
the operators provided as library are designed to be
reusable and generic by using metamodel and model
decisions. The presented exemplary chains of oper-
ators are showing their reusability for different new
viewpoints on top of already existing SUMMs.
The chain of configured operators allows devel-
oping new viewpoints in an iterative way by adding
more and more operators to improve and adapt the
new viewpoint step-wisely to the needs of the stake-
holders. These steps ease also debugging purposes,
since the current (meta)model can be reviewed after
each operator. The framework to realize the opera-
tors and to enable the definition of viewpoints is un-
der development and provides support to overcome
the challenges view-update and of preventing infor-
mation loss, but leaves room for individual solutions
during the manual configuration of operators.
Compared to approaches from the related work in
Section 3, this approach keeps the viewpoint and the
transformation to project the views in sync, because
the viewpoint is generated during the execution of the
operator chain. The presented approach does not use
explicit traces between SUM and new view and al-
lows specifying viewpoints, which differ highly from
the structure of the initial SUMM.
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MODELSWARD 2020 - 8th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development