sponded that from her experience working with em-
bedded clients, hardware teams have always been “al-
most separated from firmware teams”. The software
team, on the other hand, would have often been in
a third location. The expert also stated that even if
the teams were in the same location, they would have
been on “different forces”. The separation of such di-
verse teams was creating a number of long integration
groups. The expert noted that for embedded software,
most problems show up after the product is in the field
and this would make it “really difficult to tell where
the problem arises”. When asked to comment on the
benefits of the syncing up, the expert stated that to
have a coherent User Stories that has important com-
ponents from the architecture, we need to sync up var-
ious layers such as the application program interface
(API), middle-ware and the platform which encom-
passes both firmware and hardware. The expert stated
that user stories should impact on the architecture, not
just the software side. Additionally, the expert noted
that ATs should also include the hardware acceptance,
the firmware and the mechanical aspects of the sys-
tem. The expert used an example of a client that im-
plemented User Stories for software and firmware and
design by contact for the hardware. The client used
separate Kanban for software and firmware User Sto-
ries, so the firmware was always verified in advance
of the software. The expert advised the client that the
firmware and software teams have to work together
otherwise they would run into problems because the
cycle time of the firmware Kanban and the software
will be different. The expert went on to state that
the client didn’t like the proposed advice because the
client was not looking at the story cycle time, merely
the software and firmware. The expert stated that
we might end up with big teams involving software,
firmware and hardware developers, but all stakehold-
ers should come together and create the User Stories.
Additionally, having the firmware and mechanical ex-
perts will help the team to consider the implications of
the firmware and mechanical components on the user
Expert 2
The expert stated that he has been working with di-
verse teams such as hardware, firmware, application
software and scientist teams. The expert noted that the
hardware development team were not following agile
and they will work at “their own pace”. The firmware
team on the other hand, would work based on the ini-
tial available hardware. Additionally, the application
software team will be completely relying on the em-
bedded software. The expert noted that such diverse
teams haven’t been integrating their tasks properly.
The expert has given an example of an endoscope
project from his previous experience. He stated that
on the project, the teams initially agreed to use an An-
droid operating system for displaying the real-time
image of the endoscope camera. The selection of
this operating system would have “some delays in mi-
crosecond” on the processing of the image. During
the requirement analysis and development phases, the
stakeholders had all agreed on the delay and the team
delivered first build and went for a trial with doctors
and scientists. Once it went into the doctors and sci-
entists “they found that this delay was unacceptable”.
The expert stated that this change cost the team
around four months of delay because they needed
to completely change the operating system from An-
droid to Linux. The change in the operating system
required additional changes to the video connect and
the communication protocols. The expert stressed
that the involvement of some of stakeholders, such as
the scientist team, at the later stage created “huge de-
lay” and a clear example of the communication gap
and miss-collaboration of diverse members.
When asked to comment on the benefits of the
syncing up, the expert stated that most of the time
failure occurs because stakeholders were not review-
ing and analysing requirements and test cases. The
expert referred to a project on which he was work-
ing. In this project, the teams initially agreed on a
test case and the developers started based on this test.
The expert stated that when about 40% of the devel-
opment was completed a reviewer team of stakehold-
ers started reviewing the test cases and found that the
test cases were “not something which they were ex-
pecting”. The expert went on to state that this change
has ended up wasting 40% of the time of the soft-
ware developer, firmware engineers and test protocol
designers because detailed test plan development was
already started. The expert stated that all members of
the stakeholders should sync up early and agree on the
user stories and test cases before development started,
to avoid the cost of rework
Expert 3
When asked to comment on the benefits of the Sync-
Up process, the expert stated that he believes the pro-
cess can work and help the ESD team deliver faster.
He also noted that we will have problems in convinc-
ing organisations to change to this process. According
to the expert, problems will come mainly from man-
agement who will not understand that “pairing people
doesn’t mean we do less work”. The expert went on
to state that the main reason we pair people is because
“we want to inject quality” at the beginning rather
than detecting problems at the end. He noted that dur-
Improving Multi-domain Stakeholder Communication of Embedded Safety-critical Development using Agile Practices: Expert Review