In this work, a novel strategy based in SAX is
proposed to improve the representation of cattle
information gathering through WSNs. As the study
has been promoted within the Digitanimal project,
different insights and requirements from the company
has been considered to define the solution.
The proposed approach is based on the SAX
representation technique. Different combinations
for the parameters of the SAX representation have
been evaluated, and compared with the current
company solution, through a common procedure for
the estimation of the error. Major improvements have
been achieved.
Besides, the present study is the first step towards
the development of higher quality services for the
company. A better accuracy in the representation
of animal behavior could improve real-time problem
detection such as animal calvings or heats.
Next steps and future work will imply different
tasks related to the validation of these results, using
more animals and more days, and development of
new possible strategies. In order to verify the
results achieved in this work, devices programmed
with the proposed solution will be used in future
studies. This task should be done in collaboration
with the company and experimental farms that
allow the new stage of information gathering. On
the other hand, devise of new strategies can be
done expanding the study by introducing different
amount of bits per axis and variables, by using
different representation techniques or even by using
alternative levels definitions. In this way, the Trend
Segmentation Algorithm (Siordia et al., 2011), the
Trend Feature Symbolic Aggregate approXimation
(Yu et al., 2019) or the Fast Low-cost Online
Semantic Segmentation (Gharghabi et al., 2019)
could be considered.
Research supported by grants from Madrid
Autonomous Community (Ref: IND2018/TIC-
9665) and European Union’s H2020 Research and
Innovation Program, through the IoF2020 project
(H2020-IoT-2016) under subgrant agreement no.
2282300206-UC010. Special thanks to MISC
International S.L.
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New Commercial Representation for Cattle Information Gathering