(with more than 90% accuracy at the top 3 docu-
ments) and 4% in the answer selection module of the
AQA question answering system for the Czech lan-
guage with the final Mean Average Precision of 72%.
We have also introduced the latest version of
the SQAD question answering benchmark dataset,
which now offers more than 13,000 richly annotated
question-answer pairs. The evaluation of the system
with this enlarged dataset indicates that the size of the
training set allows the approach to be more specific in
identifying the correct answer when the current best
accuracy reaches almost 79% with SQAD 3.0.
In the future work, the development will focus on
analysis of the broader context of the answers, with
evaluation based both on the preprocessing steps as
well as employing the new transformer-based net-
works. The results of the detailed error analysis
also direct the future improvements to processing par-
ticular question and answer types with specifically
adapted parameter values.
This work has been partly supported by the Czech
Science Foundation under the project GA18-23891S.
Access to computing and storage facilities owned
by parties and projects contributing to the National
Grid Infrastructure MetaCentrum provided under the
programme "Projects of Large Research, Develop-
ment, and Innovations Infrastructures" (CESNET
LM2015042), is greatly appreciated.
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