One issue that may be limiting was the lack of con-
sistent training data. While human operators will try
their best to consistently drive the robot, boredom and
interindividual differences may yield changes in data
collection. One option would be to use other sen-
to implement obstacle avoidance behaviour and
then using this system to collect large datasets for ob-
stacle avoidance training using direct or indirect in-
formation from these sensors. It might not be possible
to make the system completely autonomous, however
even an increased autonomy would help to make data
collection more efficient and more consistent.
Another issue is how to evaluate and compare
these systems. We can easily compare performance
of standardized datasets, however this is not always
meaningful (think of a robot driving straight towards
a wall – obviously both left and right steering are cor-
rect). For publicly available datasets it may be pos-
sible to overfit the test set, so the ability to gener-
ate arbitrary amounts of data should always be pre-
ferred. One option for almost autonomous systems
is the number of human interventions over time (Bo-
jarski et al. (2016)’s autonomy measure) – however
this is again dependent on human input or on the
availability of a perfect autonomous systems, which
is only feasible within a simulation setting. Another
way would be to combine a robust simultaneous lo-
calization and mapping system (SLAM, see e.g. Ca-
dena et al. (2016)) that creates a map and localizes
the robot, and using this data to evaluate more com-
plex measures such as average distance driven before
a collision, minimum distance to an obstacle per run
and number of collisions and near-misses.
Finally, larger deep learning networks pretrained
in related contexts (such as described by Khan and
Parker (2019)) may adapted to this task.
We replicated the findings of Muller et al. (2006) and
Muller et al. (2004), and found that they also apply to
some extent to indoor settings. We found that train-
ing the network in a classification setting yields bet-
ter results w.r.t. correlation and accuracy using dif-
ferent bin sizes versus training in a regression set-
ting. However, performance is not yet competitive
although the ability to use arbitrary sensors remains
intriguing. Lastly, we have introduced the ToyCollect
open source hardware and software platform.
E.g. ultrasound sensors which are already present on
robot OUT, perhaps augmented with bumper sensors
This project was partially funded by the Austrian Re-
search Promotion Agency (FFG) and by the Austrian
Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Tech-
nology (BMVIT) within the Talente internship re-
search program 2014-2019. We would like to thank
all interns which have worked on this project, notably
Georg W., Julian F. and Miriam T. We would also
like to thank Lukas D.-B. for all 3D chassis designs
of robot R2X including the final one we used here.
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Revisiting End-to-end Deep Learning for Obstacle Avoidance: Replication and Open Issues