Partial verification is an approach to verification
where on analysis failing, its partial results are used
to produce a simpler residual problem for subse-
quent passes. In this paper we have presented an
event-based framework that can be used as the basis
to produce residuals verification problems, while we
have presented novel residual operators that analyse
the program intraprocedurally to identify unnecessary
event instrumentation, property transitions, and prop-
erty event guards. We evaluated this with a Solid-
ity smart contract, showing some gains depending on
how much of a property was proven.
We are working on an implementation
of this
approach for CONTRACTLARVA (Azzopardi et al.,
2018), a tool for runtime verification on the Ethereum
blockchain. A next logical step is to consider exten-
sions of our work to when parts of the program are
unknown or dynamic at runtime. We believe our ap-
proach to dealing with intraprocedural analysis, i.e.
by considering call states as chaotic, can be re-used
for this purpose. Missing from literature is also resid-
uals of temporal logic based specifications, which are
popular formalisms for verification.
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MODELSWARD 2020 - 8th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development