of which deals with managing the node itself as well
as ActionClient objects, callbacks and other accesso-
rial data structures which are hidden from the user in
Practical tests on the Pepper platform (Fig. 3)
have shown that golog++ in combination with ROS
yields an easy-to-use and robust high-level agent ar-
chitecture. Since Pepper is a platform directly tar-
geted at human-robot interaction, implemented tasks
revolved around social robotics. That is, Pepper acts
as a simple tour guide in the rooms of the MAS-
COR Institute, or demonstrates simple speech-based
human-robot interaction and neural network-based
object recognition at science fairs and other events.
golog++’s concise syntax and interpreted nature
turned out to be very helpful in such scenarios by
making it easy to adapt a demo application on the
spot, e.g. to address questions from the audience.
Preliminary user studies have also shown that,
given some rudimentary documentation and exam-
ple code, users with varying backgrounds in robotics
and computer science were able to interface their first
new action to the golog++ RosPlatformBackend in
about one hour. Subsequent action interfaces were
then done within mere minutes.
In the future, we plan on releasing golog++ with
the RosPlatformBackend as a ROS package to make
it as accessible as possible. The next development
step will be to hook into the ROS message generation
infrastructure to completely automate the process of
interfacing a ROS action to golog++ so that no ad-
ditional C++ coding will be necessary.
We are also following the development of ROS2
and will consider a port as soon as important function-
alities like the ActionLib are sufficiently developed.
This work was supported by the German Na-
tional Science Foundation (DFG) under grant number
FE 1077/4-1
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ICAART 2020 - 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence