Fast Fourier Transform based Force Histogram Computation for 3D
Raster Data
Jaspinder Kaur, Tyler Laforet and Pascal Matsakis
Department of Computer Science, University of Guelph, Guelph, Canada
Relative Position Descriptor, Computer Vision, Image Processing, Force Histogram.
The force histogram is a quantitative representation of the relative position between two objects. Two practical
algorithms have been previously introduced to compute the force histogram between objects: the line-based
algorithm (which works well with 2D data, but is computationally unstable in the case of 3D data), and the
Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)-based algorithm (which is inefficient in the case of 2D data, but has not been
implemented for 3D data). In this paper, an efficient FFT-based algorithm for force histogram computation
in the case of 3D raster data is introduced. Its computation time is compared against that of the 3D line-
based algorithm; except in a few cases, the computation time for new FFT-based algorithm is less than that of
3D line-based algorithm. The experiments validate that the FFT-based algorithm is computationally efficient
regardless of the number of directions, type of forces, and shape of the objects (convex, concave, disjoint or
Humans often rely on the relative positioning of the
objects around them in order to understand and ex-
press spatial information. In our daily lives, the
relative position of objects is often communicated
through linguistic expressions like, “the shopping
mall is south of the apartment”, “the school is near
my home”, and “the folder is inside the case”. Spa-
tial prepositions like “north”, “inside” and “nearby”
represent spatial relationships. Distance relationships
(Ryoo and Aggarwal, 2009) describe how far apart the
objects are in space, like “far away”, “nearby”, “at”.
Directional relationships (also called cardinal or pro-
jective (Gapp, 1995) relationships) are mostly iden-
tified by words like “west”, “to the right of”. Topo-
logical relationships specify concepts of connectivity,
adjacency and enclosure (Egenhofer, 1989; Schneider
and Behr, 2005; Egenhofer, 1990).
Comprehending the spatial relationships in a
scene plays a vital role in several areas such as pat-
tern recognition, human-robot communication, scene
description in natural language, image understanding
and so forth. Models of spatial relationships (dis-
tance, directional and topological) among spatial enti-
ties are either quantitative or qualitative. In qualitative
models (Frank, 1996), a relationship either holds or
does not hold. On the other hand, in quantitative mod-
els, a relationship may hold to some degree (Deselaers
et al., 2004). Over the years, qualitative models have
been used in various areas of computer vision. How-
ever, most practical applications of computer vision
and image processing (Smeulders et al., 2000; Skubic
et al., 2001; Skubic et al., 2002; Miller and Wentz,
2003) require quantitative models called relative po-
sition descriptors (RPD).
Relative position descriptors are vectors of val-
ues that encode information about an object’s position
relative to another object. RPDs bridge the gap be-
tween low-level spatial features (e.g., pixels in an im-
age) and high level concepts (i.e spatial relationships).
An ideal relative position descriptor encapsulates all
possible spatial relationship information between ob-
jects, and allows that information to be extracted effi-
ciently. Over the years, much attention has been paid
towards identifying effective approaches for mod-
elling objects’ relative positions. Several RPDs have
been introduced (Miyajima and Ralescu, 1994; Kr-
ishnapuram et al., 1993; Naeem and Matsakis, 2015).
The force histogram (Matsakis, 1998; Matsakis and
Wendling, 1999) may be one of the most well known
relative position descriptors with various theoretical
and practical applications. It encapsulates the struc-
tural information (e.g., size, shape, etc.) as well as
the spatial relationship information between objects.
So far, many algorithms for force histogram compu-
Kaur, J., Laforet, T. and Matsakis, P.
Fast Fourier Transform based Force Histogram Computation for 3D Raster Data.
DOI: 10.5220/0008985100690074
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2020), pages 69-74
ISBN: 978-989-758-397-1; ISSN: 2184-4313
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved