In this paper, we provide an approach for anomaly
detection which combines two state-of-the-art detec-
tion models, one based on stacked LSTM and another
one encoder-decoder based. TPSME-AD, in general,
outperforms the detection anomaly models from the
state-of-the-art techniques as already expected since
our ensemble model combines the best of models
(Malhotra et al., 2015; Malhotra et al., 2016) on de-
tecting anomalous time series. In the experiments, we
also show that, for a quasi-periodic time series data,
our model can outperform also standard ensemble fu-
sion approaches, such as simple average, damped av-
erage, and simple weighted average.
As a future direction, we aim at evaluating our
proposal with other datasets like the electrocardio-
gram, and the space-shuttle valve time-series (Keogh
et al., 2007). Another future improvement can be
added to a regularization of the combination function
so that we can mitigate the overfitting in the validation
This work is partially supported by the FUNCAP SPU
8789771/2017, and the UFC-FASTEF 31/2019.
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