Evaluating the Effect of Justification and Confidence Information on
User Perception of a Privacy Policy Summarization Tool
Vanessa Bracamonte
, Seira Hidano
, Welderufael B. Tesfay
and Shinsaku Kiyomoto
KDDI Research, Inc., Saitama, Japan
Goethe University Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany
Privacy Policy, Automatic Summarization, Explanation, User Perception, Trust.
Privacy policies are long and cumbersome for users to read. To support understanding of the information
contained in privacy policies, automated analysis of textual data can be used to obtain a summary of their
content, which can then be presented in a shorter, more usable format. However, these tools are not perfect
and users indicate concern about the trustworthiness of their results. Although some of these tools provide
information about their performance, the effect if this information has not been investigated. In order to address
this, we conducted an experimental study to evaluate whether providing explanatory information such as result
confidence and justification influences users’s understanding of the privacy policy content and perception of
the tool. The results suggest that presenting a justification of the results, in the form of a policy fragment,
can increase intention to use the tool and improve perception of trustworthiness and usefulness. On the other
hand, showing only a result confidence percentage did not improve perception of the tool, nor did it help to
communicate the possibility of incorrect results. We discuss these results and their implications for the design
of privacy policy summarization tools.
The introduction of regulations such as the
GDPR (European Parliament, 2016) has encour-
aged recent efforts to make privacy policies more
understandable to users. However, despite serving as
a defacto contractual document between the user and
service provider, privacy policies remain too long and
difficult for users to read and comprehend.
Alternatives to these lengthy pieces of text have
been proposed, such as shorter notices in graphical
and standardized formats (Gluck et al., 2016; Kelley
et al., 2010) that can work to communicate informa-
tion about the privacy policy to users. Since these
formats are not employed by all companies, there are
projects such as ToS;DR (ToSDR, 2019) which pro-
vides summaries of existing privacy policies. ToS;DR
relies on a community of users to manually analyze
and categorize the content of these privacy policies,
which makes it very difficult to scale the work to
cover every existing privacy policy.
There are also projects that propose to automatize
the analysis of privacy policies using machine learn-
ing techniques. Privacy policy summarization tools
are automated applications, implemented using differ-
ent machine learning and natural language processing
techniques, that analyze the content of a privacy pol-
icy text and provide a summary of the results of that
analysis (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Automated privacy policy summarization.
Examples of these projects are Privee (Zimmeck and
Bellovin, 2014), PrivacyCheck (Zaeem et al., 2018),
Polisis (Harkous et al., 2018) and PrivacyGuide (Tes-
fay et al., 2018b). These tools can provide a solution
to the problem of scale in the analysis of privacy poli-
cies, but they introduce a different challenge: users
express concern regarding the trustworthiness and ac-
curacy of a privacy policy summarization tool when
they know that the process is automated (Bracamonte
et al., 2019).
Bracamonte, V., Hidano, S., Tesfay, W. and Kiyomoto, S.
Evaluating the Effect of Justification and Confidence Information on User Perception of a Privacy Policy Summarization Tool.
DOI: 10.5220/0008986101420151
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2020), pages 142-151
ISBN: 978-989-758-399-5; ISSN: 2184-4356
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The design of the result summary of automated
privacy policy summarization tools often follows
guidelines for usable formats aimed at presenting
privacy policy information. Research on alterna-
tive ways of presenting privacy policies indicates that
shortened versions of these texts, supplemented with
icons, can provide users with the necessary informa-
tion for them to understand their content (Gluck et al.,
2016). Not only the length of the privacy policy is
important, but also how the information is presented:
standardized graphical formats can better provide in-
formation than text (Kelley et al., 2009; Kelley et al.,
2010). In addition to these design considerations,
some privacy policy summarization tools also provide
information related to the reliability and performance
of the machine learning techniques used. However,
there are no studies that evaluate how this informa-
tion affects user perception of these type of tools. Al-
though studies have evaluated perception and under-
standing of usable privacy policy formats produced
by humans, aspects related to the reliability of the pri-
vacy policy information have naturally not been pre-
viously considered in the research.
The purpose of this study is to address this gap. To
achieve this, we conducted an experiment to evaluate
understanding and perception of the results of an au-
tomated privacy policy summarization tool. We cre-
ated different conditions based on whether the results
of the tool showed information about justification and
confidence of the results, and asked participants about
the content of the privacy policy and their perception
of the tool in each of these conditions. The results
show that justification information increased behav-
ioral intention and trustworthiness and usefulness per-
ception. Justification information also helped users
qualify the answers provided by the tool, although the
effect was not present for every aspect of the policy.
Confidence information, on the other hand, did not
have a positive effect on perception of the tool or on
understanding of the results of the tool. We discuss
these findings in the context of providing usable auto-
mated tools for privacy policy summarization and the
challenges for the design of these tools.
2.1 Information Provided by Automated
Privacy Policy Summaries
Automated privacy policy summarization tools
mainly provide information about the privacy policy
to the user: Privee (Zimmeck and Bellovin, 2014)
and PrivacyCheck (Zaeem et al., 2018), for exam-
ple, show a summary of a privacy policy based on
pre-established categories and risk levels, and the vi-
sual design of the summary includes icons and stan-
dard descriptions. PrivacyGuide (Tesfay et al., 2018a)
shows an icon-based result summary as well, and in
addition provides the fragment of the original privacy
policy. These tools are similar in the sense that they
provide a standardized category-based summary of
the privacy policy, although they use different crite-
ria for that categorization and for assigning risk lev-
els. Polisis (Harkous et al., 2018) takes a different and
more complex approach for the privacy policy analy-
sis and classification, but also provides standard cat-
egories and fragments of the original privacy policy
text. A related chatbot tool, PriBot, returns fragments
of the privacy policy in response to freely composed
questions from users.
The automated tools mentioned sometimes pro-
vide explanatory information about the results. Two
of the tools mentioned in the previous section, Pri-
vacyGuide and PriBot, include information that may
be considered as explanation of performance of the
tool. PrivacyGuide provides a fragment of the origi-
nal privacy policy that the tool identifies as related to
a privacy aspect and uses to assign a risk level. Pri-
Bot, on the other hand, shows a confidence percentage
that works as a proxy for how accurately the fragment
it returns answers a user’s question (Harkous et al.,
2.2 Explanations of Automated Systems
When results are provided by automated tools, users
have questions about the reliability of those results.
One way of influencing this perception is through pro-
viding some explanation about the system. For ex-
ample, offering some justification for outcomes can
positively influence perception of accuracy (Biran and
McKeown, 2017) and information about accuracy can
improve trust (Lai and Tan, 2019). Although there
is no predefined way of communicating to the user
about the performance of automated privacy policy
summarizing tools, existing tools provide some infor-
mation. PrivacyGuide shows a fragment of the pri-
vacy policy, which can be classified as a justification
or support explanation (Gregor and Benbasat, 1999).
Similarly, information about the confidence of results
such as the one provided by PriBot can also be consid-
ered a dimension of explanation (Wang et al., 2016).
This serves as a measure of uncertainty (Diakopoulos,
2016) of the results and therefore as an indication of
Explanation information, including confidence,
Evaluating the Effect of Justification and Confidence Information on User Perception of a Privacy Policy Summarization Tool
has been found to positively influence trust when
users interact with automation (Wang et al., 2016).
However, the effect of explanations is not always pos-
itive. Research indicates that certain types of explana-
tory information about the performance of a system,
for example an F-score accuracy measure, may not
be useful in applications intended for a general audi-
ence (Kay et al., 2015). In addition, it has also been
found that too much explanation could have a nega-
tive effect on aspects such as trust (Kizilcec, 2016).
These studies show that simply providing more infor-
mation may not result in a positive effect; therefore,
it is important to evaluate the effect of explanatory in-
formation, such as justification and confidence, pro-
vided by privacy policy summarization tools.
One limitation in this area is that there are few user
evaluations of automated privacy policy summariza-
tion tools. For Polisis, a user study was conducted
that evaluated the perception of the accuracy of re-
sults; however, it was conducted independent from the
interface (Harkous et al., 2018). The study found that
users considered the results were relevant to the ques-
tions, although this perception differed from the mea-
sure of accuracy of the predictive model. A user study
was also conducted to evaluate whether PrivacyGuide
results, which found that the tool partially achieved
the goal of informing users about the risk of a privacy
policy and increasing interest in its content (Braca-
monte et al., 2019). The study also found that users
indicated concern about the trustworthiness of the tool
and the accuracy of its results. However, these studies
have not considered the effect of justification or confi-
dence information shown by these tools, and how this
explanatory information might affect trust.
3.1 Experiment Design
The experiment consisted of a task to view the results
of the analysis of the privacy policy of an fictional on-
line shop, and answer questions about the content of
the privacy policy and about the perception of the tool
in general. We used a between-subjects design, with
a total of six experimental conditions. We defined the
experimental conditions as follows. A Control con-
dition that included only information about the result
of the privacy policy summarization. A Confidence
condition that included all the information from the
Control condition and added a confidence percentage
for the results. A Justification condition that included
all the information from the Control condition and
added justification in the form of a short fragments
from the original privacy policy. A Highlight condi-
tion, which was a second form of justification where
relevant words were emphasized in the privacy policy
fragments. Finally, two conditions that showed both
confidence percentage and justification (Justification
+ Confidence and Highlight + Confidence).
3.2 Privacy Policy Summary Result
We based the design of the privacy policy summary on
PrivacyGuide and defined that the result would corre-
spond to a low risk privacy policy, as defined by (Bra-
camonte et al., 2019). In PrivacyGuide, an icon in a
color representing one of three levels of risk (Green,
Yellow and Red) is assigned to each result category
(privacy aspect) depending on the content of the pri-
vacy policy corresponding to that aspect (Tesfay et al.,
The Control condition result interface included
icons and descriptions of the risk levels for each pri-
vacy aspect. The Justification condition result in-
terface was based on the Control condition, and in-
cluded in addition a text fragment for each privacy
aspect. We selected the fragments from real privacy
policies, by running PrivacyGuide on the English lan-
guage privacy policies of well known international
websites that also provided an equivalent Japanese
language privacy policy. We chose those fragment
results that matched the privacy aspect risk level we
had defined, but took the fragment from the matching
Japanese language privacy policy. This procedure re-
sulted in fragments that were obtained from different
privacy policies; therefore, we reviewed and modified
the texts so that they would be congruent with each
other in style and content. We also anonymized any
reference to the original company. The Highlight con-
dition result interface was based on the Justification
result, and in addition emphasized the justification by
highlighting words relevant to the corresponding pri-
vacy aspect.
The Confidence condition was based on the Con-
trol condition, and showed in addition a confidence
percentage for each privacy aspect result. The con-
fidence percentages were set manually. The Justi-
fication+Confidence and Highlight+Confidence con-
ditions result interfaces showed all the information
described previously for the Justified/Highlight and
Confidence. Regarding the values of the confidence
percentages, since confidence and justification infor-
mation would be shown together for these last two
conditions, we set the confidence values by manu-
ally evaluating how accurately the fragments repre-
sented the privacy aspect risk level. Confidence per-
centages for the privacy aspect results ranged from
ICISSP 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Figure 2: Experiment result screens. (a) Full results for the Confidence condition. (b) Fragment corresponding to one privacy
aspect in the Justification + Confidence condition. (c) Fragment corresponding to one privacy aspect in the Highlight +
Confidence condition. The result screens for the Control, Justification and Highlight conditions are similar to (a), (b) and (c),
respectively, with the exception that the confidence percentage is not included.
70% to 95%, with the exception of Privacy Settings.
For Privacy Settings, we set the confidence percentage
to 45% and chose a fragment that did not accurately
represent the corresponding privacy aspect. This was
done to evaluate the influence of incorrect informa-
tion and low confidence on users’ response to ques-
tions about the content of the privacy policy. Figure 2
shows the details of the interface.
The interfaces also included a help section at the
top of the result interface screen, which described
every element of the results from the privacy aspect
name to the confidence percentage (where applica-
ble). Because users need time to familiarize them-
selves with elements in a privacy notice (Schaub et al.,
2015), we included the help section to compensate for
the lack of time, although such a section would not
normally be prominently displayed.
3.3 Questionnaire
We included questions about the privacy policy, to
evaluate participants’ understanding of the privacy
practices of the fictional company based on what was
presented on the result interface. The questions were
adapted from (Kelley et al., 2010) and addressed
each of the privacy aspects (Table 1). We created
the questions so that the correct option would be a
positive answer (Definitely yes or Possibly yes) for all
questions except for the question corresponding to the
Protection of Children privacy aspect, where the cor-
rect option was left ambiguous. The only other ex-
ception was the Privacy Settings aspect, which was
assigned low confidence percentage and an incorrect
justification fragment (as defined in the previous sec-
tion). Therefore, in the experimental conditions that
included these pieces of information, we expected the
Evaluating the Effect of Justification and Confidence Information on User Perception of a Privacy Policy Summarization Tool
Table 1: Privacy policy content questions. Response options: Definitely yes, Possibly yes, Possibly no, Definitely no, It
doesn’t say in the result, It’s unclear from the result.
Privacy aspect Question
Data Collection Does the online store (company) collect your personal information?
Privacy settings Does the online store give you options to manage your privacy preferences?
Account deletion Does the online store allow you to delete your account?
Protection of children Does the online store knowingly collect information from children?
Data security Does the online store have security measures to protect your personal information?
Third-party sharing Does the online store share your personal information with third parties?
Data retention Does the online store indicate how long they retain your data?
Data aggregation Does the online store aggregate your personal information?
Control of data Does the online store allow you to edit your information?
Policy changes Does the online store inform you if they change their privacy policy?
Table 2: Questionnaire items. Response scale: Completely agree, Agree, Somewhat agree, Somewhat disagree, Disagree,
Completely disagree.
Construct Item
Useful The application answers my questions about the privacy policy of the online store
The application addresses my concerns about the privacy policy of the online store
The application is useful to understand the privacy policy of the online store
The application does not answer what I want to know about the privacy policy of
the online store (Reverse worded)
Trustworthy The results of the application are trustworthy
The results of the application are reliable
The results of the application are accurate
Understandable The results of the application are understandable
The reason for the results is understandable
Intention I would use this application to analyze the privacy policy of various online stores
I would use this application to decide whether or not to use various online stores
AI use The use of AI is appropriate for this kind of application
correct answer to not be a positive answer.
We included items for measuring behavioral in-
tention and perception of usefulness, understandabil-
ity and trustworthiness of the tool (Table 2). The
items were rated on a six-point Likert scale, ranging
from Completely disagree to Completely agree. We
also included a question addressing the perceived ap-
propriateness of using AI for this use case.
3.3.1 Translation and Review
The questionnaire was developed in English; since we
conducted the survey in Japan with Japanese partic-
ipants, we translated the questionnaire with the fol-
lowing procedure. First, two native Japanese speakers
independently translated the whole questionnaire, in-
cluding the statements explaining the survey and pri-
vacy policy summarization tool. The translators and
a person fluent in Japanese and English reviewed the
translated statements one by one, verifying that both
translations were equivalent to each other and had the
same meaning as the original English statement.
The reviewers found no contradictions in mean-
ing in this first step. The reviewers then chose the
translated statements that more clearly communicated
the meaning of the questions, instructions or expla-
nations. Finally, the translators reviewed the whole
questionnaire to standardize the language, since they
had originally used different levels of formality.
3.4 Data Collection
We conducted the survey using an online survey com-
pany, which distributed an invitation to participate in
the survey to their registered users. We targeted the
recruitment process to obtain a sample with sex and
age demographics similar to those of the Japanese
population according to the 2101 census (Statistics
Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communi-
cations, 2010), but limited participation to users who
were 18 years-old or older. Participants were com-
pensated by the online survey company.
Participants were randomly assigned to one of the
six experimental conditions and filled the survey on-
ICISSP 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
line. We received the pseudonymized data from par-
ticipants from the online survey company, which also
included demographic data. In addition, the survey
also registered the total time taken for the survey.
The survey was conducted from December 12-14,
3.5 Limitations
The study had the following limitations. In the study,
we do not manipulate the risk level of the privacy pol-
icy, we only consider a privacy policy defined as low
risk. The number of privacy aspects and correspond-
ing risk levels result in a large number of possible
combinations, making it impractical to test them all.
Consequently, it may be that the results of the study
are not generalizable to other risk levels besides the
one chosen for the study.
In addition, we did not include a process to
validate that the participants had indeed compre-
hended every aspect of the result interface, beyond
the straightforward questions about the content of the
privacy policy. We considered that if we included
more detailed questions, the behavior of the partici-
pant would deviate further from a normal interaction
with these type of tools. Nevertheless, this means that
the results of this study reflect an evaluation of per-
ception rather than objective measures of comprehen-
Lastly, in the study we used PrivacyGuide’s pri-
vacy aspect categorization, which is based on the Eu-
ropean Union’s GDPR, and showed it to Japanese par-
ticipants. However, we consider that the GDPR-based
categories are relevant for our Japanese participants.
For one, there is a degree of compatibility between
the GDPR and Japanese privacy regulation (European
Commission, 2019). And the Japanese language pri-
vacy policies used in the experiment come from inter-
national websites aimed at Japanese audiences, and
are direct translations of English privacy policies cre-
ated to comply with the GDRP.
4.1 Data Cleanup
The online survey returned a total of 1054 responses.
We first identified suspicious responses, defined as
cases with no variability of extreme response (all
questions answered with 1 or 6, which included re-
verse worded items for this purpose) and cases where
the total survey answer time was lower than 125 sec-
onds. We calculated this time considering a high read-
Table 3: Sample Characteristics.
n %
Total 944 100%
Gender Male 458 49%
Female 486 51%
Age 19-20s 168 18%
30s 175 19%
40s 200 21%
50s 185 20%
60s 216 23%
Job Government employee 35 4%
Company Employee 373 40%
Own business 59 6%
Freelance 17 2%
Full-time homemaker 174 18%
Part time 112 12%
Student 42 4%
Other 27 3%
Unemployed 105 11%
ing speed and the number of characters in the online
survey plus the result screen for the Control condition.
With these criteria, we identified 110 cases which
were manually reviewed and removed from further
4.2 Sample Characteristics
The sample after data cleanup consisted of 944 cases
(Table 3). 51% of the participants were female, and
the age range was 19-69 years. The distribution these
demographic characteristics is similar to that of the
Japanese population (Statistics Bureau, Ministry of
Internal Affairs and Communications, 2010), as es-
tablished in the data collection process.
4.3 Effect on Responses to Questions
about the Content of the Privacy
We analyzed the categorical responses to the ques-
tions about the privacy policy using chi-square tests.
We were interested in the differences between the
responses to each privacy aspect question, so we
used contingency tables to represent the relationship
between questions and answers in each experimen-
tal condition. As indicated previously, we wanted
to test whether participants had understood the re-
sults of the tool and whether differences in the in-
formation provided in each condition were reflected
in their answers. The results of the chi-square test
of independence are shown in Figure 3. Association
Evaluating the Effect of Justification and Confidence Information on User Perception of a Privacy Policy Summarization Tool
Figure 3: Association plot of the relationship between privacy policy questions and their responses for each experimental
condition. Blue and red areas indicate significantly higher and lower response proportion than expected (i.e if all questions
had the same response proportion), respectively.
plots (Meyer et al., 2006) were used to visualize ar-
eas with significantly higher or lower response pro-
portion, compared between privacy aspect questions.
The responses in the Control condition provide a
base for how participants understood the content of
the privacy policy from the results of the tool. The
majority of participants chose a positive answer for
all of the questions except the one corresponding to
Protection of Children, indicating that the result of
the tool communicated the expected information in
the Control condition. However, the results show
that there were no differences in the proportion of re-
sponses corresponding to the question regarding Pri-
vacy Settings compared to other aspects in any of the
experimental conditions. As can be observed in Fig-
ure 3, there are no significant differences in the pro-
portions of responses to the Privacy Settings question
compared to the responses to the Control of Data or
Data Aggregation questions, for example. This lack
of significant differences indicates that participants’
responses were not influenced by either the low confi-
dence percentage nor the incorrect justification in the
result for the Privacy Settings aspect. However there
is some evidence that at least some participants con-
sidered the justification information in their response.
For the conditions that include justification, the pro-
portion of Does not say responses in the Data Reten-
tion question is higher. A review of the fragment cor-
responding to this privacy aspect indicates that there
is no mention of a specific time for the retention of
the data. This lack of detail may have resulted in at
least some participants considering that the question
was not answered in the privacy policy. We do not
see this difference in the Control condition nor in the
Confidence condition, which do not include the justi-
fication fragment.
We also tested for differences in the time taken to
answer the full survey between conditions. The dis-
tribution of time was similar for all conditions and
highly skewed, so we used non-parametric Kruskal-
Wallis tests for the difference in median. We found no
significant differences, indicating that the additional
information of justification and confidence conditions
did not have an influence on the time taken to finish
the survey.
ICISSP 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Control Justif. Highlight Conf.
Control Justif. Highlight Conf.
Control Justif. Highlight Conf.
Control Justif. Highlight Conf.
Figure 4: Box plots for all variables. The blue line indicates
the median for the Control condition. The detail of signif-
icant differences according to Dunn’s test are indicated in
Table 5.
4.4 Effect on Perception of the Tool
We created composite variables by summing the items
corresponding to attitudes and perception of useful-
ness, understandability and trustworthiness. We cal-
culated a Cronbach’s alpha measure for the items cor-
responding to each composite variable. In the case of
usefulness, the recoded reverse-worded item was neg-
atively correlated and we removed it from the analy-
sis. After removal, Cronbach’s alpha values indicated
good internal consistency (all values above 0.9.) Fig-
ure 4 shows the median in each experimental condi-
tion for all variables.
All composite variables had a similar non-normal
distribution shape; therefore, we used non-parametric
Kruskal Wallis tests for the difference between their
medians, and Dunn’s test for multiple comparisons.
To control for false positives, p-values were adjusted
using the Benjamini–Hochberg procedure (Benjamini
and Hochberg, 1995). We found significant differ-
ences between groups for all variables, according to
the results of Kruskal-Wallis tests (Table 4). We con-
ducted post-hoc comparisons using Dunn’s tests to
evaluate which of the groups were significantly dif-
ferent. Table 5 shows the detailed results.
The Highlight and Highlight+Confidence condi-
tions were more positively perceived in terms of use-
fulness and trustworthiness than the Control condi-
tion. For behavioral intention, we found a significant
difference only between the Control and Justification
conditions. In addition, we found no differences in
Table 4: Results of Kruskal-Wallis’ test for the difference
in median between conditions.
Chi-squared (df=5) p
Intention 11.694 0.033
Useful 17.217 0.004
Understandable 11.715 0.039
Trustworthy 17.028 0.004
Table 5: Results of Dunn’s test for multiple comparisons.
P-values for comparisons that were non-significant (p>0.5)
are not shown. No significant differences were found for
perceived understandability.
Useful Trustw. Intention
Control 0.049 0.017
- Justification
Control 0.010 0.009
- Highlight
Control 0.048 0.026
- Highlight+Conf.
Highlight 0.035
- Confidence
the perception of any of the variables of interest be-
tween the Control and Confidence conditions. We
also did not find significant differences between the
Justification and Highlight conditions; we consider
that this may be due to the relatively subtle effect of
bolding the words. Nor were there significant differ-
ences between similar experimental conditions with
or without confidence information. In addition, al-
though the Kruskal-Wallis test indicated significant
difference for understandability, the post hoc Dunn
test did not find significant differences between any
condition, based on the adjusted p-value.
Finally, with regard to the appropriateness of us-
ing AI for summarizing privacy policies, the results of
a Kruskal-Wallis test showed that there were no sig-
nificant differences between conditions. The median
value was 4 (”Somewhat agree”) for all conditions ex-
cept the Control condition, which had a median value
of 3 (”Somewhat disagree”).
The results show that providing privacy policy infor-
mation fragments as justification, with and without
highlighted words, improved perception of the tool
compared to not showing that information, albeit on
different dimensions. On the other hand, the results
show that confidence information did not have any
influence. Based on previous research on the confi-
dence explanations (Wang et al., 2016), we had ex-
Evaluating the Effect of Justification and Confidence Information on User Perception of a Privacy Policy Summarization Tool
pected that showing a confidence percentage would
improve perception of trustworthiness in particular,
but there was no effect on any of the measured per-
ception variables.
The results show that the short summary format
(Control condition) can inform users of the overall
privacy policy contents as categorized by the tool.
This result is in line with research on shorter privacy
policy formats (Gluck et al., 2016). On the other
hand, the additional explanatory information of justi-
fication and result confidence included in other exper-
imental conditions did not greatly alter the responses
to the questions about the privacy policy content, even
when the fragment did not accurately justify the result
or the confidence percentage was low. One possibil-
ity is that participants may have relied mainly on the
privacy aspect’s icons and descriptions to answer the
questions about the privacy policy, even when there
was additional information that was in contradiction
of the overall result. This may have been due to the
fact that we did not explicitly bring attention to the
justification and confidence percentage, beyond in-
cluding its description in the help section of the inter-
face. In addition, the questions we asked participants
were straightforward and for the most part targeted in-
formation that was already available in the elements
of the Control condition interface.
However, the results indicate that participants did
consider justification information, at least to some ex-
tent, as evidenced by the answers to the Data Reten-
tion question in conditions where the privacy policy
fragment was shown. As for the incorrect fragment
corresponding to the Privacy Settings aspect, it may
be that participants were not sufficiently familiar with
this type of settings, and therefore could not judge
whether the fragment was incorrect or not. In the case
of confidence information, another possibility is that
the users did not think to question the results of the
tool and therefore ignored the contradictory informa-
tion of low confidence. This can happen when the
user considers that the system is reliable (Wang et al.,
2016). Figure 4 shows that the median of trustwor-
thiness perception is higher than the midpoint for all
conditions, which lends support to this hypothesis.
In general, the results of this study suggest that
adding explanatory information in the form of justi-
fication can be beneficial to automated privacy pol-
icy summarization tools. However, post-hoc power
analysis indicates that the sample is large enough to
detect small differences, meaning that it is possible
that statistically significant improvements in percep-
tion of usefulness and trustworthiness may not be rel-
evant in practice. Conversely, the findings that not all
explanatory information had a significant positive ef-
fect suggest that it is important to evaluate whether
this additional information can truly benefit users, be-
fore considering adding it to the result interface of
an automated privacy policy summarization tool. Al-
though our results do not indicate that there would be
negative effects if explanatory information is shown,
future research should consider evaluating any pos-
sible tradeoffs in terms of usability. More research
is needed to identify what information to present to
users in order to improve efficacy as well as percep-
tion of these automated privacy tools.
In this paper, we conducted an experimental study to
evaluate whether showing justification and confidence
of the results of an automated privacy policy summa-
rization tool influences user perception of the tool and
whether this information can help users correctly in-
terpret those results. The findings suggest that show-
ing a privacy policy fragment as justification for the
result can improve perception of usefulness and trust-
worthiness of the tool, and can improve intention of
using the tool. On the other hand, information about
the confidence of results did not appear to have much
influence on user perception. Moreover, the findings
also indicate that even when the confidence informa-
tion indicated higher uncertainty of the results, the
users did not rely on this information to interpret the
results of the tool.
Altogether, the findings indicate that it may be
worth considering adding explanatory information to
help improve the perception of an automated privacy
policy summarization tool, but that the type of expla-
nation should be carefully chosen and evaluated, since
explanatory information by itself may not be enough
to help users understand the limitations of the results
of the tool. Future research should investigate the type
of explanatory information that these automated pri-
vacy tools should provide to users, as well as how to
present that information in a usable way.
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Evaluating the Effect of Justification and Confidence Information on User Perception of a Privacy Policy Summarization Tool