provide valuable support to farm managers. Wjtow-
icz et al.(W
ojtowicz et al., 2016) described the impor-
tance of sensor information, which are of three types:
satellite, airborne, and ground based. These infor-
mation sources contribute to the forecasting of crop
yield, assessment of nutritional requirements of plants
and the nutrient content in soil, and determination of
plant water demand and weed control. This optimizes
the profitability of crop production and improves en-
vironmental protection. In this study, we focused on
sensor information and farm work information. There
has been much research and many developments re-
lated to visualization of sensor information and farm
work information.
For example, MIHARAS
, developed by Nishimu
Electronics Industries Co. Ltd., Agrilog
, developed
by ITKOBO-Z Co. Ltd., and SEnviro(Trilles Oliver
et al., 2019) visualize sensor information. MIHA-
RAS provides an open-field sensor unit, a weather
sensor unit, and a paddy field sensor unit. The open-
field sensor unit measures temperature, humidity, soil
moisture, soil electrical conductivity, and soil temper-
ature. The weather sensor unit measures wind direc-
tion, wind speed, rainfall, solar radiation, tempera-
ture, and humidity. The paddy field sensor unit mea-
sures temperature, humidity, water level, water tem-
perature, and soil temperature. MIHARAS visualizes
the information from these sensors on personal com-
puters (PCs), smartphones, and tablets (hereinafter,
referred to as user devices). Agrilog is an environ-
mental monitoring service for greenhouses that can
measure temperature, humidity, CO
solar radiation, soil temperature, soil moisture, and
soil electrical conductivity. This sensor information
is visualized by user devices, and some processed in-
formation such as an average temperature can be cal-
culated and plotted. In addition, users can share their
sensor information with each other. SEnviro can mea-
sure temperature, humidity, barometric pressure, soil
moisture, wind direction, wind speed, and rainfall.
This sensor information is visualized by a web ap-
plication in real-time. The primary aim of SEnviro
is to use disease warning models of crops in order to
alert users to the danger of crop infection. Sensing
and analyzing in real-time enable them to tackle the
infection with the appropriate treatments.
The Priva FS Reader
, developed by Priva Inc.
and Hashimoto et al.(Hashimoto et al., 2016), pro-
vides visualization of farm work information. The
Priva FS Reader is a device that can easily record
farm work information. It was developed to manage
a large number of laborers on a large farm field. A
special tag is installed at the edge of the each ridge in
the farm field, making it possible to perceive where
the farm laborer worked by scanning it with a device
each farm laborer wears. For example, by associating
with the box ID that contains the yield, it is possible
to perceive when and how many were harvested, and
by whom. In addition, crop conditions, diseases, and
pests can be easily registered and visualized on a map.
Hashimoto et al. estimated a farm laborer’s position
in a greenhouse by using a smartphone and beacons
placed in the greenhouse. At the same time, they es-
timated the farm laborer’s actions to harvest based on
the worker’s motion as measured by smartwatches,
and subsequently measured the yield. Finally, they
created a harvesting map by integrating the position
and action information. Using this, they can generate
much detailed farm work information.
Midori Cloud
, developed by SERAKU Co. Ltd.
visualizes sensor information and farm work informa-
tion on a user device by installing a sensor unit in a
greenhouse. This sensor unit measures temperature,
soil temperature, humidity, CO
concentration, and
solar radiation. In addition, the Midori Cloud also
has a function to record farm work information called
Midori Notes. However, sensor information and farm
work information are not integrated for visualization.
It is necessary to integrate and visualize sensor in-
formation and farm work information, because there
are causal relationships between them. For example,
if high solar radiation continues, the yield, or the har-
vesting work will increase, and if the greenhouse is
ventilated, the CO
concentration will change rapidly.
SALATA, our web-based application, visualizes both
sensor information and farm work information such
that farm managers can easily understand the causal
relationships between them.
We have developed SALATA to visualize sensor in-
formation and farm work information. We anticipate
that farm managers will improve the farm field envi-
ronment by using SALATA as discussed below.
1. SALATA collects sensor information and farm
work information.
SENSORNETS 2020 - 9th International Conference on Sensor Networks