the survival of non-swarming individuals, thus urging
them to join the swarm even when it is suboptimal
to all individuals’ survival. Note that this affects ra-
tional agents, i.e., swarm participants that act locally
optimal at every single one of their decisions.
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ing from lack of communication and control struc-
tures has been observed in natural evolution as
well (Dawkins, 1976). Thus, swarms can (un-
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perpetuating, which means that they should be han-
dled with additional care when employing them
in practical applications. Self-perpetuating swarms
might introduce additional targets for emergent be-
havior that affect the system designer’s intended pur-
pose. It is up to future research to examine the inter-
play between using such emergent behavior and con-
trolling it to employ useful swarm applications.
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