server must force the client (which opened the PDF
document) to authenticate itself. For this, we used the
Responder application by Spiderlabs (Gaffie, 2019).
The application starts a SMB server and waits for in-
coming connections. It tries to collect as much infor-
mation as possible from the incoming connection(s).
Figure 1 shows a Wireshark capture of an NTLM au-
thentication, which is used by Windows for an SMB
connection, and here forced by the responder, initially
triggered by a malicious PDF.
In our testing, GoToR, GoToE, ImportData,
Launch and Thread succeed to connect to such a
server. Some actions even did not alert or message the
client during or before their execution. Others alert a
user after execution that the requesting file was not
available or that there is a printing error. We believe
this confusing error to be caused by some applications
because some applications were not able to handle the
unexpected responses from the actions. Some appli-
cations recognized the outgoing connection and asked
for a user’s permission before they executed them.
Creating connections with JavaScript was not as
successful as solely actions, but it was also possible to
create some SMB and HTTP connections, especially
with browsers. Most of the applications also repli-
cate the privileged and non-privileged modes from the
Adobe JS API and ask users for their permission to
execute critical requests.
The original motivation for this paper was to investi-
gate whether today PDF processing applications are
already fully secured, or whether there are still ways
to misuse standard PDF format functions for ma-
licious goals. We enumerate in this paper candi-
date PDF functions, along with their potential mis-
use cases. Through the combination of triggers, ac-
tions and/or JavaScript code segments it is (still) pos-
sible to constructs malicious PDFs, although the re-
sults vary with every application. With the code ex-
amples it was possible to initiate connections to ex-
ternal destinations, execute code or change content
within the document. The success always depends on
the used PDF rendering engine and the completeness
of its PDF standard implementation and security mea-
We discovered no universal attack that is success-
ful for every application. As PDF applications are fast
moving targets, we expect the exploits to be already
patched in the most popular applications when you
read this, however we believe our summary presenta-
tion here is a good basis for future work in this area.
The financial support by the Christian Doppler Re-
search Association, the Austrian Federal Ministry for
Digital and Economic Affairs and the National Foun-
dation for Research, Technology and Development is
gratefully acknowledged.
The work presented in this paper was done at the
Josef Ressel Center for Unified Threat Intelligence on
Targeted Attacks (TARGET), at St. P
olten University
of Applied Sciences, Austria.
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ICISSP 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy