In this paper, a seamless and integrated low-cost rapid
control prototyping development platform (LoRra for
short) based on the open source software Scilab was
presented. The model-based, verification-oriented
RCP development process, starting with the LoRra
model libraries, the automated generation of code with
the LoRra-Code-generator and its implementation on a
microcontroller as real-time hardware using the LoRra-
RTI, can thus be performed highly automated in a sin-
gle low-cost software environment. The three process
steps Model-in-the-Loop, Software-in-the-Loop and
Hardware-in-the-Loop are supported for testing and
Further work deals with the implementation of a
graphical user interface for measurement and calibra-
tion tasks. In addition, the development of a test field
for interconnected autonomous guided vehicles for
further verification is being forced. For this purpose,
it is planned to add functions from the IoT, Industry
4.0 and Smart Home areas to the LoRra-RTI.
The results presented were obtained in the context of
the project LoCoRCP that is funded by the EFRE
Fund of the European Union (grant number ZW 6-
85003460). Responsibility for the con-tent of this pa-
per lies with the authors.
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