interpretable semantics of the modeling languages.
Because of this 1:1 correspondence of language con-
structs and ontology concepts, an architecture model
can be transformed into an ontology. This so-called
semantic lifting Kappel et al. (2006) allows for reuse
of knowledge represented in the models for auto-
mated reasoning. It has been implemented for work-
place learning and BPaaS (see sections 5.4 and 5.5).
Ontology-based metamodeling (Hinkelmann
et al., 2018) is an advancement of semantic lifting
that seamlessly integrates modeling languages and
ontologies. It has been recently implemented in
the agile modeling approach described in (Laurenzi
et al., 2018), which allows the ontology to evolve
over time and to be easily re-used and adapted for
new application domains.
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guages for models, will be developed and ArchiMEO
will be further extended gradually for several other
application domains. In parallel the ArchiMEO pro-
totype will be advanced with respect to implement-
ing the link between the ontology and an application
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