This paper’s goal has been that of systematically dis-
cuss threats against private messaging in the two do-
mains of E-mailing and IM when servers are un-
trusted. The two application types have strong sim-
ilarities, which allowed us to apply for both the same
threat modelling methodologies; but they are not
identical and already from our analysis relevant dif-
ference emerged due to the different nature, on-line
and off-line, of the two communication paradigms.
Fulfil the same requirements, such as perfect forward
secrecy, calls for different solutions.
We provided a detailed and comparative analysis
of the systems, describing the entities involved, the
operations, and the system features. We have identi-
fied, discussed, and catalogued the classes of threats
that can exploit the assets of users and the system. We
have, for each threat, discussed the opposing security
and privacy requirements.
Our investigation remains within the scope of spe-
cific features of privacy messaging: messages ex-
change, search and archiving, and contact synchro-
nization. We intend for the future to extend the anal-
ysis to other features, such as, key management and
key synchronization among different devices.
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Hoeneisen from p≡p foundation for the inputs and all
the anonymous reviewers for their constructive feed-
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ICISSP 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy