a bigger delay although it has an equal number of re-
fused requests. It is probably the result of freedom
which was given to the model, it used some unsuit-
able paths in the beginning and then the other agents
had to wait in front of the intersection.
Table 8: Results for 8×8 intersections based on different
line management.
Intersection type plan length delay refused
Corridor – strict lines 17.8 12.4 1.2
Corridor – free lines 18.5 15.8 1.2
Corridor – oriented graph 18.4 17 1
Free 17.6 13 0
In this paper, we studied an intelligent intersection
design. The intersection manager receives requests
for traversing the shared environment and its job is
to navigate all of the agents through the intersection
safely and as efficiently as possible.
Rather than an algorithm that plans and schedules
the paths itself, we studied the spatial design of the in-
tersection and its effect on the efficiency of the found
plan. The planning itself can be seen as an instance
of multi-agent path-finding. We assumed two types of
intersections that are commonly used on roads today -
4-way intersection with turning lanes and roundabout.
We also added an intersection with less restriction on
the movements, where agents can travel in any direc-
The extensive simulation experiments show that
while roundabout type intersections do not cause
much extra delay to the agents, the traversed path is
quite long in comparison with other types. The free
movement type intersection has the highest through-
put of the agents at the expense of higher delay. This
is caused by the higher flexibility of the paths the
agents can traverse. If the optimal path in the re-
stricted intersection is occupied, the agent has to wait,
however, in the free movement intersection, the agent
can still find some less optimal path to go through.
This research is supported by the Czech Science
Foundation under the project P103-19-02183S, by
SVV project number 260 453, and by the Charles
University Grant Agency under the project 90119.
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What Does Multi-agent Path-finding Tell Us About Intelligent Intersections