environment. On the other side, VAG is an indirect
measuring technique. We are not able to determine
the thickness of a cartilage, but we measure the crepi-
tus intensity. Therefore, it will be difficult to achieve
a reliable relation between thickness and sound or de-
gree of disorder or injury. VAG can be used as a gate-
keeper technology and it is convenient to be used for
a long term usage to obtain trends and progress states.
In the paper, we describe a new concept of using the
technology of vibroarthrography (VAG) by using sta-
tionary and mobile assessment of vibrations of human
joints during motion. Hereby, we describe the gen-
eral concept of a stationary assessment system and
outline the improvements. The analysis of the vibra-
tion pattern assessed with the enhanced VAG system
enables a high sophisticate classification with neu-
ral nets and the discrimination of healthy or injured
joints. Therefore, we propose to build up a compre-
hensive database, consisting of heterogeneous sensor
data assessed by the enhanced VAG sensor network.
The future work will be the application of the con-
cept and the implementation of a database. Further-
more, we will investigate the relevance of trajectories
of the leg and the interplay of muscle strength, ve-
nous insufficiency, and joint disease. VAG did not
found the respected dissemination or usage as a diag-
nosis tool so far, but we assume that the advantage of
a harmless, easy to perform and cheap analysis leads
to its establishment. We propose that not only injured
but also artificial joints can be analyzed.
This work receives funding from the German Federal
Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy by ZIM-
16KN04913, related to the project MOREBA.
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