Elements of Hybrid Opto-superconducting
Convolutional Neural Networks
A. E. Schegolev
1,2,3 a
, N. V. Klenov
1,2,3,4 b
, M. V. Tereshonok
and S. S. Adjemov
Faculty of Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 119991, Moscow, Russia
Moscow Technical University of Communication and Informatics, 111024, Moscow, Russia
Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 119234, Moscow, Russia
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Dolgoprudny, 141701, Russia
Keywords: Artificial Intelligent, Integrated Photonics, Convolutional Neural Network, Neuron, Superconductor, ReLU.
Abstract: In this paper authors proposed the concepts and principals of operating of basic nonlinear elements for hybrid
opto–superconducting convolutional neural network. Optical elements in computing systems are usually
designed to produce only linear mathematical operations. This is insufficient for complete neural network
realization on chip, where non-linear operations like activation function calculations in neuron or transfer
function of rectifier linear unit are needed. We have shown the opportunity of realization of elemental base
for the hybrid neural network consists of optical and superconducting parts.
The creation of the hybrid architecture of neural
networks for physical and mathematical calculations
is an intriguing area of research for today. In this area,
further strengthening of the positions of alternative
element bases for computing systems is observed. In
particular, an attempt to combine optical and
superconducting physical processes in a hybrid neural
network was provided in 1990 by Harold H. Szu (Szu,
1990). He has developed a neural architecture in the
form of lattice of superconducting wires, in which
local currents (and magnetic fields) in
superconductive matrix was governed by
electromagnetic (optical) radiation. This invention
was proposed as “switching” mechanism in digital or
analog applications in a superconducting
computation. In this paper, we propose updating the
concept of hybrid opto-superconducting neural
networks with a magnetic representation of
information. Particular attention will be given below
to nonlinear network elements optimized for the
currently used version of neural networks.
The widely used architecture of artificial neural
networks is convolutional neural networks, was
proposed by Yann LeCun in 1988. The main purpose
of these networks are the recognition and analysis of
images, by identifying important key features and
screening of insignificant ones. The idea of
convolutional networks as well as conventional
ANNs appeared thanks to the analysis of the structure
of the visual cortex of the animals’ brain. Individual
cortical neurons respond to stimuli only in a limited
area of the visual field known as receptive field
(Matsugu, 2003). The receptive fields of different
neurons partially overlap thus it leads to the covering
of the entire field of view. This feature tried to
implement in artificial convolutional neural networks
The advantages of CNN over the conventional
ANN architectures is that they use relatively little pre-
processing compared to other image classification
algorithms. It means that the network learns to use
some filters, for which usual networks are manually
configured. The ability of CNN to create filters itself
Schegolev, A., Klenov, N., Tereshonok, M. and Adjemov, S.
Elements of Hybrid Opto-superconducting Convolutional Neural Networks.
DOI: 10.5220/0009100101350139
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology (PHOTOPTICS 2020), pages 135-139
ISBN: 978-989-758-401-5; ISSN: 2184-4364
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
that separate the key features of the image is its key
The general architecture of CNN is not a secret
and mainly consists of convolutional layers, an
activating layer, a downsampling layer or pooling
layer and a fully connected neural network layer
(usually a perceptron type is used). We will mainly be
interested in the activating layer the distinctive
feature of which is a presence of some function,
filtering coming to the input scalar coefficients of the
convolutional layer. Rectifier linear unit (ReLU) is
exactly that element of CNN performing the role of
this feature (Hahnloser, 2000), which can be
mathematically expressed as f(x)=max{0, x}. ReLU is
a filter of negative values, which allows one to
increase the nonlinear properties of the decision
function and the network as a whole. It doesn’t affect
the receptive fields of the convolutional layer itself
(Glorot, Bordes, Bengio, 2011). In addition, ReLU
allows to train CNN in several times faster than the
other functions (hyperbolic tangent function, sigmoid
function) without compromising of the generalizing
features of the network (Nair, Hinton, 2010).
Moreover, this function and its modifications (Noisy
ReLU, Leaky ReLU) are the most often used
activation functions in deep learning networks, in
particular, convolutional neural networks.
ReLU is an inherent element of the CNN and its
implementation on a superconducting base will allow
the creation of a hybrid opto-superconducting CNN.
As a rule, the so-called softmax function or leaky
ReLU (which allows for a small, non-zero gradient
when the unit is saturated and not active) are used,
which show the best network performance (Maas et
al, 2013).
For superconducting ReLU realization we present
in the paper superconducting neuron scheme, that was
developed in (Schegolev et al, 2016; Soloviev et al,
2018; Klenov et al, 2018). The main idea of the
proposed scheme is shown in the Figure 1a. Here l,
and l
are inductances normalized as l=2πLI
where I
– critical Josephson junction, Φ
flux quantum, and all φ like phases normalized (
et cetera). The neuron activation function is
a nonlinear sigmoid function (Figure 1b), and its part
can be used as transfer function of leaky ReLU (red
line in Figure 1b), which consists of two linear parts
and one nonlinear section. Study of this non-linear
part will be devoted to this paper.
Figure 1: a) Principal scheme of superconducting neuron.
b) Transfer function of neuron (blue line) and softmax
function or leaky ReLU (red line) for l=0.1, l
=0.5 and
Before we begin to analyze the functioning of
superconducting ReLU, it is necessary to determine
the operating point of the transfer characteristic
function with which we are going to work. To begin
with, we should shift the transfer function so that the
first linear section falls on the negative values of the
external input flux, while the rest – on the positive
part thus expected ReLU’s characteristic should
filtering almost all negative input meanings. For this,
it is necessary to apply some additional constant
magnetic signal into the input flux, the absolute value
of which will shift transfer function of neuron to the
left or right depending of the sign.
3.1 Mathematical ReLU
To study the opportunities of ReLU on filtering input
signals, we have applied a harmonic, time-dependent
signal s(t)=A×sin(ω
×t)+shift, where A – amplitude
of the external flux and ω
– its frequency, to the input
of this element, as shown in Figure 2. Such a choice
of circuit’s parameters is dictated by the type of
transfer characteristic, which has significant linear
sections and minimal non-linear transition between
PHOTOPTICS 2020 - 8th International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology
Figure 2: Illustration of applying a simple harmonic signal
to the input of ReLU scheme after selection of an operating
point at the end of the zero section.
It is in common knowledge that ideal filtering of
such signal in the form of f(x)=max{0, s(t)} have the
following Fourier spectrum:
where δ(ω) – is a Dirac delta-function. The filtering
signal and its Fourier spectrum showed in the
Figure 3a) and b).
It is seen that ReLU skips half the period of the
harmonic signal and the spectrum of the output signal
has the main and the next even harmonics.
3.2 Real ReLU
3.2.1 Zero Region
The transfer characteristic and spectrum of the “real”
ReLU was analyzed for “zero region”, when the
average meaning of external signal is equal to zero,
and showed in the Figure 4, with amplitude A of
external signal equal to 2 (this choice is explained by
the requirement to stay within the working range of
the transfer characteristic of real ReLU) and
frequency ω
is equal to 0.01 (for ease of
consideration). Also we should note that the value of
the shift flux φ
=0.5π. It is clearly seen that the
“real” ReLU filters the external signal a little worse
than the mathematical ReLU, however, since the
“real” ReLU has a nonlinear transfer characteristic,
additional harmonics - odd ones - are present in the
output signal spectrum. In addition, since initially the
characteristic of the “real” ReLU was taken from the
periodic activation function of the neuron, a
limitation is placed on the amplitude of the incoming
harmonic signal - when a certain value is exceeded,
the signal “climbs” beyond the operating range and
additional distortions appear in the output signal.
Figure 3: The result of passing through a mathematical
ReLU a simple harmonic signal and its approximation using
the Fourier series (a) and the Fourier spectrum of the output
signal (b).
3.2.2. Linear Region
For completeness of the analysis of the proposed
solution for the implementation of ReLU, it is also
necessary to evaluate the degree of linearity of the
second linear section, for which the operating point
will be shifted so that the doubled amplitude of the
input signal fits completely within. In this case the
value of the shift flux φ
=1.5π, other parameters of
the external signal stay the same (see Figure 5).
The result of transmitting the external harmonic
signal through ReLU with an operating point lying on
a linear section is shown below on the Figure 6. At
the first sight, the signal is passed through without
distortion and only multiplied by the corresponding
weight of the rectifier. However, Fourier analysis
shows that in the spectrum of the output signal, even
Elements of Hybrid Opto-superconducting Convolutional Neural Networks
with small amplitudes of the external signal, higher
harmonics are still present and it is obvious that with
an increase in the amplitude of the signal, their total
contribution to the nonlinearity of the output signal
also increases.
Figure 4: An example of transmitting a harmonic signal
through the real ReLU when selecting an operating point at
the zero part of the transfer characteristic (a) and the Fourier
spectrum of the output signal (b).
Figure 5: Illustration of applying a simple harmonic signal
to the input of ReLU scheme when selecting an operating
point in the middle of the linear section.
Figure 6: Fourier spectrum of the output signal from real
ReLU transfer function during of transmitting a harmonic
signal for the case of an operating point at the linear part of
the transfer characteristic.
In conclusion, this article was devoted to the inherent
element of convolutional neural networks – rectifier
linear unit (ReLU) with single-clock “calculation” of
transfer function as a non-linear part of hybrid opto-
superconducting neural networks. The functionality
of this cell was based on the superconducting neuron,
investigated earlier (Schegolev et al, 2016; Soloviev
et al, 2018), and the parameters of which were
selected so that the transfer characteristic could be
approximated as accurately as possible by a
mathematical form of ReLU over a fairly wide range
of changes in the external magnetic flux. Due to the
physical features of the implementation of this
element, it is not possible to accurately repeat the
transfer characteristic of mathematical ReLU,
however, it is not so necessary, while leaky ReLU
copes with its task. The degree of suitability of the
developed element was evaluated using the Fourier
analysis apparatus. The numerical simulation
methods were used and the spectrum of the output
signal from “real” ReLU was obtained. A comparison
was performed for the results obtained for
mathematical and real ReLU, which showed a good
correlation of its transfer characteristics.
How it was mentioned above, the developed cell
should be considered from the perspective of using it
as a leaky ReLU, performed a role of basic element
in a complex of hybrid opto-superconducting neural
networks, which does not cut off all the negative
values of the input signal. The linear optical part of
the computing system should be implemented as a
network of waveguides on a chip (Shainline, 2017;
PHOTOPTICS 2020 - 8th International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology
Shainline, 2019). Bidirectional optoelectronic
interfaces can be made on the basis of
superconducting single-photon detectors and
cryogenic n-Trons (Buckley, 2017; Bogatskaya,
2018; Zheng, 2019).
The obtained characteristics of the “real” ReLU
give reason to believe that the developed scheme can
be suitable for the physical implementation of
convolutional opto-superconducting neural networks.
The analytical study of the proposed concept was
supported by RFBR (19-37-90020, 19-02-00981) and
President Grant (MD-186.2020.8). Numerical
calculations were done with support of Russian
Science Foundation (18-72-10118). Also Schegolev
is appreciative for the support to the Foundation for
the advancement of theoretical physics and
mathematics “BASIS”.
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Elements of Hybrid Opto-superconducting Convolutional Neural Networks