Private Body Part Detection using Deep Learning
André Tabone
1 a
, Alexandra Bonnici
1 b
, Stefania Cristina
1 c
, Reuben Farrugia
2 d
and Kenneth Camilleri
1 e
Department of Systems and Control, University of Malta, Malta
Department of Computer Engineering, University of Malta, Malta
Deep Neural Networks, Pornographic Detection, Classifiers, Private Body Part Detector.
Fast and accurate detection of sexually exploitative imagery is necessary for law enforcement agencies to allow
for prosecution of suspect individuals. In literature, techniques which can be used to assist law enforcement
agencies only determine whether the image content is pornographic or benign. In this paper, we provide a
review on classical handcrafted-feature based and deep-learning based pornographic detection in images and
describe a framework which goes beyond this, to identify the location of genitalia in the image. Despite this
being a computationally complex task, we show that by learning multiple features, a MobileNet framework
can achieve an accuracy of 76.29% in the correct labelling of female and male sexual organs.
Every month, a new mass of data pertaining to
pornography is made available on the Internet (Vi-
torino et al., 2018). Tracking such data to curtail
the sharing of pornography and prosecute perpetra-
tors is a critical aspect of cyber-crime activities. Soft-
ware capable of fast detection of pornographic con-
tent is essential to law enforcement agencies (LEAs)
and such needs have driven researchers to propose al-
gorithms which aid LEAs in their fight against cy-
bercrime. Thus, tools that detect pornographic con-
tent (Wehrmann et al., 2018), perform age estima-
tion (Macedo et al., 2018b), and search for specific
keywords in file names, amongst others, exist to aid
LEAs. In the analysis of pornographic image content,
algorithms which determine whether images contain
exposed private body parts provide LEAs with essen-
tial descriptors of the image content. Such descriptors
provide a better understanding of the reason why an
images is pornographic without the need for manual
Deep learning algorithms are proving to be very
effective in object detection and classification. To our
knowledge, however, deep learning algorithms which
analyse images specifically to determine whether
these contain private body parts do not exist. The po-
sition taken by this paper is that by training a deep
network on windows containing private body parts,
we can create a system which detects and labels these
parts. To this extent, we propose a two-step approach,
in which the first step is a pornographic image detec-
tor, and the second step uses a windowing approach
to detect private body parts within the image.
The rest of the paper is organised as follows. Sec-
tion 2 gives an overview of the related work in the
area, Section 3 describes our proposed approach, Sec-
tion 4 presents the results obtained, while Section 5
concludes the paper.
Human skin offers a practical feature for pornogra-
phy detection since it is invariant to partial occlusion,
as well as to changes in scaling and rotation (Naji
et al., 2018). However, skin detection is an insuffi-
cient indicator of pornography since instances of be-
nign images may also have large areas of exposed
skin (Wang et al., 2009). Thus, skin detection of-
ten acts as a precursor to sexual organ detection, par-
ticularly, of the female breast (Fuangkhon and Tan-
prasert, 2005). In such cases, skin detection is fol-
lowed by either model-based detection which uses ge-
Tabone, A., Bonnici, A., Cristina, S., Farrugia, R. and Camilleri, K.
Private Body Part Detection using Deep Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0009101502050211
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2020), pages 205-211
ISBN: 978-989-758-397-1; ISSN: 2184-4313
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Table 1: Method and performance comparison of algorithms in previous literature.
Method Aim Approach Performance
(Shen et al., 2010)
Sexual organ detection Human pose model True positive rate: 89%, False positive rate: 10%
(Choi et al., 2011)
Pornographic classification
Skin detection + Colour and
texture features + MAP
True positive rate: 93.63%, False positive rate: 10.13%
False negative rate: 6.9%
(Tian et al., 2018)
Sexual organ detection Deformable Part Model + SVM Overall precision: 80%, Recall: 82%, F-1 score: 18%
(Lv et al., 2011)
Pornographic classification
Semantic Tree model + X
kernel SVM
Accuracy: 87.6%
(Huang and Kong, 2016)
Pornography classification Colour features + CNN Accuracy: 78.29%
(Sigal et al., 2004) Real-time skin segmentation
Detection rate: 86.84%
(Hajraoui and Sabri, 2014)
Face detection Thresholding + Watershed Detection rate 97.27%
(Taqa and Jalab, 2010) Skin detection
ANN Detection rate: 95.62%
(Kim et al., 2017) Skin detection
Accuracy: 95.62%, Precision: 87.2%, Recall: 91.22%
F-measure: 89.19%
(Zuo et al., 2017) Skin detection
AUC (COMPAQ dataset): 95.93%, AUC (ECU dataset): 98.10%
1-EER (COMPAQ dataset): 90.18%, 1-EER (ECU dataset): 94.80%
AUC(%): Area Under Curve
ROC(%): Receiver Operating Characteristic
1-EER(%):Equal Error Rate
MAP: Maximum a Posteriori
SVM: State Vector Machine
COMPAQ: (Bhoyar, 2010)
ometric models to describe the structure of the hu-
man body (Forsyth and Fleck, 1999), or region-based
detection, which extracts local features for recogni-
tion (Hu et al., 2007).
The detection of sexual organs does not, how-
ever, require skin detection as a pre-processing step.
For example, in (Wang et al., 2010), the shape and
colour of the nipple are used to train the Viola-
Jones algorithm with an AdaBoost classifier to de-
tect potential nipple regions. The feature set used by
Wang et al. in the AdaBoost classifier may be ex-
tended to include Haar-like features such as edge, line
and centre-surround features (Lienhart and Maydt,
2002), and colour, texture and shape features obtained
through colour moments, histogram of oriented gra-
dients (HOG) and grey-level co-occurrence matrices
(GLCM) (Kejun et al., 2012).
More elaborate human body models are required
when taking into account other sexual organs. Here,
in addition to the recognition difficulties introduced
through pose, the localisation and classification prob-
lem should also consider that the genitalia may also
be exposed in coitus (Lv et al., 2011). For exam-
ple, (Shen et al., 2010) use a rudimentary human pose
model based on the skin distribution using the loca-
tion of the face and trunk to aid the classification of
the nipple and pube regions.
Table 1 compares the performance of feature-
based sexual organ detectors found in literature.
In light of the remarkable results achieved by
deep learning architectures for various computer vi-
sion tasks, recent advances in pornography detection
are also using deep learning approaches (Moustafa,
2015; Zuo et al., 2017), using convolutional neural
networks (CNN) to learn pornographic features from
image examples (Moustafa, 2015; Zuo et al., 2017).
Such an approach has the advantage of learning the
common global traits in pornographic images. How-
ever, these approaches do not specifically search for
body parts in the image.
Moustafa describes one of the first deep-learning-
based approaches to pornographic image content.
Pre-trained AlexNet and GoogLeNet architectures are
repurposed for pornographic image detection and de-
noted as ANet and GNet respectively. By modify-
ing the third fully-connected layer as a two-way Soft-
max and training on the pornographic dataset (NPDI)
these provide the probabilities that the input image is
pornographic or benign. By considering the two ar-
chitectures as providing complimentary class proba-
bility, Moustafa then adds two new architectures de-
noted as AGNet and AGbNet which fuse the results
from ANet and GNet to improve the final classifica-
tion. In AGNet, the fusion score is the average of the
two probabilities while in AGbNet, the fusion score
is the largest of the two. Using a receiver operating
characteristic curve (ROC) curve Moustafa demon-
strates that fusion improves the classification perfor-
mance, with AGbNet performing slightly better than
the AGNet (Moustafa, 2015). The use of two convo-
lutional neural networks, however, comes at the cost
of a large number of network parameters that need
training, which in turn, requires a large image dataset
to ensure proper training.
In (Huang and Ren, 2018), the controllability over
the features learnt by the CNN is increased by intro-
ducing a colour feature histogram as an input to the
CNN. This approach achieved an accuracy of 99.31%
on the NPDI data set, outperforming a vanilla CNN by
2.67%. An additional contribution of this work is the
integration of bagging into the CNN to solve the over-
fitting problem and enhance generalisation (Huang
and Ren, 2018). In (Vitorino et al., 2018), the
over-fitting problem is addressed by adopting trans-
fer learning approach, training the GoogLeNet CNN
network first on a large dataset of non-pornographic
content and then fine-tuning the network with porno-
graphic content (Vitorino et al., 2018). Table 2 pro-
vides a comparison of deep learning approaches for
pornographic image detection.
Many of the false-positives in pornography clas-
sification of these deep learning based approaches
ICPRAM 2020 - 9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Table 2: Comparison of Deep Learning approaches to pornographic image detection.
Method Aim Approach Performance
(Zuo et al., 2017) Skin detection RNN 98.1% AUC
94.8% 1-EER
(Moustafa, 2015) Pornographic vs AlexNet & GoogLeNet 94.2 ± 2% accuracy
Non pornographic classification
(Huang and Ren, 2018) Pornographic vs colour feature histogram & 97.51% accuracy on NPDI dataset
Non pornographic classification GoogLeNet CNN
(Vitorino et al., 2018) Detect sexually exploitative imagery of colour feature histogram & 91.5 % accuracy on Pornograpy-2K dataset
children & adults from innocuous images GoogLeNet CNN 86.5% accuracy on a
SEIC dataset
(Wang et al., 2016) Detect exposed body parts CNN with MIL 98.4% accuracy on NPDI dataset
(Jin et al., 2018) region-based recognition GoogLeNet 97.5% accuracy on NPDI
of sexual organs
(Macedo et al., 2018b) age estimation & ResNet-50 architecture & 79.84% accuracy on
pornography detection VGG-16 for age estimation NSFW
& RCPD datasets
(Perez et al., 2017) video pornography detection CNN GoogLeNet architecture 96.3% accuracy on Porn-2k dataset
fusing MPEG and still image features
MPEG: Moving Picture Experts Group
RCPD: Region-bsed annotated child pornography dataset (Macedo et al., 2018a)
stems from the lack of training on private body
parts (Wehrmann et al., 2018). This issue can be re-
solved by either designing separate classifiers for dif-
ferent body parts (Wehrmann et al., 2018) or by us-
ing a generic pornographic content detector trained
to detect the private body parts (Wang et al., 2016;
Jin et al., 2018). In (Wang et al., 2016), a CNN is
trained using multiple instance learning (MIL), thus,
using a generic detector which nevertheless recog-
nises an image as pornographic if it contains at least
one exposed private body part. The results are com-
pared with traditional methods for pornography de-
tection, based on image retrieval and bag-of-features
techniques, as well as with variants of the proposed
method, by either training the CNN on entire images
rather than multiple instances, or training the CNN on
images of the breast and genitalia separately. Wang et
al. report that the generic detector trained on multi-
ple image instances of breasts and genitalia achieved
better pornographic/benign image classification.
From this review, we note that although the ap-
proaches described in (Wang et al., 2016) and (Jin
et al., 2018) use image instances with private body
parts to recognise images as pornographic/benign,
there is a lack of deep learning approaches which lo-
cate and assign a label to the different body parts.
However, methods that label instances of body parts
within the image would be of benefit to help law en-
forcement agencies obtain a better understanding of
the content of the image and the reason why the image
is considered pornographic. We address this research
gap in our proposed approach.
The aim of this work is the identification and labelling
of private body parts, namely, female breasts, and fe-
male and male sexual organs. To achieve this goal,
we propose a two-step process in which the first step
classifies the image as pornographic/benign while the
second step performs a more in-depth analysis on
only those images identified as pornographic, locat-
ing and labelling instances of private body parts. Such
a two-step process allows us to employ the multi-
class classifier to only those images that require fur-
ther analysis. This approach is necessary considering
the speed requirement for law enforcement agencies.
Our pornographic image classifier consists of a CNN,
which takes as its input the entire image. To detect
and label private body parts within the pornographic
image we adopt a windowing approach, whereby each
image is divided into smaller windows, checking each
of these windows with a multi-class CNN.
3.1 Pornography Classification
The first step of our approach entails the classification
of an image as pornographic/benign, thus, a binary
classifier is used. Keeping in mind the speed and ef-
ficiency requirements, the lightweight MobileNet ar-
chitecture was adopted as it uses depth-wise separable
convolutions to a build fast, light-weight deep neu-
ral network (Howard et al., 2017). Our evaluations
demonstrate that the accuracy reached by this model
is comparable to that achieved by other models while
having a faster computation time.
We adopt a transfer learning approach on a pre-
trained MobileNet by replacing its classification layer
by a custom classifier consisting of a Dense ReLU
Private Body Part Detection using Deep Learning
layer followed by a Softmax output layer. Fine tuning
was used to find the right balance between using the
pretrained feature extractors and the learning of new
To train this model, we use a subset of the large-
scale pornographic image corpus created by the Uni-
versity of Leon
(UL). This database was generated
by crawling around two million images from five pop-
ular pornography websites. Since the data set has
1656 benign and 16033 pornographic images, train-
ing using this data introduces a bias. Thus, additional
benign images were introduced from the VOC2012
3.2 Private Body Part Classification
Once an image is considered to be of a pornographic
nature, it is tessellated into non-overlapping 128 ×
128 windows, passing each of these windows to our
classifier to identify the location, if any, of four differ-
ent body parts, namely buttocks (Bt), female breasts
(FBr), female genitalia (FG), male genitalia (MG).
We note that the appearance of female genitalia can
differ considerably between instances of posing and
instances of sexual activity. Thus, we redefine these
body parts as female genitalia posing (FGP) and fe-
male genitalia active (FGA). This helps the model
learn each class better by reducing the variation in
observations of each object. Moreover, we note that
some pornographic images contain sex toys. While
these may appear similar to genitals, they should not
be labelled as such. Thus, we introduce a sixth class
which corresponds to sex toys (ST). A seventh, benign
(Bn) class is required to describe image content which
is not a private body part. Thus, body-part classifica-
tion requires a multi-class classifier.
To determine the architecture that best suits our
application, multiple pretrained models were trained
for this classifier, training all classifiers with image
windows of 128 × 128 pixels. We note that during the
fine tuning stage, the best performance was achieved
when none of layers were excluded from training.
This may be due to the fact that we are working with
windows rather than complete images.
To train the multi-class classifier, points of inter-
est on the pornographic images from the UL dataset
were manually labelled. Five 128 × 128 windows
were taken around each labelled point, one centred
on the labelled point and four perpendicularly offset.
The benign class training set was generated separately
by extracting 128 × 128 windows from random points
Table 3: Window dataset classes and their size.
Class Name Number of windows
Benign (Bn) 9895
Buttocks (Bt) 6490
Female breasts (FB) 19258
Female genitalia posing (FGP) 4865
Female genitalia active (FGA) 7460
Male genitalia (MG) 2395
Sex toys (ST) 1635
on benign images. The seven classes and the corre-
sponding number of samples gathered are shown in
Table 3. From this, we note that some classes have
very few examples. Thus, data augmentation in the
form of image scaling with a scaling factor of up to
0.2, image rotations with rotation angles in the range
of [0,
] and horizontal flips were used to boost the
size of this dataset.
The results were generated on a Windows computer
running a 64-bit operating system, and featuring an
i7-8750H CPU at 2.20GHz, 16Gb of
DDR4 memory and a GeForce GTX 1070 graphics
card. Python was used as the development language,
and Tensorflow and Keras
as open source packages
to build the networks. Similar to (Vitorino et al.,
2018) and others, we evaluate our classifiers by us-
ing the sensitivity, specificity, F1-score and accuracy
The evaluation of the first-stage pornographic im-
age classifier, we use a test set of 50 pornographic
and 50 benign images. The first row of Table 4 shows
the parameters used to train the MobileNet classifier
which takes 5.178s to load and 0.017s to classify an
image. For the test set used, we obtained a sensitivity
of 0.95 and a specificity of 0.95 which are satisfactory
for the purpose of our application.
The models used to test the performance of the
private body part classifier are shown in Table 4 along
the parameters of the best version obtained for each.
To compare the performance of these models, we
manually selected windows centred around private
body parts from 50 pornographic images. The F1
score of each was calculated. Since windows might
contain more than one sexual organ, both top-1 and
top-3 accuracy were considered along the computa-
tion and loading time. These values are shown in Ta-
ble 5 and were used to select the most suitable classi-
fier for our intended application.
ICPRAM 2020 - 9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Table 4: Training Parameters for all the Classifiers used.
Training Parameters Classifier Used
Optimiser Epochs Validation
Drop Dense
Drop Dense
Drop Dense
MobileNet 50
25 0.9417 / / / / 0.5 128 2
MobileNet 200
50 0.7350 / / 0.4 128 0.4 128 7
VGG-16 300
30 0.6860 / / 0.5 128 0.5 128 7
ResNet 150
40 0.7663 0.5 128 0.7 128 0.7 128 7
Inception V3 300
25 0.7529 / 128 0.4 128 0.4 64 7
Table 5: Model Accuracy and Computation time.
Model Accuracy Computation
time (ms)
F1 score
Top-1 Top-3
ResNet 0.8011 0.9569 9.824 0.7258
Inception-v3 0.8010 0.9731 13.08 0.8011
MobileNet 0.7527 0.9731 7.07 0.7258
VGG-16 0.7097 0.9570 13.02 0.7097
Proving a suspect guilty may entail the process-
ing of large amounts of data in a limited time frame,
hence the speed at which each image is checked is
of utmost importance. Thus, the MobileNet model
was chosen since it performs faster compared to other
models and suffers only from a slight tradeoff in accu-
racy. To better visualise this model’s performance, a
confusion matrix is generated and shown in Figure 2.
The manually selected windows set is made up of la-
belled sexual organs and hence has no benign class.
The majority of misclassifications are caused by the
male genitalia class which may be attributed to the
limited number of examples used during training in
combination with the resulting relatively large ampli-
fication of its loss when balancing the weights of each
The whole pipeline is then tested by tessellating
the images identified as pornographic by the porno-
graphic classifier into windows. The confusion ma-
trix in Figure 2, gives the overall performance of the
private-body part classification. A seven-class, pure-
chance classifier would have a detection accuracy of
. The accuracy achieved by our classifier stands
at 0.62 which is four times better than a random se-
lector. Nevertheless, we note that there is a decline
in the overall detection accuracy when using the full
pipeline. This cutback may be attributed to a misclas-
sification of benign windows with large skin patches
as private body parts and the misclassification of win-
dows containing body parts not centred in the win-
dow. Moreover, the imbalance between classes during
Figure 1: Confusion matrix using whole pipeline.
Figure 2: Confusion matrix with manual windowing.
training was attempted to be catered for by weighting
the error of each class, though this does not compare
to the improvements that can be made by using more
examples of body parts which differ in pose and posi-
tion within the window.
Private Body Part Detection using Deep Learning
In this paper we review various classifiers that use
both hand-crafted features and deep learning tech-
niques for classifying images as pornographic/benign.
However, no known deep learning approaches were
found to label sexual organs inside these images.
Hence, we propose a two-step approach, which uses
a first classifier to classify an image as pornographic
or benign, then tessellates pornographic images into
windows. A second classifier checks these windows
for sexual organs and augments the initial classifica-
tion of the pornographic image by describing the ex-
plicit content in that image.
Our results show that the MobileNet architecture
has similar classification performance as the other
networks tested but reduces the computation time by
at least 20%. Thus, it was considered suitable for
our system and achieved an accuracy of 95% in the
first step of our pipeline. This result implies that the
pornographic image classifier correctly distinguishes
between benign and pornographic images.
The second step of our pipeline reached an accu-
racy of 72.58% for windows centred around the pri-
vate body parts. This demonstrates that deep learn-
ing approaches can be used to detect and label private
body parts in pornographic images. When evaluating
the full pipeline, an accuracy of 62% was achieved.
While this is larger than a pure chance classifier, we
note that this classifier can be further improved by
having more training data and introducing smarter
window selection schemes. We propose that window
selection can be achieved by extracting a feature map
from the first pornography classifier and using this
map to localise regions of interest presumably con-
taining private body parts.
This research has been funded with support from the
European Commission under the 4NSEEK project
with Grant Agreement 821966. This publication re-
flects the views only of the authors, and the Euro-
pean Commission cannot be held responsible for any
use which may be made of the information contained
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Private Body Part Detection using Deep Learning