In this paper we review various classifiers that use
both hand-crafted features and deep learning tech-
niques for classifying images as pornographic/benign.
However, no known deep learning approaches were
found to label sexual organs inside these images.
Hence, we propose a two-step approach, which uses
a first classifier to classify an image as pornographic
or benign, then tessellates pornographic images into
windows. A second classifier checks these windows
for sexual organs and augments the initial classifica-
tion of the pornographic image by describing the ex-
plicit content in that image.
Our results show that the MobileNet architecture
has similar classification performance as the other
networks tested but reduces the computation time by
at least 20%. Thus, it was considered suitable for
our system and achieved an accuracy of 95% in the
first step of our pipeline. This result implies that the
pornographic image classifier correctly distinguishes
between benign and pornographic images.
The second step of our pipeline reached an accu-
racy of 72.58% for windows centred around the pri-
vate body parts. This demonstrates that deep learn-
ing approaches can be used to detect and label private
body parts in pornographic images. When evaluating
the full pipeline, an accuracy of 62% was achieved.
While this is larger than a pure chance classifier, we
note that this classifier can be further improved by
having more training data and introducing smarter
window selection schemes. We propose that window
selection can be achieved by extracting a feature map
from the first pornography classifier and using this
map to localise regions of interest presumably con-
taining private body parts.
This research has been funded with support from the
European Commission under the 4NSEEK project
with Grant Agreement 821966. This publication re-
flects the views only of the authors, and the Euro-
pean Commission cannot be held responsible for any
use which may be made of the information contained
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ICPRAM 2020 - 9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods