New General Secret Sharing Scheme using Hierarchical Threshold
Scheme: Improvement of Information Rates for Specified Participants
Kouya Tochikubo
Department of Mathematical Information Engineering, College of Industrial Technology, Nihon University, Japan
Secret Sharing Scheme, General Access Structure, (k,n)-hierarchical Threshold Scheme, Key Management.
In 2015, a new secret sharing scheme realizing general access structures was proposed (T15). This scheme is
based on authorized subsets and the first scheme that can reduce the number of shares distributed to specified
participants. Reducing the numbers of shares distributed to specified participants is quite useful in secret
sharing schemes. However, this scheme needs to use many secret sharing schemes to obtain shares. In this
paper, we propose a new secret sharing scheme realizing general access structures. The proposed scheme can
reduce the number of secret sharing schemes to obtain shares by using Tassa’s (k,n)-hierarchical threshold
scheme instead of Shamir’s (k, n)-threshold scheme. Thus, the proposed scheme is more efficient than the
scheme A of T15 from the viewpoint of the number of secret sharing schemes to obtain shares.
In (k,n)-threshold scheme (Shamir, 1979; Blakley,
1979), every group of k participants can recover the
secret K, but no group of less than k participants can
get any information about the secret from their shares.
The collection of all authorized subsets of partici-
pants is called the access structure. A (k,n)-threshold
scheme can only realize particular access structures
that contain all subsets of k or more participants. Se-
cret sharing schemes realizing more general access
structures than that of a threshold scheme were stud-
ied by numerous authors. Subsequently, Tassa pro-
posed a hierarchical threshold scheme using polyno-
mial derivatives (Tassa, 2007).
On the other hand, Ito, Saito and Nishizeki pro-
posed a multiple assignment secret sharing scheme
for general access structures and showed an explicit
share assignment algorithm for any access struc-
ture (Ito et al., 1987). Their scheme can realize an
arbitrary access structure by assigning one or more
shares to each participant. Benaloh and Leichter
proposed a secret sharing scheme for general ac-
cess structures based on a monotone-circuit (Benaloh
and Leichter, 1990). Secret sharing schemes which
have an explicit assignment algorithm for any access
structure are categorized by two types. One type is
schemes based on unauthorized subsets (Ito et al.,
1987; Tochikubo, 2004; Tochikubo, 2008). Another
type is schemes based on authorized subsets (Be-
naloh and Leichter, 1990; Tochikubo et al., 2005;
Tochikubo, 2013). In this paper, we focus on gen-
eral secret sharing schemes based on authorized sub-
sets. In the implementation of secret sharing schemes
for general access structures, an important issue is the
number of shares distributed to each participant. Ob-
viously, a scheme constructed of small shares is de-
sirable. However, in general, the existing secret shar-
ing schemes for general access structures are imprac-
tical in this respect when the size of the access struc-
ture is very large. Suppose that we want to apply se-
cret sharing schemes to a company. Here, we con-
sider a section which consists of two managers and
20 staff members. A secret can be recovered by a
group of two managers or groups of one manager and
two staff members. In this case, every manager be-
longs to 191 minimal authorized subsets and every
staff member belongs to 38 minimal authorized sub-
sets. We shall realize this access structure by general
secret sharing schemes. Then, each manager has to
hold so many shares. In 2015, a new secret sharing
scheme realizing general access structures was pro-
posed (T15) (Tochikubo, 2015). This scheme is based
on authorized subsets and the first scheme that can re-
duce the number of shares distributed to specified par-
ticipants though this scheme cannot reduce the num-
ber of shares distributed to every participant. There-
fore, reducing the numbers of shares distributed to
specified participants is quite useful in secret sharing
schemes. However, this scheme needs to use many
Tochikubo, K.
New General Secret Sharing Scheme using Hierarchical Threshold Scheme: Improvement of Information Rates for Specified Participants.
DOI: 10.5220/0009103506470654
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2020), pages 647-654
ISBN: 978-989-758-399-5; ISSN: 2184-4356
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved