tion 6, we have identified that, in most cases, the
implemented solution has achieved superior perfor-
mance compared to the original application for both
data read and write. The increase in performance can
be attributed to the fact that the encryption process
was carried out directly by the processor, while in
the original application it was run through the Java
Virtual Machine. When comparing the solution with
the multithreading solutions, we have identified that
the implemented solution and the original applica-
tion have much lower performance on high perfor-
mance media, indicating a limitation on the part of
the project implementation.
Considering the security guarantees provided by
Intel SGX technology, which are described in Sec-
tion 2.3, the developed solution offers an extra level
of security by sealing the data using the sealing key
in conjunction with the user’s password to open the
containers. Thus, in an attack on the encrypted data,
the attacker will need to discover the user’s password,
and also the sealing key or gain physical access to the
processor used for sealing.
In order to avoid that a user’s password can be ob-
tained in a memory attack, it is necessary to change
the software so that the password is stored inside the
enclave and does not leave its limits. Just as it was
possible to seal user file data using Intel SGX technol-
ogy, it can also seal configuration data. Such change
requires adjustments to the structure of the CryptoFS
library and may remove compatibility with the main
project, and it will be the subject of future work.
Also, it is possible to use a similar approach to
(Richter et al., 2016), encrypting the data within the
boundaries of the enclave, but using a derived key
from an user password, and manipulating that key
only within the enclave. Such approach makes the
data decryption independent of the processor that
encrypted them. Also, the current solution can be
changed to use the remote attestation feature and al-
low container data transfer between two machines
running the application over secure channels.
Finally, better performance can be achieved by
using all processing cores available on the platform.
Such implementation demands a change in the main
structure of the application, which treats the requests
coming from the operating system, being necessary to
add the use of queues and parallel processing, thus al-
lowing one block to be processed by the enclave while
another is read or written to the storage device.
The source code of the presented solution
is available at https://github.com/utfpr-gprsc/
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CLOSER 2020 - 10th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science