one under analysis.
Additionally, for LSTM and CNN architectures
two different concatenation schemes and a pre-
training process was also implemented. Overall, 15
models were tested and the results indicated promis-
ing architecture schemes for price prediction, as well
as the importance of developing more complex archi-
tectures when dealing with such a volatile informa-
tion. The one-dimensional CNN showed the best re-
sults among all models and, therefore, it is the recom-
mended architecture for further research within this
Suggestions for future work include:
• Testing and validating the results of the best per-
forming models with larger data sets and with
more inputs related to the price dynamic of the
Nordic market.
• Adding information of neighboring internal bid-
ding areas to assess the transmission bottlenecks
present around Finland.
• Considering external markets that are directly
connected to the examined country in order to
improve the predictive accuracy of the proposed
The research was supported by the Hungarian Gov-
ernment and co-financed by the European Social
Fund through the project ”Talent management in
autonomous vehicle control technologies” (EFOP-
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