Table 1: Different Source Ontologies.
Number of
relations in
the source ontology
Number of maps
found by
the proposed approach
Number of maps
found by LogMap
CMT 49 7 5 0.714
Cocus 35 6 4 0.667
Confious 52 7 6 0.857
ConfTool 13 5 4 0.8
Crs 15 9 8 0.89
Edas 30 8 8 1
Ekaw 33 5 4 0.8
Iasted 38 5 4 0.8
Linklings 31 5 4 0.8
Micro 17 7 7 1
OpenConf 24 9 8 0.89
PCS 24 11 5 0.455
Sigkdd 17 6 5 0.833
Sofsem 64 9 8 0.889
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ENASE 2020 - 15th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering