RBF Neural Network based Trajectory Control and Impedance Control
of a Upper Limb Tele-rehabilitation Process
Ting Wang
1 a
and Yanfeng Pu
2 b
School of Instrument Science and Engineering, Southeast University, 2, Sipailou, Xuanwu District, Southeast University,
210096, Nanjing, China
Nanjing Customs District P. R. China, 360, Longpanzhong Road, Qinhuai District, Nanjing, China
Impedance Control, Upper Limb, Tele-rehabilitation.
In the passive tele-rehabilitation process, the safety is the most important thing for patients avoiding the sec-
ondary damage of the impaired upper limb. Aiming at adjusting the appropriated contact force in time during
the training exercises, an adaptive impedance control is proposed for the slave side. At the same time, the
trajectory control based on the Hamilton-Jacobi-Inequality theory and the RBF Neural network is performed
for the master manipulator operated by therapists. The stability is analyzed and numerical simulations show
the efficiencies and high performances of the proposed method.
Recently, researchers publish their study in the New
England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) based on the
GBD data in 2016 (GBDStrokeCollaborators, 2018),
which calculates the lifetime stroke risk in various
countries and regions from 1990 to 2016. Results
demonstrate that the risk of the lifetime stroke in
adults aged 25 increases by 8.9% to 24.9% in the
past 26 years. What is more, the overall risk of
the lifetime stroke in China and Chinese men both
reach 40%. Scientists continue to point out that the
number of stroke in China accounts for the first rank
in the world (GBDStrokeCollaborators, 2019)(Gore-
lick, 2019). After the participation of the Chinese re-
searchers, the latest research evidence and the specific
information in the field of stroke prevention and treat-
ment in China are published in(S Wu, 2019). It re-
veals that the incidence of stroke in China is promoted
in the past 20 years. The prevention and treatment of
stroke in China is not balanced among regions. The
risk factors of stroke are higher in the countryside
than in the city (Brainin, 2019). With the continu-
ous improvement of the stroke treatment in China in
recent years, the mortality of stroke patients are not
enhanced significantly in the past 20 years. However,
the incidence of stroke is still rising. That is, the bur-
den of the stroke is still heavy. In recent 10 years,
the prevalence of stroke among urban and rural resi-
dents has a stable trend, while the prevalence in rural
areas has increased significantly (Z Li, 2019). Since
the China has the vast territory, many rural stroke pa-
tients live far away from the city, so that it is more
difficult for them to go to hospital for rehabilitation
treatment than urban residents. Therefore, the tele-
rehabilitation training is a good way to solve the prob-
lem. In the meantime, it may decrease the cost of ex-
pensive therapies, and it also raise the efficiency of
the medical therapists.
The upper limb tele-rehabilitation refers that a
therapist operates a rehabilitative manipulator in the
master side, while another rehabilitation manipulator
simultaneously assists patients in the slave side so as
to achieve training exercises in the remote place. Via
the internet vision and the communication on both
sides, the therapist may connivently guide and adjust
the patient’s training exercises. Since it is an inter-
esting and a new active issue, many researchers de-
vote various study for the purpose of spreading the
tele-rehabilitation mode rehabilitation to remote pas-
sive therapists. On the basis of the wave variable the-
orem, Mendoza and his colleagues present a novel
bilateral tele-rehabilitation method in (M Mendoza,
2016). In the tele-rehabilitation system, the motion-
based adaptive impedance control is exerted on both
the master and slave robot manipulators for robot as-
sisted passive rehabilitation. Thinking of the time de-
Wang, T. and Pu, Y.
RBF Neural Network based Trajectory Control and Impedance Control of a Upper Limb Tele-rehabilitation Process.
DOI: 10.5220/0009143401090116
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2020), pages 109-116
ISBN: 978-989-758-442-8
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved