DNNFG: DNN based on Fourier Transform Followed by Gabor Filtering
for the Modular FER
and Suman K. Mitra
Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India
The modular approach mimics the capability of the human brain to identify a person with a limited facial part.
In this article, we experimentally show that some facial parts like eyes, nose, lips, and forehead contribute more
in the expression recognition task. Deep neural network, VGG16 ft, is proposed to automatically extricate
features from the given facial images. Fine-tuning is very fruitful to the FER (Facial Expression Recognition)
with pre-trained models, if sufficient facial images are not collected. Two preprocessing approaches, Fourier
transform followed by Gabor filters and Data Augmentation (DA), are implemented to restrain the regions
used for Facial expression recognition (FER). The features from four facial regions are concatenated and
classification is done using SVM and KNN (with different distance measure). The experimental result shows
that the proposed framework can recognize the facial expressions like happy, anger, sad, surprise, disgust and
fear with high accuracy for the benchmark datasets like “JAFFE”, “VIDEO”, “CK+” and “Oulu-Casia”.
Many of the existing techniques conduct the facial
expression recognition supported by the image/image
sequences, while not considering temporal data due to
the convenience of data handling and the easy acces-
sibility of training and testing material. Training the
deep neural networks with small FER datasets leads
to overfitting. To moderate this issue, several studies
use further task-oriented information to pre-train their
networks from fine-tuned or scratch on existing pre-
trained models like VGG (Simonyan and Zisserman,
2014), GoogleNet (Szegedy et al., 2015) and AlexNet
(Krizhevsky et al., 2012). Kahou et al. (Kahou et al.,
2013), (Kaneko et al., 2016) demonstrated that the
utilization of extra information can enables models
with high capacity without overfitting, accordingly
improves the FER performance.
Based on the traditional CNN architecture, several
studies have proposed the addition of well-designed
auxiliary layers or blocks to improve the potential of
the features learned from the expression. HoloNet
(Yao et al., 2016) was destined to FER, which is based
on the new architecture of CNN, where the resid-
ual structure is combined with CReLU (Shang et al.,
2016) to extend the depth of the network without de-
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creasing the competition. Another network of CNN
SSE (Supervised Scoring Ensemble) (Hu et al., 2017)
extends the degree of supervision of the FER. And
an FSN (feature selection network) introduced the in-
corporation of a feature option into AlexNet, which
automatically filters irrelevant features and focuses
on related functionality from maps of facial features
learned. Previous analyzes had indicated that more
network assemblies would defeat a single network.
Many existing FER networks have specialized in one
task and learned expressive-sensitive characteristics
without considering interactions with various factors.
In any case, in reality, FER is intertwined with differ-
ent variables, for example the posture of the head, the
identity of the subject and illumination. Reed et al.
(Reed et al., 2014) has developed a Boltzmann ma-
chine with different coordinates for factors relevant to
facial expressions.
The works of (Devries et al., 2014) (Pons and
Masip, 2018) have suggested that at the same time
performs FER with different tasks, locate facial mile-
stones and detect units of facial action (AU) (Ekman
and Rosenberg, 1997), can mutually enhance the ex-
ecution of FER. In (Zhao et al., 2015), deep belief
networks (DBNs) were first trained to detect faces
and then initially identify areas related to facial ex-
pression. At that point, these analyzed face segments
were grouped by a stacked automatic encoder. In (Ri-
Sujata, . and Mitra, S.
DNNFG: DNN based on Fourier Transform Followed by Gabor Filtering for the Modular FER.
DOI: 10.5220/0009144102120219
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2020), pages 212-219
ISBN: 978-989-758-397-1; ISSN: 2184-4313
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
fai et al., 2012), it was proposed that CCNET would
acquire LTI representations (Local translation invari-
For the recognition of the invariant expression
of posture, Lai et al (Lai and Lai, 2018) proposed
the GAN (Generative adversarial networks)-based
frontalization system, whenever the generator frontal
the input face images whereas conserving the identity
and expression attributes and the discriminator recog-
nizes the original face images from the produced face
images. Also, Zhang et al.(Zhang et al., 2018) pro-
posed the GAN model that produces images with var-
ious facial expressions under discretionary postures
for multi-view FER.
The objective of this article is more basic, but
also more general, namely: can recurring connectiv-
ity from associative areas to perceptive areas be use-
ful for classifying expressive events? Our hypothe-
sis is that the deep connectivity of the neural network
offers an advantage in recognizing and anticipating
more ambiguous expressions. For example, at the be-
ginning of a sequence composed of expressions of
neutral with higher intensity. To validate this very
general hypothesis using computational models, we
compare the simplest and comparable types of deep
neural networks to test the importance of recurrent
connections, with everything as similar as possible
(ie identical learning rate, synaptic weight correction,
procedure of training / test, etc.).
Human’s have the capability to identify a person
with a limited facial part. To extract these facial parts
from the face we have used the Facial Landmark De-
tection algorithm offered by Dlib which is an open
source machine learning library. The facial landmark
detection algorithm offered by Dlib is an implemen-
tation of the Ensemble of Regression Trees. It utilizes
the technique of pixel intensity difference to directly
estimate the landmark positions. The algorithm has a
very fast response rate and detects a set of 68 land-
marks on a given face. The landmarks (key points) of
our interest are those that describe the forehead, eyes,
nose and lips. Using the landmarks of the eyes, eye-
brows and nose we find the upper patch between two
eyes which we have called the forehead. Using the
landmarks of the eyes we have extracted the eye re-
gion and similarly the nose and lips. These patches
are cropped out for each face image and saved. These
regions are selected as they give most of the informa-
tion about the expressions as proved in (Taheri et al.,
Our proposed framework is primarily based on the
architecture that processes the gray-scale facial re-
gions of the input face image as shown in Fig. 1, some
preprocessing steps such as Fourier transform fol-
lowed by Gabor filters and Data Augmentation (AU)
(for increasing the number of training samples) are
essential for given facial images. Proposed VGG16 ft
uses the original parameters acquired from the pre-
trained VGG16 which is trained on ImageNet dataset
of grayscale facial images to extract the facial expres-
sion related features. Outputs from all the regions
are concatenated into a large feature vector. Finally,
SVM and KNN with different distance measures are
used for the classification, to predict the basic facial
expressions (happiness, anger, sadness, disgust, sur-
prise, and fear).
To show its efficiency, proposed framework is
tested on well-known facial expression databases
like JAFFE Database (Lyons et al., 1998), VIDEO
Database (Shikkenawis and Mitra, 2016), CK+
Database (Lucey et al., 2010) and Oulu- Casia (Zhao
et al., 2011) in modular way. That is similar to the
Ekman FACS (Facial Action Coding System)(Ekman
and Friesen, 1976). This modular approach is another
main contribution of present work. Instead of taking
the full face some significant portion (forehead, eyes,
nose, and lips) of the face image is used.
The rest of the article is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 provides details of the proposed framework.
Section 3 shows the experiment results and analysis.
Section 4 Concludes the study.
In this segment, we discusses the premise of our tech-
nique and proposed framework which improves the
efficiency and accuracy of the facial expression recog-
nition. As mentioned earlier in the modular approach,
now onward we only consider forehead, eyes, nose,
and lips regions. Fig. 1 demonstrates the proce-
dure of the proposed framework which is divided into
three phases - 1) Preprocessing 2) Feature extraction
3) Classification using SVM and KNN.
2.1 Preprocessing
We used the little similar preprocessing as in the EM-
PATH model given by Dailey et al. (Dailey et al.,
2002). Before the facial recognition, some image pre-
processing need to be done first. Our preprocessing
starts with the transformation of the input facial im-
age to grayscale. This process minimized the vari-
ation of face images. This is a necessary step be-
cause CNN depicted later expects 3 channel input
facial image, this grayscale facial image is depicted
within the 3 channel. Subsequently, we run two pro-
cedures, Fourier transforms followed by Gabor filters
DNNFG: DNN based on Fourier Transform Followed by Gabor Filtering for the Modular FER
Figure 1: Illustration of the proposed Framework.
(improve the speed and encodes the edges ) and Data
Augmentation (increase number of face images in the
database). The subsequent section describes each of
those steps in details.
2.1.1 Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and Gabor
Fast Fourier transform can speed up our procedure
very smoothly. Computation of the 1 Dimensional
(1D) Fourier transformation of N points specifically
requires the order of N
addition/multiplication oper-
ations. Whereas Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) fulfills
the same task in NlogNoperations. 2D Fourier trans-
form is computed by the given equation-
F(p, q) =
f (r, s)e
The face images are transformed in the
Fourier domain and filtered by 48 Gabor filters
(GFs) corresponding to 6 spatial frequencies,
with one octave between the focuses of two
continuous spatial frequency channels that are
= 5.41; 10.77; 21.60;43.20;86.40; 172.8 cycles per
face image and eight exclusive orientations that are
θ = 0,
in radians.
GF can effectively express the characteristics of
the texture. It captures the most exceptional visual
properties and has very positive results in facial recog-
nition. GF cores that contain the real part and the
imaginary part. GF kernels are similar to the profiles
of the receptive field in simple cortical cells, charac-
terized by localization, selective orientation and fre-
quency selectivity. An image is processed by the
kernel element and, then, to produce its correspond-
ing frequency images, which are further employed to
compute to obtain Gabor features for the image.
Different experiments have demonstrated that the
use of GFs impacts in a pinnacle estimation of the
responsive fields of the primary cells of the impera-
tive visible cortex (Hubel and Wiesel, 1968)), given
that the applied math analysis of the residual error be-
tween the distinction within the response profiles of
V1 easy cells and Gabor filters aren’t distinguishable
from probability (Jones and Palmer, 1987).
The face images transferred in the Fourier space
to boost the speed and ease the mathematical pro-
cesses and GFs were applied to every thumbnail by
means that of multiplication within the spectral do-
main (which is resembling a convolution of the Gabor
receptive fields within the spatial domain) is:
G(p, q) = exp[(
)] (2)
where p
=p cos θ + q sin θ and q
=q cos θ -
p sin θ. σ
and σ
are standard deviations (SD’s) of
the Gaussian enfold in the p
and q
(for example or-
thogonal to θ). The yields of Gabor channels were the
provincial vitality spectra that are multiplied by the
kernel of the GF. The GF were applied to the images
acquired from the Fourier domain. So now we get-
ting 48 images of each given image from the 6 spatial
frequency and 8 Gabor channels.
ICPRAM 2020 - 9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Figure 2: Framework for the modified VGG16 ft network, used for extraction of the expression features from the given facial
2.1.2 Data Augmentation
CNN needs massive data so to have the option, to sum
up to a given issue. However, publically available
FER databases do not have sufficient images to han-
dle the problem. Simard et al. (Simard et al., 2003)
suggested data augmentation (DA) procedure extend
the databases through the creation of synthetic face
images for every original face image. Inspired by this
procedure, the following activities had been utilized
as the data augmentation: 1) flipping image vertically
and horizontally 2) Rotate each database image, ro-
tate it at right angles if image is square and rotate it as
if image is rectangular 3) Add the random noise
to the landmarks so as to introduce little deformations
to faces.
2.2 Feature Extraction From Given
Facial Images
Our proposed framework utilizes DNN (deep neu-
ral networK) for feature extraction for FER is relies
on VGG network of Simonyan and Zisserman (Si-
monyan and Zisserman, 2014). They come up with
two versions of VGG: VGG-16 and VGG-19 (i.e. six-
teen and nineteen layers, respectively). VGG16 is
chosen due to the fact of its effective performance in
visible detection and speedy convergence. It’s con-
cerning 138 million parameters and contains 13 con-
volutional layers, followed by 3 fully-connected lay-
ers (FCs). The initial two fully connected layers (FCs)
have 4,096 outputs and the last layer has 2,622 out-
puts. Since the VGG framework not designed for the
FER tasks so we modified the framework according
to our requirements. Fig. 2 demonstrates the essential
module of the framework. Compared with the orig-
inal VGG16, our VGG16 ft (where “ft”means fine-
tuning) is simplified by doing away with two dense
The dimension of the input data for forehead is
54 × 48, for eyes is 39 × 117 , for nose is 50 × 55 and
for lips is 48 × 74. At that point, we fix the struc-
Table 1: Parameters set for fifth block.
conv5 1 conv5 2 conv5 3 Maxpool5
ft ft ft ft
Filters 512 512 1024
size 7×7 5×5 3×3 2×2
stride 1 1 1 2
pad 3 0 0 0
tures of the initial four conv (convolution) blocks of
the VGG16 ft. But we change the structure of fifth
conv block of VGG16 ft and also change the names
of each layer just by adding “ft”at the end of the origi-
nal layer name. So now layer name of fifth conv block
is like conv5 1 ft. The parameters whose change the
structure of the layer is shown in Table. ??. Based
on experiments last dense layer preserved and set its
dimension to 1 × 1024. That dimension is actually
the extracted feature of input image denoted as fea-
ture vector “fv 1” for the forehead, “fv 2” for the
eyes, “fv 3” for the nose and “fv 4” for the lips. We
decline the learning rates of layers that have a place
with the fifth conv block by 10 times (learning rate
for fifth conv block is .001 ) of other block learning
rate (.01 used for other conv blocks) to ensure that
that they’ll learn more positive information. At last,
the initial portion of the system is initialized with the
VGG16 model weights which are trained on the Ima-
genet dataset. ReLu (Rectified Linear Unit) is applied
after every convolutional layer.
2.3 Concatenation of Different Outputs
and Classification
Fig. 1 shows our proposed framework. Expres-
sion features fv is the concatenation of the feature
vector came from forehead (fv
1), eyes (fv 2), nose
(fv 3) and lips (fv 4). After getting the feature vector
next step to do the classification. In the classifica-
tion process, the similarity between extracted features
of the display set and the probe set is evaluated by
the SVM and K nearest-neighbor (K=1,2,3) classifier
DNNFG: DNN based on Fourier Transform Followed by Gabor Filtering for the Modular FER
with various distance measures. Euclidean distance,
Chi-square distance, as well as histogram intersection
(HI) are utilized in our experiments. Which are de-
fined as in Eq. 3, 4 and 5
, y
) =
i, j
1i, j
1i, j
1i, j
1i, j
, y
) =
i, j
1i, j
, y
1i, j
) (5)
For the computation loss, we used the MSE (mean
square error) till now it is best for the SVM and KNN
classification, Which is defined as
Loss =
k O
Where N is the total numbers of input images, Y and
Y’ the true and predicted outputs, respectively.
To approve the hypothetical conclusion of the pro-
posed framework, experiments were performed on the
four facial datasets. 1) JAFFE database having 213 fa-
cial images of 10 Japanese female models of 7 facial
expressions (6 basic facial expressions + 1 neutral)
All the face images are of size 256 × 256 which are
cut as discussed in four regions. Out of 213 images,
random 140 images were chosen for the training and
the remaining 73 were used for testing.
2) The Video database has videos of 11 persons.
Each video contains four different expressions: Nor-
mal, Smiling, Angry, and Open mouth. Out of 6668
images, randomly 70% images were chosen for train-
ing and remaining 30% images used as testing.
3) In CK+ there are 593 sequences across 123
persons giving 8 facial expressions. This paper uses
image sequences of 99 subjects with 7 facial expres-
sions.The face images of CK+ are cut into four infor-
mative regions.
4) Oulu-Casia has 6 facial expressions (anger,
happiness, surprise, fear, disgust and sad) form 80 dif-
ferent subjects between 23 to 58 years of age. 73.8%
of the persons are males. Out of 3360 images ran-
domly 70% images were chosen for training and re-
maining 30% images used as testing. The face images
of Oulu-Casia are cut into four informative regions.
The convergences of the proposed methodology
are assessed in four benchmark datasets, and the out-
comes are delineated in Figs. 3, 4, 5 and 6. Each sub-
figure demonstrates the trends of accuracy and loss
with the rise in iterations. Table 2 shows the Com-
parison between the Holistic and Modular approach
in our proposed framework in the light of SVM and
KNN as the classifier for all datasets.
Figure 3: Curves of Accuracy and Loss during training and
testing phases for JAFFE dataset.
Figure 4: Curves of Accuracy and Loss during training and
testing phases for VIDEO dataset.
Figure 5: Curves of Accuracy and Loss during training and
testing phases for CK+ dataset.
Figure 6: Curves of Accuracy and Loss during training and
testing phases for Oulu-Casia dataset.
ICPRAM 2020 - 9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Table 2: Comparison between the Holistic and Modular approach in our proposed framework in the light of SVM and
KNN as the classifier for all datasets (In terms of average accuracy (%) reported for 50 iterations).
Holistic Modular
Euclidean Chi Histogram Euclidean Chi Histogram
Square Intersection Square Intersection
JAFFE 93.02 90.32 82.42 80.02 95.87 93.42 90.32 87.27
VIDEO 92.47 88.23 80.98 78.02 96.67 92.50 89.41 85.49
CK+ 91.45 88.71 86.41 83.54 96.78 91.24 87.79 89.64
OULU-CASIA 91.40 87.30 79.89 76.20 96.08 89.56 85.64 83.20
Table 3: Comparison with Recognition Accuracy reported in some State-of-the-Art facial expression methods.
DataBase Methods Network Additional Accuracy
Type Classifiers
Ouellet (Ouellet, 2014) CNN (AlexNet) SVM 94.40%
Li et al. (Li and Lam, 2015) RBM - 95.04 %
Liu et al. (Liu et al., 2014) DBN Adaboost 96.07%
Liu et al. (Liu et al., 2013) CNN, RBM SVM 92.05%
Khorrami et al. (Khorrami et al., 2015) zero-bias CNN - 95.01%
Ding et al. (Ding et al., 2017) CNN with fine-tune - 96.08%
Zeng et al. (Zeng et al., 2018) DAE - 93.78%
Cai et al. (Cai et al., 2018) CNN+loss layer - 90.66%
Liu et al. (Liu et al., 2017) CNN+loss layer - 96.10%
Yang et al. (Yang et al., 2018) GAN - 96.00%
Ours DNNFG 96.78%
Hamester et al. (Hamester et al., 2015) CNN, CAE - 95.8%
shan et al. (Shan et al., 2017) CNN - 76.74 %
Liu et al. (Liu et al., 2014) DBN Adaboost 91.8%
Yang et al. (Yang et al., 2018) WMDNN - 92.89%
Su et al. (Su et al., 2017) zero-bias CNN - 95.01%
Ours DNNFG SVM 95.87%
Yang et al. (Yang et al., 2018) WMDNN - 92.89%
Salman et al. (Salmam et al., 2018) FDP NN 84.70 %
Aly et. al. (Aly et al., 2016) HOG DKDA 84.21%
Lopes et. al. (Lopes et al., 2017) CNN - 96.42%
Ours DNNFG SVM 96.08%
To assess the qualitative execution of the proposed
framework, facial images are gathered from the In-
ternet for evaluation. Fig.7 interpret the successful
expression recognition, Whereas Fig. 8 failed recog-
nition of expression. Table 3 compares recognition
results of the proposed technique with that of few
State-of-the-art Neural Network-based facial expres-
sion recognition techniques.
This study investigates the FER technique primarily
based on the architecture that processes facial regions
of the given grayscale facial image and captures the
local information of the face. VGG16 ft has auto-
matically extracted the features from the given facial
regions and concatenated the features from all the re-
gions of the face.
Fine-tuning utilized to train the system with
the original parameters achieved from the Imagenet
Furthermore, classifiers like SVM and KNN (with
different distance measures) are used to classify the
concatenated features. The proposed technique to
recognize an individual expression using partial facts
from the whole face image is explored during this
work. The proposed method is applied to most infor-
mative regions of the face i.e. forehead, eyes, nose,
and lips. It is observed that a combination of these
regions is useful enough to distinguish facial expres-
DNNFG: DNN based on Fourier Transform Followed by Gabor Filtering for the Modular FER
Figure 7: Successful recognition of face images taken from
the Internet.
Figure 8: Unsuccessful recognition of face images taken
from the Internet.
sions of different persons or the same persons in most
of the cases. The evaluation was done on four datasets
(JAFFE, VIDEO, CK+ and Oulu-casia) to prove the
effectiveness of our framework by recognizing the ba-
sic expressions.
In the future, we will focus on simplifying the net-
work used to boost up the algorithm. Furthermore, we
intend to add channels of facial images that can be uti-
lized to improve the framework.
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DNNFG: DNN based on Fourier Transform Followed by Gabor Filtering for the Modular FER