• The missing link is usually a PDM, a model of the
target framework. A PDM is now mandatory. It
can be obtained by model driven reverse engineer-
ing (André, 2019).
The maintenance of control systems software high-
lights the need for industrialisation tools that go be-
yond integrated development. The manual develop-
ment enables to carry the main design decisions but
takes time and is subject to the developers experience
and availability especially during maintenance. The
code generators of many case tools typically produce
skeletons where the bulk of the development remains
to be done. Integrated MDA solutions exist but for
a limited range of application. We propose a generic
model transformation workflow where the complexity
should rely to the process not the atomic transforma-
tions. To reduce a technical debt, we must abstract
the infrastructure and reason at the model level while
helping to refine these models. Enriching models, for-
malizing development processes, making composable
customized transformations are tracks we follow.
Much work remains to be done, that are challeng-
ing. From a theoretical point of view, the transforma-
tion processes remain little explored. One perspective
is to design an algebra of transformations to combine
them by assertion conditions. From a practical point
of view, we still need to rationalise the software en-
gineering process as a combination of decisions and
experiment with a typology of transformations. From
a tooling point of view, it is necessary to be able to
reverse engineering the design frameworks as PDM
and to combine transformations written in different
languages and that are interactive so that the designer
influences the design choices.
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MODELSWARD 2020 - 8th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development