cessing unit that, having a full Unix-like operating
system, is powerful, flexible and it automatically rec-
ognize many data acquisition devices.
We present in this manuscript a new simple solu-
tion for remote data acquisition based on the Rasp-
berry PI and the SOS standard. The key advantage of
this solution is twofold: to keep simple the tasks to be
accomplished on board of the remote terminal toward
solidity and power efficiency in order to make it fit a
long-term remote monitoring plan; and maximize the
accessibility and reusability of the produced data set
through standardization. The novelty of the presented
approach is the presence of above two key elements
in a single solution, as will be expanded in the fol-
lowing section about related works. In fact, even if
many data acquisition solutions have been presented
in past decades, they suffer of lack of standardisa-
tion or lack of simplicity, that means maintainability,
solidity, configurability and lightness. Assuming to
have access to online SOS services, the presented so-
lution turns a smart device with a sensor into an au-
tonomous, real-time, long-term data acquisition sta-
This section contains an overview of recent works re-
lated to sensor data acquisition systems that make use
of low-cost devices. A comparison of the approach
used and the solution presented in this manuscript is
made for each of them.
A Ferdoush and Li paper (Ferdoush and Li, 2014)
of 2014 describes a wireless sensor network system
that uses a Raspberry PI as base station and some
other a Raspberry PIs as remote acquisition stations
for environmental monitoring. The system is de-
signed to work in indoor small environment. The base
station is in charge of archiving all the data in a lo-
cal database and to run the visualization Web-based
service. This solution has two drawbacks. The data
security and service availability are demanded to a a
Raspberry PI which has notoriously long-term stor-
age issues. Data accessibility is relegated to a visu-
alization Web interface without any data set sharing
service that will allow data usage from third parts.
In 2016, Saraiva et al. (Saraiva et al., 2016) pre-
sented a solution for data acquisition based on a low-
power single board computer as remote terminal and
a free online service for data storage. They witnessed
high latency between data acquisition and data online
publication, together with number precision, due to
the limitation of the online service used as data set
manager. They used a Google spreadsheet as archive
file. Even if the usage of an online data repository of-
fers good data availability, the use of a custom table
format is still a limit for data access and data reuse.
Shete and Agrawal paper (Shete and Agrawal,
2016) of 2016 presents a stand-alone system based on
the Raspberry Pi and Python scripts for environmen-
tal observation. The system provides near real time
data to subscribed clients via Internet, but it lacks a
storage feature. The clients are ad-hoc software that
use an optimized transmission protocol, namely MQTT
which is a machine-to-machine/IoT connectivity pro-
Mohanraj et al. paper (Mohanraj et al., 2017) of
2017 presents a solution for monitoring critical pa-
rameters of patients using sensors that uses a low-cost
terminal with connected sensors to collect data and a
standard PC to process and visualise them through a
Lab VIEW interface. This solution is designed for
real-time monitoring on a single station running the
appropriate graphical interface and, so, it lacks any
data access and data availability feature.
Samourkasidis and Athanasiadis paper
(Samourkasidis and Athanasiadis, 2017) of 2017
introduce a Python based software solution for
Raspberry PI able to collect local attached sensor
data, stores the data using a lightweight database and
provides the data according the Sensor Observation
Service specification. It is basically an all-in-one
solution that has the capability of back up the data in
an online service. This approach suffers, on the data
availability side, of the limited computing power of
the Raspberry that might be stressed in the case of
clients intense requests.
Alkandari and Moein paper (Alkandari and
Moein, 2018) of 2018 presents a solution for air qual-
ity monitoring. It uses a Raspberry PI connected to
some sensors to acquire data, then a record is created
into a local excel file and further processing may trig-
ger a warning email along with a local graphics in-
terface that plots the collected data. This solution is
an interesting case of stand-alone station for environ-
mental monitoring but it has a drawback about data
accessibility and security due to the data set design
which is locally managed in a simple spreadsheet.
The Chase et al. paper (Chase et al., 2018) ap-
peared on Sensors (2018) describes a stand-alone
platform based on a low-cost IoT terminal with sen-
sors for in-situ monitoring of environmental param-
eters. It uses ThingSpeak (thi, ) online platform to
archive and analyze data. The paper deeply analyzes
the power consumption of the solution which is de-
signed for applications in remote environment and
then it is designed to be power efficient and mainte-
nance free. Internet connection is provided by a Wi-Fi
Affordable Remote Terminal for Sensor Observation Service