tools. Also more protocols will have to be imple-
mented as instances of the meta model. The pool of
available network protocols could be increased with
import functionality from other tools. Furthermore,
new tools like a visual editor for network protocols
would facilitate working with the meta model.
The most important task is indeed the design of
an abstraction layer for the constraints regarding field
types and dependencies between fields. These con-
straints are defined by multiple assertions, rules, and
optionally by model extensions. This abstraction
layer could be applied as specific comments or anno-
tations within the different XML documents of a meta
model instance. It combines a set of assertions and
rules, and supplies the upper layer with a semantic de-
scription of its functionality. For example, it ensures
that field X is an integer and has to be interpreted as
length of field Y. Meta model tools could implement
this abstraction layer and help to improve the com-
pleteness and correctness of meta model instances.
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ICISSP 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy