number of right predictions for both text detection and
recognition tasks were manually verified and counted
for both the samples of the image. Since the im-
age quality between the two images is similar and the
same text recognition model setting is used, it makes
the obtained results comparable. It was observed that
the morphological correction improved both the lo-
calization and prediction of hand written text by 25%
on average for each image. It was also noticed that
page numbers, headings and text that were close to
the boundaries had much better results than before.
An example of the result is shown in Figure 8.
A novel page detection algorithm has been presented
which eliminates border noise by segmenting the
main page region from the rest of the image. The
importance of using HSV colour model for histori-
cal document processing was elaborated. With less
assumptions, it was showed that the page detection
could also work for complex page structures. It
was also demonstrated that the detected page poly-
gon could be used as a feature for reducing deforma-
tion. Finally, the page with reduced deformations was
proved to perform better in automatic text detection
The research activities described in this paper were
funded by The Department of Culture, Youth &
Media, Flanders (Belgium) for the Flore de Gand
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Page Boundary Extraction of Bound Historical Herbaria