predominance of the drift component of the photo-
EMF with a corresponding change in polarity is
observed (figure 2, curves 2-4). At the same time, a
change in the photoelectric effect spectra occurs,
which may be due to the spectral dependence of the
magnitude of the resulting band bending upon
excitation. So, on the deposition of dyes on a silicon
surface, the effect of a change in the sign of the
photopotential was revealed under illumination in
different spectral regions (Komolov, et al, 2006), as
well as a sensitized photovoltaic effect (Goryaev,
2017, 2019, Goryaev and Castro, 2018).
Figure 5 also shows that the magnitude of the
change in photoelectromotive force is different for
different layers: for GST 124 samples, the influence
of amorphous layers is by an order of magnitude
greater than for GST 225, and by 3 orders of
magnitude greater than for GST 147.
The difference in the nature of the change in
photo-electromotive force for different GST
compositions and the specific features of the
dielectric spectra can be explained by the specific
features of the energy spectrum of the amorphous
phase of the Ge-Sb-Te system. Fluctuations in the
composition should lead to the fluctuations in the
electrophysical properties of materials, and,
accordingly, to fluctuations in the edges of the bands
and energy levels of localized states in accordance
with the model proposed in (Voronklov, et al, 1974).
Changes in the energy spectrum reflect changes in the
structure that the amorphous system undergoes with
an increase in the concentration fraction of
germanium and a decrease in the concentration
fraction of antimony. According to the presented data
of X-ray spectral analysis (figure 1), with a change in
composition, a change in the distance S between the
most frequently encountered pairs of atoms is
observed. Decrease or increase in S causes a change
in polarization due to a change in the resulting dipole
moment of the system. A change in the polarization
of the system, in turn, is expressed in a change in the
dielectric capacitivity. These changes determine the
different contribution to the development of the
observed relaxation and photostimulated processes in
the Ge-Sb-Te/Si structures.
The dielectric relaxation and photo-electromotive
force spectra in Ge-Sb-Te/Si structures were
experimentally studied. It was found that the value of
the change in photo-EMF is different for different
layers: on samples with GST 124, the influence of
amorphous layers is by an order of magnitude greater
than for GST 225, and by 3 orders of magnitude
greater than for GST 147. This difference in the
nature of the change in photoelectromotive force and
the features of the dielectric spectra for different GST
compositions can be explained by the structural
features of the amorphous phase of the Ge-Sb-Te
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