mation is represented in an 8-bit format, which cor-
responds to an ASCII (American Standard Code for
Information Interchange) character.
Because the optimal architecture of the neural net-
works depends in its great majority of its specific ap-
plication (Rojas, 1996), we will compare two pro-
posed models of architectures and try to find the best
it as a model of encryption / decryption.
For this, we will perform a series of tests in which
we will vary some parameters such as: number of in-
ternal neurons, among others. And we will observe
the accuracy of the entire network after each test. And
so, we will choose the network with the greatest ac-
Neural networks can accurately identify a nonlin-
ear system model from the inputs and outputs of a
complex system, and do not need to know the exact
relationship between inputs and outputs (Charniya,
2013). All this makes the use of an ANN viable, in the
process of encryption and decryption of data. Artifi-
cial Neural Networks offer a very powerful and gen-
eral framework for representing the nonlinear map-
ping of several input variables to several output vari-
ables. Based on this concept, an encryption system by
using a key that changes permanently was developed.
In Volna’s work, the topology is very important issue
to achieve a correct function of the system, therefore
a multilayer topology was implemented, considered
the more indicated topology in this case. Also for the
encryption and decryption process, it was carried out
using a Back-propagation; technique compatible with
the topology (Volna et al., 2012).
Neural networks can be used to generate common
secret key (Jogdand, 2011). The neural cryptography,
exist two networks that receive an identical input vec-
tor, generate an output bit and are trained based on
the output bit. Both networks and their weight vec-
tors exhibit a novel phenomenon, where the networks
synchronize to a state with identical time-dependent
weights. The generated secret key over a public chan-
nel is used for encrypting and decrypting the informa-
tion being sent on the channel.
A watermarking technique to hides information in
images to diminish copyright violations and falsifi-
cation is proposed (Wang et al., 2006). Basically, it
embeds a little image that represent a signature into
another image. This paper uses techniques as human
visual system (HVS) and discrete wavelet transform
(DWT) to decompose the host image in L-levels. This
is the reason for the Wavelet Domain in the tittle. The
method is embed the watermark into the wavelet co-
efficients chosen by HVS (brightness, weight factor).
This uses neural network to memorize the relation-
ship between the watermark W and the wavelet coef-
ficients I. The topology is a 8, 5 and 1 layer for input,
hidden and output layer respectively. When the net-
work is trained it is capable of recover the watermark
image. The experiment introduces different ranges of
noise into the hos image and see the capability of re-
cover the watermark image.
The application of interacting neural networks for
key exchange over a public channel is showed (Kinzel
and Kanter, 2016). It seems that two neural networks
mutely trained, achieve a synchronization state where
its time dependent synaptic weights are exactly the
same. Neural cryptography uses a topology called
tree parity machine which consist of one output neu-
ron, K hidden neurons and K*N input neurons. The
hidden values are equal to the sign function of dot
product of input and weights while the output value
is the multiplication of hidden values. The training
process is carried out comparing the outputs of the
corresponding tree parity machines of two partners
A and B. It has not been proved that no exits an al-
gorithm for success attack, but this approach is very
hard to crack by brute force. Even though an attacker
knows the input/output relation and knows the algo-
rithm, he is not able to recover the secret common key
that A and B uses for encryption. Neural networks are
the unique algorithm for key generation over a public
channel that is not based on number theory. Its main
advantages over traditional approaches are: it simple,
low computations for training and a new key is gener-
ated for each message exchange.
Likewise, the applications of mutual learning neu-
ral networks that get synchronization of their time de-
pendent weights is showed (Klein et al., 2005). It
suggests that synchronization is novel approach for
the generation of a secure cryptographic secret-key
using a public channel. For a further insights over
the synchronization, the process is analytically de-
scribed using statistical physics methods. This works
describes the learning process in a simple network,
where two perceptrons receive a common and change
their weights according to their mutual output, and the
learning process in a tree parity machines. In addition,
a new technique that combines neural networks with
chaos synchronization. This seems to be the most se-
cure against attackers. Finally, this works explains the
different kind of attacker techniques and suggest that
using a big enough weight space the systems becomes
more secure.
Another field in which neural networks have been
applied together with cryptography is Steganalysis.
ICAART 2020 - 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence