Here we plot the time necessary for the verify pro-
cess, as showing in Figure 8, our verify algorithms is
much more efficient than the original MVC scheme.
We believe these numbers show that our protocol is
applicable in a practical setting.
Unfortunately, since we used the Pollard’s kanga-
roo algorithm (Pollard, 1978) to solve the discrete log
problem in the decryption. The time we spend in the
decryption process is still relatively long, it is accept-
able when the input length is shorter than 50-bit.
Figure 8: Comparison with (Choi et al., 2013).
In this paper, we provide a general transformation
from HPRA to MVC. We also implemented an MVC
scheme for computing the linear combinations of vec-
tors over a finite field. To our best knowledge, this is
the first implementable MVC scheme for outsourcing
specific computation to date. Our implementation re-
quires the computation of discrete logarithms. How
to avoid the the expensive operations of computing
discrete logarithms is an open question for further re-
This work is supported by National Natural Science
Foundation of China (Grant No. 61602304). The
authors thank Zidong Lu for useful helping provided
in experiment environment configuration and C pro-
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ICISSP 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy