Table 2: Major Tweets and Contents of Top Five Micro-
Clusters of Burst1: Experiment 1 (s 1 = 0.5, s’ 2 = 0.2).
ID Major Tweets Contents
1 Kaneka was authorized as a child-rearing
support company by the the Health and
Welfare Ministry. I can’t believe it. We
cannot trust the authorization. Kaneka bul-
lies employees.
This micro-cluster shows the
beginning of condemnation for
2 The page for childcare leave has been
deleted, so I’ll post it from the cache.
This micro-cluster contains
tweets about the deletion of
childcare pages from Kaneka’s
3 Kaneka deleted the childcare leave pages,
because Twitter erupted with a post about
a male employee who has taken childcare
This micro-cluster directs us to
the site containing an archived
version of the deleted childcare
pages from Kaneka’s website.
4 I personally think that it is not his childcare
leave but his home building. There are a lot
of employees who were forced to leave the
house just after their home was completed.
Apparently it’s just after a mortgage, so it’s
likely that he won’t quit even if he makes a
violent personnel change.
This micro-cluster suggests
another reason for the com-
pany’s decision: construction
of his home.
5 I think that there are some old Japanese
companies that used excuses like “trans-
ferred when he bought a house” and “trans-
ferred when a child was born”. The era
has definitely changed since things will
be spread by SNS. Kaneka should be de-
This micro-cluster shows con-
demnation of Kaneka’s deci-
sion to transfer the employee.
Table 3: Major Tweets and Contents of Top Five Micro-
Clusters of Burst1: Experiment 2 (s 2 = 0.3, s’ 2 = 0.2).
ID Major Tweets Contents
1 I personally think that it is not his childcare
leave but his home building. There are a lot
of employees who were forced to leave the
house just after their home was completed.
Apparently it’s just after a mortgage, so it’s
likely that he won’t quit even if he make a
violent personnel change.
This micro-cluster is a com-
bined cluster consists of #1, #4
and #5 of Figure refF6.
2 The page for childcare leave has been
deleted, so I’ll post it from the cache.
This micro-cluster is also
related to the deletion of
childcare pages from Kaneka’s
3 Kaneka deleted the childcare leave pages,
because Twitter erupted with a post about
a male employee who has taken childcare
This micro-cluster directs us
to a site containing an archive
of the deleted childcare pages
from Kaneka’s website.
4 It is a retirement issue due to forced trans-
fer, but if you are a shareholder, it is very
This micro-cluster examines
another reason for the com-
pany’s decision. It was not the
childcare leave, but his home
5 Moreover, it is a clear violation of the law
not to allow paid vacation use. It is also
a violation for the company to specify the
retirement date. Even my previous job
(SMEs close to black) was paid when I quit
This micro-cluster is a com-
bined cluster for the condem-
nation for Kaneka’s decision
related to the transfer. Posters
are worries about the stock
event in this burst.
For Burst2 and Burst3 in Figure 2, micro-
clustering can be adopted as well (Figure 7). To an-
alyze the micro-clusters in Figure 7, we detect the
causes of the burst.
This paper proposed a visualization method for ex-
amining bursting Twitter topics based on micro-
clustering. The finer degree of detail offered
by micro-clustering makes the differences between
users’ reactions clearer by subdividing those reactions
into subtopics. Evaluating micro-clusters over time
allows us to identify the causes of a target burst topic.
In our future work, we intend to apply our method
to different topics about a greater variety of events.
We also plan to propose a model for detecting topic
bursts in social media automatically.
This work was partially supported by JSPS KAK-
ENHI Grant Numbers 18K11443, 19K12125,
19H01133, 19J00871, and 17H00762.
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Twitter Topic Progress Visualization using Micro-clustering