Another possibility to enhance anomaly detection,
especially swarming detection, is to include a second
training process to introduce α as a trainable param-
eter. This requires a labeled dataset and is therefore
subject to future analysis.
In future work we will experiment with other
types of networks, e.g. generative models such as
generative adversarial networks or variational autoen-
coders. This has two key advantages: A) they al-
low anomalies to be contained in the training set, and
B) classification is based on probability rather than
reconstruction error (An and Cho, 2015). The param-
eter α would then be more interpretable.
Hibernation Period. We excluded the months Octo-
ber through March in any dataset (cf. Section 3). De-
tecting anomalies during this hibernation time is sub-
ject to future work, as the assumption of a nearly con-
stant temperature within the colony (34.5
C) is void.
Especially in Bad Schwartau, sea wind is an environ-
mental influence that incurs very high deviations from
the mentioned normal behavior which also increases
the chances of sensor anomalies. Additionally, inter-
nal temperature sensors start to mimic the patterns of
the outside sensors.
Dataset Generation. Due to its data-driven fashion,
our method can be improved continuously by inte-
grating collected information in we4bee. This project
comprises a broad spatial distribution of apiaries, en-
abling us to collect a large amount of data fast. Partic-
ipating apiarists can further improve our model by la-
beling events presented to them. Furthermore we can
use our model as an alert-system to predictively warn
beekeepers about ongoing anomalies, whose feed-
back can again improve our predictions.
This research was conducted in the we4bee project
sponsored by the Audi Environmental Foundation.
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Anomaly Detection in Beehives using Deep Recurrent Autoencoders