rounds and multiplications to evaluate the communi-
cation costs of the protocols.
In comparison protocols, for the sake of simplic-
ity, we assume that the compared values are restricted
to less than
and p = 2
−c, where c is a small
integer. Therefore, only one attempt is required to
compute r < p in RBVS protocol. In interval test
protocols, inputs are arbitrary values in Z
, and two
attempts are required.
Table 1: Complexities of comparison protocols.
Rounds Multiplications
ard et al., 2006) 44 148l + 188llog
(Nishide and Ohta, 2007) 13 36l + 1
(Reistad and Toft, 2007) 8 20l + 36llog
l + 6
(Reistad, 2009) 6 7.5l + 11
Proposed 5 (6 + 5/6)l + 3
Table 2: Complexities of interval test protocols.
Rounds Multiplications
(Nishide and Ohta, 2007) 13 72l + 1
Proposed 5 (24+ 5/3)l + 9
The main results obtained in this study are as follows.
• By using a shuffling protocol, we proposed a five-
round secure comparison protocol .
• We constructed a five-round secure interval test
protocol by applying our secure comparison pro-
• We showed that proposed protocols have less
communication costs than existing protocols.
In future studies, we will consider methods to further
reduce the communication costs of our protocols.
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ICISSP 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy