Figure 3: Comparison of appliance-wise percentage mean
absolute errors (PMAE
ered to reduce the estimation errors of the appliances
that only works occasionally, such as washing ma-
chines and heaters.
In this study, we focused on a nonintrusive appliance
load monitoring scheme based on Gaussian-softmax
RBM, and proposed to introduce the temporal reser-
voir function for the purpose of modeling the nonlin-
ear temporal behavior of the appliance load consump-
tion. The proposed framework was evaluated from the
viewpoint of estimation accuracy by numerical exper-
iments. The experimental results show that the in-
troduction of the reservoir tends to improve the es-
timation accuracy of the appliance-wise energy con-
sumption. Thus, the proposed architecture will be a
promising framework for handling nonlinear tempo-
ral dynamics in appliance load.
Our experimental results suggested that an explicit
mechanism is required to further improve the estima-
tion accuracy for the appliances that only work occa-
sionally, such as washing machines and heaters. Ad-
ditionally, we also plan to develop a scheme utilizing
information stored in the reservoir during the NILM
process for the short-term forecast of appliance-wise
electricity consumption, though it remains as a future
A part of this work was supported by the Japan Sci-
ence and Technology Agency (JST), Core Research
for Evolutional Science and Technology (CREST)
Program, under Grant JPMJCR15K5.
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ICAART 2020 - 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence