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to the ASC task. We developed a method that exploits
the data programming paradigm in order to address
the problem. We tested the method on two disjoint
domains, laptops and restaurants. We tuned a Snorkel
generative model for each domain and used them to
label the data in a probabilistic manner. Resulting
probabilistic training sets were used to fine-tune dis-
criminative models proposed in (Xu et al., 2019) that
were previously post-trained with unlabeled domain
The experiments we carried out offer many hints
for future work. In particular, obtained results sug-
gest that the approach can be used cross-domain. We
plan to perform more experiments on larger datasets
in order to confirm initial intuitions. Our future work
will be focused on real world datasets to perform ex-
tensive experiments on scalability and performances
of the method we have proposed in this paper. More-
over, we will improve the method by defining further
LFs templates while maintaining its simplicity.
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