and proposed the application of these on EAST-ADL
architecture models where possible.
The results of this paper do not provide a classi-
fication of which values can be regarded as “good”
or “bad” for the metrics. For this purpose, a detailed
evaluation of the metrics on models of already known
quality is necessary. Then, using these metrics as key
values to support other analysis like the partition anal-
ysis of EAST-ADL models (Etzel and Bauer, 2019)
would be an application.
Section 4 exploits only a very small selection
of available metrics for the quality determination of
software, system and hardware design. Many more
measures can be examined for their transferability to
EAST-ADL models (see Section 5). Transferring the
presented metrics to the more widespread SysML was
not considered in this paper but may be of particular
interest, since EAST-ADL is a specialization of this
modeling language. As mentioned, a further analysis
of the cyclomatic complexity in the context of EAST-
ADL models may be valuable (see Section 4.1.2).
This work was partially funded within the project
ARAMiS II by the German Federal Ministry for Edu-
cation and Research with the funding ID 01IS16025.
The responsibility for the content remains with the au-
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MODELSWARD 2020 - 8th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development