This study has developed an optimisation model to
select the most suitable airport to serve as a base for
flying vehicles that carry out extinguishing work in
the case of a wildfire. The model was applied to
evaluate two Swedish cases: Surahammar in 2014 and
Ljusdal in 2018. In both cases, the optimisation model
primarily chose the airport that is most proximal to
the site of the fire. If the capacity of the chosen airport
was not sufficient to host all of the flying vehicles,
then one additional airport was selected from the
remaining airports that are located nearest to the
wildfire. The examples demonstrate that the total cost
of the fire extinguishing operation would be lower if
the work is concentrated such that there is a short
distance from the airport to the fire, the aviation fuel
depot and the pilots’ accommodation. The
optimisation model provided a reliable result because
it identified the same airport for the case of
Surahammar that actually acted as the base for the
extinguishing work in 2014. In addition, it
recommended Sundsvall-Timrå Airport in the second
case of Ljusdal for the lowest possible cost of the
operation in 2018. Thereby, the optimisation model
reveals that the actual choice of Örebro Airport as the
base for the flying resources was an improper
decision from a cost perspective, which confirms the
perceptions of officials regarding that matter.
To enhance its usefulness for relevant
decisionmakers, the proposed optimisation model
should be subject to improvement. For example, the
model could further include the risk of wildfires
occurring simultaneously in different areas or of a
new wildfire arising while the extinguishing work is
still ongoing in some areas. Future analyses could
consider a larger number and variety of airports and
flying vehicles or extend the model to include
ground-based resources. In addition, the surrounding
conditions and their effects on the optimisation
should be a topic of further research. Examples
include the potential rationing of refuel, necessary
availability of both communication services for the
operative crisis management and maintenance
services for flying vehicles, and staffing of the
different functions that relate to the transportation by
air. The latter also encompasses issues such as regular
staff changes and recreation possibilities during long-
lasting operations, such as wildfire extinguishing
The optimisation model and result accuracy could
significantly improve if data and information are
publicly available. Heightened access to relevant data
in the context of crisis management by air could allow
for the inclusion of additional parameters and correct
data in the optimisation model, which can in turn
provide more comprehensive decision-making
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ICORES 2020 - 9th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems